Marvel's Hogwarts Professor

Chapter 652: SHIELD, are you a jobber?

"Wake up!"

"Wake up, Icarus!"


Icarus, who was in a coma, seemed to hear a familiar voice.

His consciousness gradually awakened, he shook his head slightly and opened his eyes.

Looking at the familiar white-haired woman in front of him.


His voice was a little dry, as if he hadn't spoken for a long time.

"Tina, what's wrong?"

But the Eternals are the Eternals after all. Soon Ikaros returned to normal, and the memory in his mind recalled the last moment before coma.

Yes, he was captured by these mages.

He tried and resisted, using up all his strength and energy to resist the restraints of these mages.

Along with a gray mist, his consciousness fell into coma.

It wasn't until now that I slowly woke up.

With his thoughts turning, Icarus glanced around vigilantly.

In the closed space, there is a table and four chairs.

Some torture instruments were hung on the dark gray walls, and there were some dark red blood stains on them visible to the naked eye.

At this moment, some magic seemed to have been cast on him, and he felt weak and weak all over.


"Tina, how are the others doing now?"

Looking at Tina, whose clothes and makeup seemed to have been carefully taken care of, Icarus felt a suspicion in his heart and asked in a deep voice.

"Don't worry, they are all fine!" Tina was silent for a moment and then said, "These mages need us and will not attack us."

"Have you cooperated with them?" Icarus' tone should have been doubtful, but his tone became affirmative, followed by questioning.

"Tina, we all know that the purpose of these mages is the Son of God."

"What are you doing?"

"Do you know what the hell you're doing now?"

"You are betraying, betraying your duty, betraying your mission, betraying the great God!"

"Do you still want to go back to your hometown?"

"Do you still want to meet your tribe?"

Icarus' tone was full of disbelief, questioning and anger.

"I know." Tina said calmly: "But these are all lies!"

"What?" Icarus couldn't understand.

What is a lie?

"Everything God tells us is a lie!" Tina repeated again.

"What are you talking about!" Icarus' face was full of disbelief and surprise.

"You won't be brainwashed by these mages!"

Tina shook her head slightly and repeated what she said again: "Everything God tells us is a lie."

"We have no hometown!"

"We have no clansmen!"

"All we have is what we have in front of us!"

Seeing Icarostina, who seemed to have been greatly shocked, she continued speaking again.

"I know, you may still be doubting."

"But everything I said is true."

"Why am I out of control?"

"Why do I attack others indiscriminately, even my teammates?"

"It's because I recalled the memory deleted by the gods."

Tina said word for word.

"We are just beings created by the gods to protect the Son of God."

"We don't know how many lives we need."

"If our mission succeeds or fails, we will eventually be recalled."

"The reason is that we have always wanted to return to our hometown."

"The reality is to reset us and delete our memories."

"Assigned to the next guard duty."

Tina said expressionlessly: "Icarus, everything I said is true."

"Actually, if you think carefully, you can detect it."

"Just think about how many memories of your hometown you can recall."

"Are those memories really completely logical?"

"To think, to discern."

Following what Tina said, Icarus began to review his memories of his hometown.

My hometown is beautiful.

The sky is full of white clouds, colorful flowers, vast grasslands, beautiful lakes...

The people in my hometown are very friendly.

My friends are also very friendly.

He has a father with a strong character, a beautiful mother, and both parents are respected for their profession...

The memories of my hometown are really beautiful.

There is even a hint of illusion and falsehood in this beauty.

Icarus never doubted it, or the thought may have occurred to him before, but he just dismissed it as a joke.

Now Tina brings it up again, reviewing it seriously.

Icarus's face turned a little pale, and he forced a smile and said: "Tina, you are kidding, right?"

"Yeah, you're just kidding!"

"How could my parents be false, how could my friends be illusory!"

Tina didn't speak, seeming to give Icarus time to calm down.

Icarus, initially agitated, gradually calmed down in the later stages.

The initial questioning turned into mutterings, and finally fell into silence.

I do not know how long it has been……

"Tina, what are you going to do next?" Icarus said expressionlessly.

"As you said, I have discussed a cooperation with these mages." Tina said calmly.

"They want access to the space where the Son of God is."

"I can apply to the gods and bring them in."

"Tina, that's a god!" Icarus interrupted and reminded.

"After being discovered, I'm afraid we will all be recycled."

He now understands the situation he is in very well.

After all, after living on the earth for thousands of years, I have seen and experienced too many things.

"I know." Tina said, "Don't worry, since I agreed to cooperate, there must be a way to ensure my safety."

Immediately afterwards, Tick Tina did not continue speaking, but changed the topic.

"Icarus, Ajana, Ginger and others are all awake now."

"Next time, none of us can live without the other."

“Working together is the only way to keep everyone safe.”

After a moment of silence, Icarus uttered one word.



S.H.I.E.L.D., sky carrier, conference room.

In the conference room, the Avengers, Nick Fury and others gathered together.

They seemed to be discussing or studying.

"Tony, have you got any results from your abnormal space fluctuation search device?"

"Not yet, there is a lot of data, but they are all invalid!"

"Does divination magic have any effect?"


The atmosphere in the conference room was a little anxious, and everyone seemed a little nervous.

At this moment, the conference room door suddenly opened.

Thor walked out and shouted directly to the people inside: "Any clues?"

"How long has it been? Where are you now?"

Thor's question was met with silence from everyone.

Immediately afterwards, only Nick Fury's comfort was heard: "Thor, be patient."

"We're doing everything we can."

"Tony has also collected a large amount of data and is waiting to be screened one by one..."

Nick Fury's words obviously made Thor a little dissatisfied.

He cooperated with SHIELD before because SHIELD has global influence.

The result is this.

SHIELD, are you a jobber?

Just when he was about to say something sarcastic, suddenly...


A huge energy fluctuation suddenly rose!

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