Marvel's Hogwarts Professor

Chapter 609: Dividing the heaven and earth, the prototype of the dimension

What is the key to becoming a dimensional god?

Dimension God, so called Dimension God.

The key is not the gods behind, but the dimensions in front.

Each dimensional god has its own dimension.

Apart from this, the transformed soul and the magic of fused concepts are secondary.

As long as there are dimensions, the dimensions will be immortal and the gods will not die.

To a certain extent, the dimension can be understood as the Kingdom of God, but it is more powerful and more capable of growth than the Kingdom of God.

To be precise, every Zunwen is a complete world in every direction.

But the attributes are different, causing different differences.

If Dimension wants to grow, the mainstream method is to plunder.

Loot souls, plunder resources, plunder other dimensions.

This also caused the most fundamental struggle between the dimensional gods.

However, these are still a bit far away for Lockhart.

According to Mephisto's memory, there are two main ways to obtain dimensions.

The first is to rely on luck to encounter a natural latitude that is still in its infancy.

When the soul merges with the dimension and controls the dimension, it basically becomes a reserve for the dimensional god.

Waiting for the transformation of the soul and magic power, and the formation of the original power unique to oneself, it will mark becoming a god.

This method is purely based on luck. Many ancient gods merged one dimension because of luck.

Most of them just take up the time bonus.

As time goes by, more and more dimensions are discovered, and the ones that are not found become rare.

It is getting more and more difficult to become a dimensional god.

Then, I don’t know when, maybe a genius or a god invented the second method.

Since the natural dimension is getting harder and harder to find.

Then take the initiative to create your own dimension.

Since you can't find a way, then find your own way.

A second path emerged.

Obviously, compared to the first one, the road to becoming a god by luck, the second one requires a higher price.

If you want to create a dimension, you must first be qualified.

If the mental power is not enough, the soul is not strong, it cannot carry it at all, and it cannot even be condensed.

Therefore, the first step to becoming a god is to transform one's own spirit or soul.

This is the case with the god-enlightening ceremony held by the fallen mage.

With the help of rituals, they successfully transformed their spiritual power, but of course they did not reach the level of gods.

However, it has basically reached a quasi-god level.

The basic requirements for carrying dimensions have been met.

The second step is energy, of course it can be called magic power.

Likewise, it also requires transformation, at least incorporating a certain concept.

Like the power of dusk, what is integrated is the concept of dusk.

Like the power of darkness, what is integrated is the concept of darkness

There are also desert, shadow, hell, dreamland, light, space, time and so on.

Each dimensional god has its own title.

Dormammu, the God of Darkness, Mephisto, the Evil God of Hell, Vishandi, the God of White Magic...

A certain concept that they all integrate themselves into.

They are the masters of this concept.

And with the help of concepts they control, they also create their own believers, or a system of teachers.

Use these believers or teachers to further consolidate and expand the authority you control.

Of course, becoming a god is not yet required to do this, but at the very least, one must find a concept that has not been completely controlled by others and integrate it into one's own magic power.

Prepare to master a certain concept after becoming a dimensional god.

At this point, the fallen mage David chose Dusk.

Because the god of dusk is dead, the controller of the concept of dusk naturally no longer exists.

Of course David couldn't give up such a good opportunity.

His goal is to become the new God of Twilight.

Master the twilight concept.

Just like Emperor Weishan, he constructed a mage system based on the concept of dusk.

Take complete control and strengthen the power of dusk.

This is the second step, and David has already done it.

And Lockhart, with the help of the power of the origin of dreams, also managed to integrate the concept of dreams into his own magic power.

Next, come to the most critical step 3.

Create a prototype of dimensions.

How to create one dimension?

Even if it is a prototype, the difficulty is not low.

After all, in the beginning, these dimensions were born naturally from heaven and earth.

It doesn't mean that it exists, but it can be built if it is built.

All aspects involved are very complicated. If there is even a hint of wrong love, it is very likely that the relationship will collapse and all efforts will be wasted.

