Marvel's Hogwarts Professor

Chapter 643 Don’t worry, everything is under control! ! !


Why did the Supreme Mage refuse?

Sitting in his room, Byrne looked a little dazed.

He really couldn't think of any reason for the Supreme Mage to refuse.

If it were the previous group of fallen mages, he would understand very well if the Supreme Mage did not take action, because this is what they should do.

If the Supreme Mage is responsible for such things, what are they going to do?

But things are different now.

This group of fallen mages had a set of extremely confusing ideas, and even directly promoted Kama Taj into the ranks of followers of the evil god.

It even spreads wildly, this extremely weird secret method.

This will do more than double the damage to Kamal Taj.

And as time goes by, the harm will only grow.

And it's at such a special time - Asgard is attacking!

Before fighting the outside world, you must first make peace with the inside!

In any case, the first thing to deal with is this group of fallen mages.



Why did the Supreme Mage refuse?

Is it possible...

Byrne's mind came to mind about the recent message on Kama Taj, which said that during the Siege invasion battle, the Supreme Mage was seriously injured and would die soon.

Looking back on my meeting with the Supreme Mage today, I saw his rosy face.

Shaking his head, he quickly shook such delusions out of his mind.

Impossible, absolutely impossible.

The Supreme Mage has lived for thousands of years, how could anything happen?

However, despite having such thoughts in his mind, it felt like a small fire was vaguely lit in his heart, and he became a little anxious and tormented.

Instead, he felt a little restless and took a few steps back and forth, making up his mind.

Since the Supreme Mage cannot take action for the time being, they are willing to sacrifice their lives for Kama Taj.

He waved the hanging ring in his hand, and a red flame-colored portal opened.

Opposite is the hall of the London Temple.


tread! tread! tread!

Slightly hurried footsteps sounded from the hall of the London Temple.

Lockhart hurriedly followed Arnold.

"Byrne, what happened, you are so anxious?" Lockhart's tone was full of doubts.

He is studying his own dream world, but through Grindelwald, he obtained a lot of good things from the fallen mage.

Lockhart already knew the divine initiation ritual developed by the fallen mage to assist in the transformation of spiritual power.

As for the compatibility of magic power and concept in step 2, we are currently studying it, and the gains are not small.

It is a pity that the third step, controlling the conceptual authority and creating the prototype of the dimension, is only in the hands of David alone.

It has not been shared yet.

But even so, his recent gains are not small. Don't forget, he has obtained the memory of Mephisto.

Although the memory is very complex and confusing, there are a lot of good things in it, it just needs to be dug out step by step.

"Sit down, Lockhart!" Byrne, who was a little anxious before, was now unusually calm.

During the time Lockhart arrived, he had already thought deeply about what he should do next.

"There is something I need to discuss with you."

"What's the matter?" Lockhart was a little confused and could only ask.

Byrne did not directly express his thoughts. He needed Lockhart to understand his thoughts and support him.

"Lockhart, you said before that regarding the battle with Karma Taj, the Supreme Mage will leave you solely in charge."

"I have also told law enforcement officials recently that I will fully cooperate with all your actions."

"Now I believe you should be able to mobilize most of Kama Taj's power."

The question raised by Byrne made Lockhart suddenly alert.

As the saying goes, the reality is also like this.

But at this time, what does Byrne want to do when talking about such things?

However, seeing that Byrne was one of his favorable supporters, Lockhart nodded cautiously.

Seeing this, Byrne was not surprised at all. The law enforcers had reported Lockhart's current situation to him.

In his intelligence, this time, Lockhart can be said to be going all out. The world of Vientiane is now producing a large amount of weapons and resources.

"Lockhart, there is a situation here that I just want to explain to you."

"It is very likely to directly affect our battle with Asgard."

"What's going on?" Lockhart pretended to be surprised, but in his heart, he began to understand the purpose of this time.


"Lockhart, the fallen mages have undergone tremendous changes. If we ignore them and directly go to war with Kama Taj, it is very likely that these fallen mages will be treated as fishermen."

"So I think that before starting this battle, we must first deal with this group of fallen mages. If this is not possible, we must inflict heavy damage. We cannot let them wander around during this period."

"Before going abroad, you must first settle down at home!"

Byrne chanted the slogan again.

Arnold on the side looked a little strange after hearing this.

Although he didn't know exactly what Strange was doing now, he probably had some understanding.

Now Strange has reached a high level and has mastered a considerable amount of power.

As long as Lockhart is willing, he can unseat the fallen mage at any time now.

I have to say that Byrne really found the right person this time.

"Byrne, don't rush yet, let's talk slowly." Lockhart did not refuse directly, but played a easing card.

"I understand what you mean, but we are already doing our best to capture the fallen mage."

"It's just that the other party has been hiding too deeply so far, and there has been no activity recently, so no major results have been achieved."

"If you want to mobilize the power of the entire Kama Taj, you must report it to the Supreme Mage."

"Because my current duty is to fight Asgard. You should know that Asgard is so powerful that it has taken up most of my energy."

Facing Lockhart's polite refusal in his words, Byrne became slightly anxious after hearing it.

If the Supreme Mage agreed, why did he come here?

what happened?

Why did this Lockhart also refuse?

Although this matter is not very obvious, it is not very secret either. People like the Supreme Mage Lockhart must understand the danger of the fallen mage.

However, they all choose to refuse?

This had to make Byrne feel confused and have a series of questions.

"Is there something that I don't know about?"

"Is the secret method studied by the fallen mage real?"


When Byrne glanced at Arnold's expression next to him, he saw that the other person didn't seem to care, and his heart sank slightly.

"Lockhart, is there something I don't know about?"

Without hesitation, Byrne looked into Lockhart's eyes and asked directly.

He needs an answer now, otherwise he won't be able to calm down at all.

Faced with Byrne's question, Lockhart still hesitated, and finally chose a new one to reveal a little more.

"Byrne, actually everything is under control."

"We need fallen mages..."

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