Marvel's Hogwarts Professor

Chapter 61 The relationship between Emperor Weishan and Kamal Taj! ! (Additional update for monthly

It was already close to noon, and the scorching sunshine filled the entire Wanxiang Book Cafe, compared to the sweaty temperature outside the store.

Mei asked the clerk to turn on the air conditioner early to ensure the coolness inside the book cafe.

Perhaps because of the pleasant temperature inside the book cafe, some young people have chosen to enter the book cafe to read, rest and play with their mobile phones.

This makes Mei, who is dedicated to revitalizing book cafes, quite satisfied.

On the first day of business, no matter what the reason, the turnover was 0, which only shows that she is incompetent as a store manager.

In study room 101, Lockhart looked at the empty teapot in front of him.

He took out his wand again and pointed it lightly.

Soon, a large amount of tea slowly emerged from the teapot, filling the entire teapot.

Casillas said in surprise after seeing this scene.

"Lockhart, no matter how many times I see it, I have to praise it. The magic in your world is indeed very clever, and some are beyond our understanding."

Hearing the compliment in Casillas' tone, Lockhart said modestly with a faint smile on his face.

"No, it's just some spell-casting techniques developed based on our own magic blood. It's not very useful, it's just sophisticated."

"To be honest, Kama Taj's magic is more powerful. Most of us wizards can't do this."

At this moment, the three of them had finished talking about the potion business, so they started talking about magic.

The three of them are all practitioners of magic. Although Lockhart's practice system is different from the two of them, they are all based on the concept of magic and the control of energy. Naturally, there are many topics to talk about.

"Molin, I would like to ask a question. In our world view, using external force is a relatively taboo behavior, but I found that the magicians of Kama Taj seem to be used to it."

"Excuse me, are you not worried about this?"

Looking at Lockhart's question in front of them, Casillas and Morin looked at each other and laughed.

Master Maureen introduced directly: "Lockhart, in fact, your idea has been considered by a mage before."

"But the problem is that we are relying on the power of Emperor Weishan, not the power of those evil gods and demon gods."

"Vishan Emperor is a trinity of gods, or you can understand it as an alliance co-founded by the three ancient gods Agamotto, Oshutu and Hogs. The purpose of Vishan Emperor is to protect the universe and stay away from evil. It belongs to The righteous camp.”

"More importantly, the Agamotto among them is the ancient god of us humans, and the founder of our Kama Taj. He created our practice system."

"According to ancient records, the Eye of Agamotto held by the Supreme Master is the witness of the contract between our Master Kama Taj and Emperor Weishan."

"According to the contract, we use the power of Emperor Weishan to practice and improve our magic skills. The price is that when we die, all our power will return to Emperor Weishan."

"As long as the Eye of Agamotto is not destroyed, the contract will remain unchanged."

"So we don't have those concerns."

Hearing this, Lockhart nodded.

He now quite understands Master Kama Taj's mentality.

Isn't there someone behind this?

The power he relies on belongs to his ancestor, so there is nothing to worry about.

As for the Eye of Agamotto, if he remembered correctly, it was a time stone.

If you want to destroy it, tsk tsk tsk, you probably have to wait until Thanos collects all 6 Infinity Stones before you have a chance.


After hearing Master Morin's introduction, Lockhart was seriously doubtful.

Is the Eye of Agamotto really just as simple as the Time Stone? Otherwise, how could Emperor Weishan easily see the Time Stone being destroyed without taking action.

Or, the Time Stone is just a core part of it, and the Eye of Agamotto is the real function, which is to give full play to the role of the Time Stone.

Well, Lockhart doesn't know if it has other functions, but this alone is enough to prove the power of this magical weapon.

However, Master Morin's introduction made Lockhart feel more at ease.

We didn't have a close relationship before, we just inquired side by side.

But now that the relationship was good, and there were interests entangled, Lockhart asked directly with confidence, and the answer he got really made him very satisfied.

At the same time, it also made him determined.

He fixed Kama Taj's magic system.


Before practicing, you have to talk to Master Gu Yi.

Well, it's not that he is stubborn, but because this matter is directly related to his future magical path.

It's not his character to be careless.

Later, Lockhart began to communicate with Morin and Casillas about Karma Taj's magic system.

At one o'clock at noon, there are fewer and fewer people studying at the Vientiane Book Cafe, because it is noon and everyone has gone out to eat.

According to regulations, in order to maintain environmental hygiene inside the Vientiane book cafe, no one is allowed to eat inside the book cafe.

I am afraid that the smell of those meals will directly affect the smell of the environment inside the book cafe.

After Lian Mei and the other shop assistants ordered takeout, they all went to Shuca's tea room to have lunch.

I don’t dare to use it directly in the book cafe lobby.

Well, Lockhart clearly stipulates that if you find a discovery, you will be deducted 100 yuan.

Therefore, these newly hired clerks and store managers still choose to eat in the pantry very carefully.

At this moment, Mei and several clerks were chatting while eating.

"Mei, what do you think the two guests invited by the boss are doing? They look quite mysterious. They only made a pot of tea and have never left the study."

"Irina, I don't know too much. Anyway, he is a friend of the boss. We don't need to know too much."

While eating, Mei replied absentmindedly to the questions raised by Irina.

When I delivered it to the tea room before, I was caught eavesdropping, so I didn’t have time to think too much.

But afterwards, when I thought about the whole thing, I found something that went against common sense.

Why would the boss know that he was eavesdropping?

You know, she just stood there for a while and was discovered before she was ready to eavesdrop formally.

And how did the door open?

But when she saw the door opened, the three of them were sitting on chairs.

Think about it this way.

It’s scary to think about it! ! !

At this moment, Lockhart watched Casillas open a portal leading to the New York Temple.

Especially when the two people were leaving, a trace of envy flashed in their eyes.

But immediately, looking at the leftovers on the desk, he waved his wand and cleared away the garbage.

Smelling the odorless air and looking at the brand new study, Lockhart nodded with satisfaction.

Then he opened the door and walked outside.

After walking to the front hall, she found that Alice was the only one guarding the front desk, so she asked curiously.

"Alice, where did May and the others go?"

Alice was bored playing with her mobile phone at the front desk, but suddenly she remembered her boss's voice.

She was so frightened that she immediately put her phone upside down on the table, then raised her head with some guilt and stared at the boss blankly.

At this time, Lockhart was speechless when he saw Alice's actions, but he still repeated his question.

"Alice, where did May and the others go?"

"Oh, boss, Mei and the others went to the tea room to eat."

After hearing Alice's answer, he glanced at Alice's cell phone upside down on the table.

Without saying anything, he turned and walked towards the tea room.

He did not forget that there was a little trouble that could not be solved directly due to the presence of Casillas and Morin.

Now that the two of them have left, it's time to settle the last bit of the story.

PS: Based on some suggestions from readers, I re-edited Chapter 13, mainly to re-create Thor’s character. Originally, Thor was a warrior specializing in fighting in my setting, but now it has been changed to more than just a warrior. A warrior is still a well-educated scholar with extensive knowledge. Those who are interested can take a look.

Well, by the way, some other details have been refined, and interested friends can take a look again.

Haha, everyone is welcome to continue to make suggestions for this book. Reasonable suggestions will be accepted by Xingchen. Thank you readers for your support.

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