Don't look at Lockhart, he has built his own dream world, which seems to be completely complete.

But I want to advance to the dream dimension and integrate into the entire universe with many dimensions.

Still too crude.

It can even be said bluntly that if you want to purely create a dimension, only the god level can do it.

No, to be precise, only the old ones, even those at the supreme god level, can be successfully built.

Newly born dimensional gods basically have no such ability.

The difficulty is so high, how can a mage who has not yet become a god do it?

Since direct creation is not possible, there are naturally indirect methods.

I don’t know if it is a method passed down by a certain god or a genius in ancient times.

To put it simply, the dove occupies the magpie's nest.

I couldn’t build it myself.

Can’t I steal someone else’s?

Of course, anyone who robs the Latitude God is seeking death.

However, if I don’t take away the dimension of the gods, I will take over this world.

The world is so vast, can't you just give me a piece of it?

I just need to cut it off and separate it from the original world. Isn't this a natural prototype of the dimension?

It is true that this is very unfriendly and even harmful to the world or the universe.

There is no doubt that it greatly reduces the difficulty of creating dimensions.

After all, the heaven and the earth have been running for countless billions of years. It is complete in itself. I cut off a piece of it.

As long as the method is appropriate, it will be natural and complete.

Of course, it is not easy to completely cut the world without destroying it.

Even the place and method of cutting are very particular.

Otherwise, if you are not careful, it will cause the world to backlash and kill you on the spot.

Seeing this, Lockhart was thoughtful.

London, no, it should be said the entire island of England.

is David's goal.

He wants to cut off Britain as the foundation of his own dimension.

Seeing this, Lockhart couldn't help but have a doubt in his mind.

Is there anything special about Britain?

Why can it become the foundation of a dimensional god?

The universe is so vast, with so many planets and land masses, why choose the UK?

This is not the Middle Ages, and no one knows about the existence of other planets.

Nowadays, Lockhart has seen other worlds and even alien planets.

Thoughts turning, Lockhart continued with doubts in March Mephisto's memory, his secret.

As he watched, Lockhart's heart became more solemn.

The answer is also very simple, or it is not simple.

In the entire vast universe, the earth is special.

This novel-like setting unfolds in Lockhart's eyes, so real and so amazing.

The place where eternity comes, the incarnation of the Celestial Clan, the Phoenix Clan, the birthplace of Asgard...

Titles came to Lockhart's mind one after another.

It seems to be telling something special about the earth.

The earth was once the place where the Supreme God descended forever, the incarnation of the Celestial Clan, where various gods from the East and the West were born, and the gods...

The earth is the center of the universe. This statement was true in ancient times.

Many gods, including the God of Darkness, Mephisto, Vishan Emperor Agamotto, etc., were all born on the earth.

Many dimensional prototypes also emerged from the earth.

No, there was no such name as Earth at that time. It was called - the realm of eternity.

It means, the place where the Supreme God descends eternally.

It's just that the gods are fighting, and many strong men are dividing the world in order to become gods.

The original supreme world and magnificent continent gradually degraded.

It has now been reduced to a planet.

Obscurity, in this vast universe.

However, the dimensional gods who came out of the earth have not forgotten it, and their greed for the earth remains unabated.

However, the Supreme Mage was born, an extremely powerful person who protects the earth.

Not only is it powerful, it can kill many dimensional gods.

More importantly, behind the Supreme Mage is the Supreme God Eternity.

The earth is the place where it once descended, although we don’t know the reason why it descended.

However, for an unknown reason, the Supreme Mage hooked up with the Supreme God Eternity.

So far, although the gods of other dimensions are full of greed for the earth, Love and Eternity and the powerful Supreme Mage are basically restrained.

However, although they have no intention of destroying the earth, the resources on the earth are still greedy.

Tangible and intangible resources such as souls, dimensions, concepts, etc. are extremely active on the earth.

