Marvel's Hogwarts Professor

Chapter 648 The Avengers come to London


Thunder sounded in the blue sky and daylight, and many pedestrians on the ground looked up to the sky in shock.

In almost less than a minute, dark clouds gathered in the clear sky, and the sky turned gloomy in an instant.

The sky changed so quickly that ordinary people on the ground felt quite dreamy and took out their mobile phones to take pictures.

Some people even took out high-power telescopes out of curiosity to observe.


"What's in the sky?"

"Why are there aircraft carriers?"

"Am I dazzled?"


Some sharp-eyed or lucky people couldn't hide their surprise.

They had just seen a huge aircraft carrier, but it seemed to be an illusion. It flashed by. After careful investigation, they found that everything seemed to be as usual, and it was still clouded.

No, maybe there were too many clouds, blocking it, and some unwilling pedestrians were looking for it with their eyes wide open.

And some people who were lucky enough to be photographed started to get excited.

They seemed to have found the traffic password, opened their mobile phones, added pictures or videos, and were ready to send them out to show off.


Send with a tap of your finger.

The next moment, the phone or computer seems to be frozen, frozen and motionless.

After a while, the computer experienced some chaos, some shut down automatically, some current files disappeared, and all pictures were completely deleted.

There seems to be an inexplicable force preventing such information from spreading to the outside world.

At this moment, in the sky, inside SHIELD's helicarrier.

Coulson was in the command room, giving orders in a hurry.

"Quickly, clear all the information."

"Release the virus and don't allow SHIELD information to leak out."

"Find all suspected information sources..."


Colson gave the order in a hurry, feeling a little anxious in his heart.

This matter doesn't seem like a big deal, but it's pretty good if it's handled well

But the consequences later will undoubtedly be terrifying.

Because this is London.

The capital of England!

Even if SHIELD is affiliated with the United Nations, if the application is not approved, it will come directly to the UK.

It's a good thing I didn't find it.

Once discovered, some of them are nonsense.

In particular, they also directly opened a SHIELD helicarrier, plus a large number of military weapons, aircraft, etc.

You can tell with your feet that this is definitely a big diplomatic accident.

Especially the other party is not that kind of small country, but also the UK, which is one of the five gangsters.

Now Colson's inner pressure is a little bit high!

"Colson, what is going on?"

Director Nick Fury's serious voice sounded, issuing his question.

Of course, he wouldn't think of anything that Colson can think of.

Just now, he was already on the phone, negotiating with the United Nations. How to reduce the impact?

Fortunately, I have an absolutely great reason to avoid this trouble.

However, there is no doubt that the matter itself is serious in nature.

When Coulson turned his head and saw Director Nick Fury, a hint of bitterness appeared on his face and said: "Director, the energy emitted at the moment when Thor was exploring just now was too great. It completely exceeded our previous expectations and broke our expectations." camouflage."

"But it's okay, it's back to normal now."

Hearing this, Nick Fury nodded and said nothing.

Things have already happened, what else can be done?

Next, the cooperation between SHIELD and Asgard is the most important.

I never thought that the earth still has such secrets.

When Asgard and the Vientiane World broke apart, SHIELD personnel sent to the Vientiane World collected the information and immediately reported it to the SHIELD headquarters.

Almost all the information in the world will pass through Nick Fury's eyes.

Especially such unusual information was immediately placed on Nick Fury's desk.

Although he didn't know what happened, Lockhart actually chose to split from Asgard.

But Nick Fury instantly grasped the key.

Directly send Coulson to communicate with Asgard's Thor to try to cooperate.

Anyway, at least know what's going on?

Coulson had met Thor before, and the relationship was pretty good.

And SHIELD didn't leave a too bad impression on Thor.

So both parties met and communicated smoothly.

A split with Lockhart might even lead to a war later.

This in itself made Thor feel very unhappy.

Thor didn't think too much or use the power of S.H.I.E.L.D.

The reason is explained directly.

Colson naturally took advantage of the opportunity and talked about cooperation.

When it comes to the earth, such an important matter, Karma Taj Lockhart will not play with them.

So what do they do?

It is absolutely impossible to wait.

We can only cooperate with Asgard.

Coulson thinks so, Nick Fury thinks so too, and the entire S.H.I.E.L.D. is very harmonious in connecting with Asgard.

The two sides joined forces to try to find the space where the Celestial Clan embryos were located.

This time, Thor once again called for power and tried to search all of London for possible places.

S.H.I.E.L.D. did its best to monitor all aspects of London without blind spots.

Various abnormal energy fluctuations and spatial anomalies are analyzed at all times.

Even, to ensure that SHIELD can have a bite of the cake.

Nick Fury directly called Tony and the entire Avengers.

It can be said that it is a complete stud.

It's a big gamble.

If you can obtain god-level power, even a physical organization, it is completely possible for SHIELD to make a leap.

It is so tempting to be born a god.

After knowing the reason, Nick Fury turned and left.

He also needs to communicate with the Avengers.

After all, this time he was going against Lockhart, and given the previous relationship between the two parties, he had to be prepared to communicate and convince them.

At least there is no possibility of betrayal.

After all, Lockhart's influence on the Avengers is still very large.

At this moment, in the conference room of the helicarrier.

Iron Man Tony Stark, Hulk Bruce Banna, Ghost Rider Johnny Blaze and other Avengers gathered together and seemed to be discussing something.

"How long have you been here? What happened?"

"Why does the earth feel so unsafe?"

"I think it's not that the earth is unsafe, it's that SHIELD is restless."


Some people were confused, some sighed, some were sarcastic, and of course, some were silent.

Well, the sarcastic one is undoubtedly Tony Stark.

"Tony, Bruce, Johnny, you are finally here." Nick Fury watched everyone's performance outside the door for a while.

With the future in mind, he opened the door and walked in.

He said with a serious face: "If there is nothing serious, I will try not to disturb you."

"I asked you to come here this time because we are facing a world-wide crisis."

"If it is not handled properly, the impact will be much greater than an alien invasion."

"If you are not careful, the earth will be in danger of being shattered!"

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