Marvel's Hogwarts Professor

Chapter 592 Kama Taj Battle Mage, Introducer

Gudu! Gudu!

Strange wiped the sweat from his face and drank a few gulps of cold water.

Behind him, several mages were fighting fiercely.

The whistling of sticks, the cracking of whips, the roar of magic, etc. can be heard almost every moment.

At this moment, Strange's face was red from fighting, but he still couldn't hide his joy.

Finally joined the ranks of battle mages.

In frontline battlefields such as the Dimensional Gap, Strange has met with Master Arnold many times, but he always shirks him for various reasons.

Later Strange also figured it out.

The road still has to be walked step by step, and the food still has to be eaten bite by bite.

You may not be able to participate in the frontline battlefield for the time being.

But let's do some combat missions first. On the one hand, you can exercise your actual combat experience, and on the other hand, you can also accumulate qualifications.

Master Arnold didn't take it lightly, using his inexperience as an excuse.

Strange drank cold water while looking at the many mages fighting fiercely.

Watching them skillfully perform various magics, one moment they turn into long energy sticks, the next moment they turn into long knives, and sometimes they turn into shields. They have all kinds of weapons. It can be said that every mage is an arsenal of weapons.

From time to time, he would close the distance, slash with his sword, then stride back, widen the distance, and cast magic.

Walking with wonderful steps, stagger various attacks and find the right time to counterattack.

Tsk, tsk, tsk, full of aggression, even just looking at it makes me feel very happy.

Strange thought silently.

The originally turbulent magic power in the body gradually stabilized, and the amount was almost restored.

The hanging ring in Strange's hand turned slightly, and two red-flame short sticks suddenly appeared in his hands.

Take a few steps forward and prepare to join the battle again.

At this moment, suddenly...

"Warning, warning, energy anomaly detected."

"Teams 3 and 4 of battle mages gather!"

"Repeat again:"

"Teams 3 and 4 of battle mages gather!"


The cigarette was repeated several times, and like some mages, Strange's face became serious, but added a hint of excitement.

He is now part of Team 4!

"Three teams gather forward!"

"Team 4 gather forward!"

Sure enough, two loud sounds sounded, indicating that the mage was striding forward, and Strange couldn't help but speed up his pace.

Soon, he met his captain-Laurie Stern.

"Master Ryan, we are going on a mission this time, right?" Strange whispered to his introducer Ryan.

Yes, joining a combat team also requires an introduction.

A battle mage's life would definitely be in danger, and the Karma Taj London Temple would never let a person with no combat experience join it.

So there must be screening, there must be assessment, and there must be introducers.

Every introducer will be responsible for the mage he introduces, especially the small details he has just added. It is very easy for the mage who has just joined to make mistakes, and even pay the price with his own life.

In a sense, the relationship between the introducer and the introduced person is very close.

After Master Ryan heard Strange's question, he smiled and touched his beard and said: "Yes, this is your first mission, Strange."

Then, with a serious look on his face, he reminded: "When you go on a mission for the first time, don't always think about doing something."

"I know you still have talent, your fighting ability is not weak, and you are also very smart."

"But this time remember my advice."

"Read more and ask less. If you don't understand, ask me again after the mission is over."

"During the mission, don't do unnecessary things."

Hearing this, Strange nodded to express his understanding, but Ryan couldn't help but feel a headache when he saw the expectant and even excited expression on his face.

He finally knew the pain of the guardian mage Arnold.

Strange is a genius and can compete with him in a short period of time.

Of course, he didn't cast some powerful magic, but it still speaks volumes about Strange's talent.

Such a genius, who doesn't have his own ideas in his heart?

They are all a bunch of thorns. No matter how much they say, he won't listen.

Hey, Ryan couldn't help but feel speechless when he recalled his state when he was young.

Because he found that he was like this when he was young.

Later, after experiencing more things, I became calmer and more cautious.

"Strange, you have to remember that a genius is no longer a genius if he dies."

After thinking about it, Ryan warned again.

Although he felt that this task might not be difficult, it still needed to be stressed.

"Okay, I understand, Master Ryan, I will pay attention." Strange said very quickly.

Okay, that's nonsense again!

Seeing Stringy's expression of not listening at all, Ryan couldn't help but sigh.

Forget it, everyone has this stage.


An abandoned building in South London.

The building looked particularly dilapidated under the setting sun, with cracks everywhere, drawings and chaotic patterns on the walls, and chaotically growing plants, all showing desolation.

But if you look from the top of a tall building, you will find that the sunset is still so beautiful.

At this time, the abandoned building, where there were originally a large number of homeless people, seemed particularly quiet.

If you look from a distance, you will find that the building is completely dark under the setting sun, and you can even vaguely see the presence of black mist and blood.


Inside the building, roars were heard, but outside, everything was quiet.

Looking inside from the gate, the shadow looks like a cold python with its bloody mouth open, waiting for its prey to arrive.


Suddenly, red flame-colored sparks appeared out of thin air, causing fluctuations in the surrounding space. In just two or three seconds, several red-flame colored transmission apertures appeared one after another.

London Temple mages wearing yellow battle uniforms stepped out one after another.

call! call!

As soon as they arrived in front of the building, several mages summoned the magic weapons in their hands to be alert, and at the same time used magic to detect the building.

At this moment, Strange looked up at the abandoned high-rise building with a slightly strange look on his face.

The rich dark energy exudes the unique stench of hell.

This is not surprising, he has always been very sensitive to energy, but why did he feel an inexplicable call?

He is not a demon from hell!

The thought came to mind, and Strange's expression became serious.

"Let's go, everyone is on alert!" Captain Stern said seriously.

"Follow me closely, don't run around." Master Ryan walked to Strange and reminded him.

As the introduction to the team, he is responsible for Strange.

Strange nodded and followed Ryan, preparing to go in with the large army.

At this time, suddenly.

"Ryan, you, Strange, and Klein, stay outside the gate and be alert!"

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