After all, as the ancestral land where many gods were born, the value of the earth itself is still very great.

Just like now, David is preparing to use the island of England to create dimensions and become a god.

"Mentor, is the evil god of hell Mephisto dead?" Wanda walked to Lockhart and asked.

The words were filled with surprise and expectation.

Arnold on the side was also watching Lockhart, as if he wanted to hear Lockhart's conclusion.

Although the Evil God of Latitude is not his true form, even his clone cannot be destroyed by a mage.

It is understandable to resist, but to destroy it, do you really think that the evil god will not run away?

Unless many mages work together to set up a magic circle, it is possible.

Or the Supreme Mage takes action.

"Yes, Mephisto's clones on Earth are gone." Lockhart said calmly.

Yes, because the previous dimensional invasions suffered heavy losses, and the source of energy consumed to condense the clones is not small.

So Mephisto only condensed this clone and came to earth.

Hearing this, Arnold looked calm, but his heart was already in turmoil.

He asked himself, faced with Mephisto's clone, he was determined to save his life and escape.

But if you want to counterattack or even kill, there is basically no hope.

And Lockhart did it, which shows...

"Master Arnold, I just obtained some vital information. If I'm not careful, the London Temple may be in trouble." Lockhart said with a serious face.

"Please send all available temple mages to explore London and surrounding cities."

"Search for anything related to dusk."

At this point, Lockhart's tone became lowered: "I will also send people from the Vientiane World to participate."

"No need to do anything, just report back what you see and make statistics."

At this moment, Arnold was a little confused when he heard Lockhart's words, but looking at his serious face and low words, he felt solemn in his heart, and nodded to express his understanding.

"Mr. Lockhart, don't worry, I will arrange for manpower to participate here and enter all the forces in the London Temple to collect information."

"However, what happened actually threatens the entire London Temple."

"Do you need to contact Kama Taj headquarters for support?"


"Contact the Supreme Mage!"

Apparently Lockhart's serious mood had rubbed off on Arnold, who thought something big was going on.

And with Arnold's temperament, he definitely has no habit of surviving alone.

If you can call someone, call someone. Calling the Supreme Master is a guarantee.

I don’t dare to say anything, no matter whether there are dates or not, let’s take a shot first.

After Lockhart heard this, he was silent for a moment, looked at Wanda aside, waved his hand, and a colorful light appeared in front of Wanda.

The figure disappeared immediately.

Obviously, what happened next was not suitable for Wanda to know, and Arnold was looking forward to it even more.

"During the battle just now, I obtained an important piece of news."

"David is preparing to become the new God of Twilight."

"His most critical step now is to integrate the concept of dusk into the memory of everyone in the UK."

"Become the God of Twilight with the help of the whole British faith."

Lockhart did not tell Arnold the truth, but simplified the information.

After all, the way to become a dimensional god is not measured solely by value.

In the entire earth, I believe only the Supreme Mage knows.

It was impossible for him to tell Alode directly, after all, the relationship between the two parties was not that good yet.

Of course, what David is going to do now should be the same as what Lockhart said.

If you want to safely divide the island of England and create a prototype of your own dimension, this process can be said to be simple and simple, but it can also be said to be complicated.

Among them, the most critical step is the will of heaven and earth, or the will of the earth.

The earth cannot tolerate other people or gods dividing their bodies.

Therefore, we can only resort to deception or paralysis.

Through faith, or infecting the spiritual ocean, the initial concealment is carried out.

The British have lived on the island of England for a long time and formed a country.

There is no doubt that, on a symbolic level, they are the leaders of England as a whole and can be initially replaced.

So, when the whole of Britain believes in the twilight, no, or takes belief in the twilight as a matter of course.

The concept of dusk spread to the entire island of England.

Through the ceremony, the spiritual ocean of the whole UK is mobilized.

Can paralyze the will of the earth in a short period of time.

When the time comes, combined with other means, it will naturally be possible to cut.

Create a prototype of latitude and step into the realm of gods!

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