Marvel's Hogwarts Professor

Chapter 660 The deadly battle between Thor and Lockhart?


Hulk Bruce Banner was shocked to see Ian lying dead on the ground, and then turned to look at Iron Man Tony who was also dead.

It seemed that he couldn't believe what he saw before his eyes.

Tony Stark, although a little arrogant, has always been one of the backbone of the film.

Just die.

It’s a bit strange to die!

What a funny death!

Death is so easy!

After looking down at Ian's fist stained with blood, he looked at Ian who was lying on the ground lifeless.

Suddenly I felt a little overwhelmed.

At the same time, the surrounding Karma Taj Master gradually stopped what he was doing.

He fell in love with the original command mage Ian, and his expression showed disbelief.

At the same time, a surge of anger emerged in their hearts.

Vera on the side saw this scene and waved the wand in her hand as if she was completely furious.

It smells like a lot of death and carnage.

Aiming at the Hulk Bruce Banner in front of him, he seemed to want to kill this murderer to avenge Ian.


The next moment, Locket flashed with a colorful light, and Lockhart appeared next to Ian's body.

At the same time, Thor, the god of thunder, also appeared next to Iron Man Tony's half-mutilated body.

The scene was silent for a while!

Everyone focused on Lockhart and Thor.

He seemed to want to know the next two people's reactions.

Vera was just accumulating magic power, and seemed to be waiting for her teacher Lockhart's order to cast magic.

Lockhart and Thor stood quietly next to the two corpses.

No words were spoken.

But they all looked cold at the same time.

Putting aside those Muggle cannon fodders, this was the first casualty on the field.

Moreover, if one person dies, two people die, and those who die are the most critical backbone of the team.

"Avada Kedavra!"

Without hesitation, Lockhart's eyes were cold, and he waved his wand and cast the Death Curse on Thor.

The surging magic power was poured into the air, and the deadly aura of death filled the air.

A dark green life-killing curse with a breath of death was fired towards Thor, the God of Thunder.

Lockhart's movements seemed to stimulate Vera beside her.

"Avada Kedavra!"

Similarly, a dark green and lethal death curse was shot towards the Hulk.

Compared with the relaxed state before, everyone seems to have suddenly entered a life-or-death state of emergency.


Feeling the breath of death brought by the curse, Thor's hammer in Thor's hand turned slightly in an instant.

A massive amount of thunder burst out from his whole body.


Without hesitation, he held Mjolnir in his hand and struck hard at the life-killing curse that was coming towards him.



With a bang, Mjolnir's hammer hit the dark green life-killing curse.

Although this is Thor's gravity blow, Lockhart's curse is not vegetarian.

Along with the crackling sound, Thor's Hammer and Deathline fell into a stalemate.

Thor summoned a large amount of thunder power in his body and poured it into it.

And Lockhart also blessed the Death Curse with a massive amount of magic power.

Raging energy boiled in the center of the battlefield.

call! call! call!

It seemed that under the impact of the ability, a strong wind blew around, and a strong pressure made the mages and everyone present feel it was difficult to breathe.

At this moment, Vera unleashed the same fate on the Hulk.

Taking revenge on his classmates.

However, Johnny, the Ghost Rider on the side, seemed to be on guard for a long time.

The iron chain formed by the same dark red hellfire flew towards the Death Curse, seeming to block the fatal blow for the Hulk.

Vera's strength is obviously not as strong as Lockhart's, and it is still difficult to deal with an old cannon like Ghost Rider.

The scene once again reached a stalemate.

And Hulk Bruce Banner seemed to be stimulated by some kind of stimulation, his eyes flashed with a red light.

Taking advantage of the stalemate between the two sides, he rushed towards Master Kama Taj not far away.

It seems that he is thinking about using his strong body to defeat these Kama Taj mages.

Of course, these magicians of Kama Taj are not vegetarians either.

Ian's death made them angry.

Seeing the murderer rushing towards him, there would be no hesitation.

They all used their best killing magic and rushed towards the Hulk.

boom! boom! boom!

A large amount of magic quickly formed as the hanging ring was waved, and then shot towards the Hulk like bullets.

A series of loud bangs hit the Hulk's body, causing a strong stinging sensation.


I saw the Hulk roaring, as if he was being stabbed through the body, arousing the anger in his heart. His muscles further swelled, and his body became huge again.

A pressure gradually rose, making the surrounding mages shudder.

"Restrict his movements!"

It seems that the magic in his hand cannot cause fatal damage to the Hulk, but can only make the opponent feel pain.

A wizard from the Vientiane World shouted.

The mage quickly changed his strategy.

The wand in his hand was waved, and the ground turned into a swamp. The earth and stone giant quickly formed and rushed towards the Hulk, wrapping his arms around him, as if he wanted to restrict the Hulk's movements.

Waving the hanging ring in his hand, dense red flame ropes flew towards the Hulk, trying to bind the Hulk's hands, legs, neck, etc. again.

boom! boom! boom!

The Hulk was careless and didn't notice the swamp on the ground, or the swamp formed too quickly and he got stuck in it.

Facing the earth and stone giants rushing towards him, there were also ropes all over the sky.

The Hulk waved his fists, crushing and defeating them.

From time to time, he beat the swamp on the ground, and the huge force spread to all sides, and cracks began to appear in the hard land outside the swamp.

It can be said that the Hulk at this moment seems to have reached the point where he can defeat ten with one force.

At the same time, the battlefield between Lockhart and Thor seemed to have reached an extreme.

The power of thunder destroyed all evil auras, and the Death Curse continued to gather strength under Lockhart's massive supply of magic power.

Both sides are consuming each other, and the energy of both sides is getting bigger and bigger.

A huge ball of blue and green energy formed at the junction of Thor's Hammer and the Death Curse.

This confrontation seems to have reached a climax.



I saw Lockhart waving the wand in his hand, and the majestic spiritual power surged out.

Pulling the blue-green light ball of huge energy in the center of the battlefield.

Flying towards the towering light pillar on the side.

The speed was very fast. In the blink of an eye, the ball of light, which gathered all the strength of Lockhart and Thor, crashed into the towering light pillar.

Boom boom boom!

There was a loud roar, Lockhart's death curse, Thor's thunder power, and the energy beam of the god's embryo exploded.

The majestic and majestic energy, with the light pillar as the center, quickly spreads to the surroundings.

The surrounding Ghost Riders and mages, including Lockhart and Shentor, seemed to be under the impact of this huge energy.

The body flew around uncontrollably.

At the same time, the light beam shattered, and a pure white space wormhole that was constantly rotating appeared in the sky above the Thames River.

It seems to be a passage to the embryo of a god.

Already appeared!

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