Marvel's Hogwarts Professor

Chapter 613 The Traitor Version of Doctor Strange

London, an alley

"The Ring of Caval!"

"Shield of Loyle!"

boom! boom! boom!

The circular flying knife shot forward, rushing towards the red flame shield.

After receiving a banging sound.

As if aware of the shield's defense, Doctor Strange pulled Strange's arm back slightly, and the ring blade flew towards him.

Slowly falling on the palm of his hand.


With a thought, the magic power was canceled and turned into scattered red flame-colored light spots.

Watching an oval shield as tall as a person appear on the opposite side.

Strange's eyes were cold.

He put his hands together, magic power surged, and when he pulled it outward, a long red-flame stick slowly emerged.

Holding the long stick tightly with both hands, his fingertips felt the lines on the stick.

Strange nodded slightly with satisfaction.

"Damn traitor, accept the judgment of Emperor Weishan!"

tread! tread! tread!

Cursing a few words casually, Strange stepped forward and rushed towards the shield with his long stick raised high.

The mage on the opposite side had no expression on his face after hearing Strange's curse.

Wei Wei stared at the other mage behind Strange.

No, to be precise, it was a battle between his companion and another mage.

Just like he was fighting Strange Strange in front of him.

Not long ago, the London Temple had a huge harvest.

Break through the Dusk Castle, the headquarters of the fallen mage!

But at the same time, several mages from the London Temple died unexpectedly.

They did not die in the battle of Dusk Castle.

Instead, he died in an intolerable way - betrayed by his teammates!

Yes, when they were searching for space coordinates, they luckily locked the coordinates of Dusk Castle.

I was in high spirits and prepared to return to the London Temple to report on this harvest.

As a result, I just discovered that the teammates next to me directly cast fatal magic.

They have no sense of defense at all against their teammates.

So, they suffered an intolerable betrayal.

And the price is death!

This is just what happened to an exploratory team.

You know, the London Temple sent out more than a dozen exploration teams.

The probabilities for each squad member are random.

In this case, most of the members of an exploration team are traitors.

In a sense, either, there is something wrong with the mage who assigned the team.

Or, it's an even more terrifying possibility.

The number of traitors may be greater than imagined.

When Arnold, the guardian mage of the London Temple, realized this, he did not report it directly to the Kama Taj headquarters this time.

Instead, he discussed it with Lockhart and started self-examination.

Yes, we need to discuss it with Lockhart, not only because Lockhart's disciples were attacked and killed by the betrayers.

Precisely because Lockhart is now in London, it is more appropriate for the temple to be a law enforcer, or supervisor.

If there is any problem in the London Temple, Lockhart has the right to investigate and report it to Karma Taj.

Therefore, Arnold needs to discuss with Lockhart.

He did not want to report the large number of traitors in the London Temple to Kamal Taj so early.

If a traitor appears, he will bear the responsibility.

However, there were a large number of traitors in the London Temple, and he could not escape this responsibility. He might even lose his position as the guarding mage, and even receive a more severe punishment.

After all, a mage who had guarded the London Temple for decades had so many traitors.

Does this make sense?

Even if you think about it from the dark side, under such circumstances, a large number of people would rebel.

Is it possible...

Anyone above have a problem?

This is Arnold's dilemma now.

So he needed to discuss it with Lockhart. No matter what, press down the information first and solve it himself.

Once everything is settled, it will be easy to talk about the next step.

Punishment is definitely unavoidable, but it is much better than before.

Even exchanging merit for guilt is not impossible.

Therefore, Arnold, who originally hated the fallen mage, now regards the fallen mage as his only chance to make a difference.

I have already told the Supreme Mage about the huge conspiracy of the fallen mage.

If they succeed in preventing the birth of a dimensional god, he may even play a huge role in it.

It is very possible to survive this disaster safely.

This is what Arnold thought.

For Lockhart, faced with the guardian mage's plea, he chose to agree after much thought.

On the one hand, the conspiracy of the fallen mage has been revealed, if the London Temple is in chaos again.

It will undoubtedly be more difficult to solve.

And let Master Arnold continue to control the London Temple. Under this situation, he is more attentive than anyone else.

On the other hand, he also has his own thoughts.

He needs the support of the guardian mage, Casillas, the master of the New York Temple, who is his good friend.

Elder Byron serves as the law enforcer at the Kama Taj headquarters and has a very good relationship with him.

If the guardian mage of the London Temple also chooses to support him.

Well, for Lockhart, he will have the support of more than half of Kama Taj.

If you want to change to a new guardian mage, it will be even more troublesome.

Lockhart promised to give Arnold the confidence, and the wizard of the Vientiane World came to help, which made Arnold even more grateful.

As a result, the London Temple undertook a massive self-examination.

All kinds of magical means were used in an attempt to screen out all traitors.

Soon, some traitors with obvious abnormalities were discovered.

During this time, the battle mages of the temple were very tired.

Basically, we are fighting every day. Every time we find a traitor, it would be great if we could arrest him directly.

But if the other party receives the message, they choose to run away.

Then they can only pursue.

Just like Strange is doing now.

Capture the traitors and bring them back to the temple for trial!

boom! boom! boom!

The shield was hit with a long stick and struck quickly several times, and soon the shield was on the verge of breaking.

At the same time, the long stick turned into a rope, trying to bind the traitorous mage.

call! call! call!

The ropes broke and the air screamed.

The traitor mage opposite him expressionlessly picked up the two long knives condensed with magic power and rushed towards Strange.

Perhaps the traitor mage was very experienced and successfully dodged the rope attack after several steps.

He quickly arrived in front of Strange with both blades in hand.

At this moment, Strange seemed to feel threatened.

Double blades also appeared in his hands, as if he wanted to engage in a close combat double blade fight with the opponent.

clang! clang! clang!

The steps were staggered, and the daggers collided rapidly, making a clanging sound.

At first glance, the figures of the two people are constantly intersecting like phantoms, and they seem to be engaged in a fierce battle.

However, something unknown was that a subtle sound sounded amidst the clanging of the short blades.

"My identity has been exposed, and it's up to you, Strange."

"My friend, may you break free from the shackles of the gods and become a free man!"

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