Marvel's Hogwarts Professor

Chapter 611 Testing Dormammu, the God of Darkness

Dark Dimension.

The dark latitude that was originally vast and constantly expanding outwards is slowly shrinking inward, as if it is collapsing.

The speed of shrinking inward is a bit anxious, and a large number of black space cracks always appear on the edge.

It seems to indicate that something very bad has happened.

Yes, the dark god Dormammu participated in the dimensional invasion, and he was even the main force in it.

However, one must be cautious in the long run as he chooses to enter with the original power by dividing his soul.

Just like Mephisto.

No, to be precise, he invested more resources than Mephisto.

Relatively speaking, after the dimensional invasion failed, his losses were also huge.

The dark latitude is based on the power of the source as energy.

The large amount of power of the dark origin caused turmoil in the entire dimension.

In order to restore the original order and stabilize the dark dimension, Dormammu, the God of Darkness, chose to shrink.

Just like now.

He shrank the dark dimension inward as much as possible to reduce the loss of the original power and at the same time recuperate.

Compared to the periphery of the dark latitude, the core area of ​​the dark dimension is no different from before.

It's still the colorful nebula.

Large tracts of planets and land fragments are constantly rotating along some strange trajectory.

From a distance, it even looks unusually dreamy.

The dreamlike sea of ​​stars rotates slowly.


As if sensing some kind of force, the sea of ​​stars began to move quickly.

Soon, the entire Xinhai formed a face that resembled a human face.

He is the gathering of will of the entire dark dimension.

In other words, he is Dormammu, the God of Darkness.

"Mephisto, what are you doing here?"

In the vast and vast void, a loud voice sounded.

There was a hint of doubt or... vigilance in his voice.

Everyone participated in the dimensional invasion. Although Dong Bao saved his life, he lost a lot of his original power.

All in a weakened state.

He was even weaker.

At this time, if an evil god with a bad reputation like Mephisto comes over, anyone who has no problem with his eyesight will be worried.

Could it be that Mephisto came to take stock of my state and wanted to devour me while I was weak?

You can't blame Dormammu for thinking this way. Devouring other dimensions is itself a way to quickly restore strength and accumulate original power.

If he remains normal and Mephisto is seriously injured.

He will not hesitate to control the dark dimension and directly devour the opponent's hell.

"Domammu, don't worry." Mephisto's voice sounded, with a faint smile: "I came here to ask you something."

"Oh." Dormammu simply said "Oh" and continued to remain silent.

If he could, he'd rather never meet Mephisto.

If he hadn't known about Karma Taj's attitude towards dimensional gods, he might have thought that Mephisto was a spy sent by Karma Taj.

"Lockhart, you know, right?" Mephisto was not annoyed with Yao, shaking his head and saying with a hint of mockery.

It seems that it is just to provoke the other party's anger.

"I remember that last time your soul was destroyed by the opponent."

"To be honest, I thought you were joking."

Mephisto said with a smile.

"However, when I was on Earth recently, I discovered that this Lockhart is quite extraordinary."

"Oh?" Dormammu simply said the word "oh" without saying anything, seeming a little impatient or disdainful.

And Mephisto continued: "His relationship with Asgard is not shallow."

"The Sorcerer Supreme also seems to be taking great care of him."

"He himself has used the Vientiane World to control a large amount of resources."

"If there are no accidents, he is likely to become the most powerful Kama Taj besides the Supreme Mage."

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, I have to say, it's a good seedling."

"Mephisto, what do you mean?" Dormammu's plain voice sounded: "I don't have time to talk to you now, so just tell the important point."

"It's nothing serious, I just want to talk to you."

"I am quite interested in this Lockhart. I feel his soul is extremely valuable."

"Dormammu, I have to ask you to loosen your grip."

Mephisto probed.

He seemed to want to know Lockhart's place in Dormammu's heart.

Dormammu was silent, but soon the voice sounded again: "Mephisto, you are free to do as you like."

""If nothing happens, leave. "

"Dark Latitude will be closed in the near future and no guests will be welcome."

Hearing this, Mephisto nodded to express his understanding.

Without saying anything, he turned around and prepared to return to his own hell dimension.

But the moment he turned around, Mephisto had a smile on his face.

Sure enough, Dormammu is determined to win this Lockhart.

It seems that there really is a big secret, and...

Recalling the moment when his own soul was swallowed up.

The soul seems to have touched some great existence.

Although it was just a brief moment, I even thought it was an illusion.

If that's true, then...

Mephisto had a greedy look in his eyes.


call! call! call!

In Tarot Town at night, the wind howled.

The wind made a banging sound against the windows.

Most people in the town have returned to their homes. Only a few shops still have lights on, which seems to indicate that they are still open.

At this moment, in the central square of this town, there is a huge stone statue standing

Tarot Town is famous for its tarot cards, and their stone statues are naturally also tarot cards.

In front of this huge marble tarot card, stood a figure in black robes.

What is strange is that there is not a single human being in the vast square, as if everyone has left.

Only the black-robed figure in the middle remains

Looking closer, it was David, the leader of the fallen mages.

Standing in front of this huge stone tarot card, David slowly stretched out his right hand and lightly touched a certain pattern on the edge.


Click! Click! Click!

Dark red lines emerge one by one on this huge stone tarot card.

With a clicking sound, the middle of the tarot card slowly opened, revealing a black passage as high as one person.

David was not surprised when he saw this.

Step directly into the black passage.

The moment he entered, there was a bang as if he sensed something, and the entire passage was completely lit up.

The passage does not seem to be short, at least it is much longer than the stone statue.

It's obvious that magic is being worked here.

Here, a safe house for the fallen mage.

Originally, there was only one wandering mage who was not weak in strength.

But later, the wandering mage left.

David naturally accepted it.

This became a safe house for the fallen mage.

When the Dusk Castle was discovered, David called the other mages to leave the castle and come to the safe house to wait for instructions.

Now, he wants to meet the remaining fallen mages.

Many plans needed to be changed because of Lockhart's discovery.

In the days to come, I am afraid I will be accompanied by killing and sacrifice.

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