Marvel's Hogwarts Professor

Chapter 663 The Head of the God



Thor, the god of thunder, raised his hammer high, and thunder shapes filled the sky and began to spread from the surrounding area.

Behind him was a sea of ​​thunder, and a powerful pressure filled the surrounding area.

At this moment, he was demonstrating as well as resisting.

Even if they are still in embryo, the Celestial Clan is still sleeping.

The coercion radiated was so powerful that it seemed as if the entire world was being suppressed.

In other words, this is a way for him to protect himself, using his own world of gods to suppress all intruders.

Thor felt very comfortable after fully activating his bloodline and releasing his Thunder God Domain.

Looking at this sentence, it is very huge, and even has a huge body with a sense of boundless sight.

Can't help but be surprised.

He has seen, fought, fought, and even killed all the giants in Asgard and the Nine Realms.

However, the giant in front of him, no, calling him a giant is a bit insulting.

With such a body shape, he is worthy of being a Celestial Clan, a race born with the planet as its nourishment.

His head is probably bigger than New York and Washington in the United States.

With his thoughts turning, Thor flew towards the center of this space with the sea of ​​thunder behind him.

Don't worry about going the wrong way, because anyone with a little bit of strength can clearly sense the location of the center.

After all, the closer to the center, the stronger the pressure.



The power of thunder continued to burst out, and the disciple's figure was like lightning, flying forward at high speed.

However, he didn't fly very far.


The space began to change, just like light rain hitting the lake surface, starting to make waves.

Before Thor had time to react, in an instant, he found himself in another area.

It is still the space where the god embryo is located, but the environment can change.

If it was the position of the thigh before, now it is the position of the palm.

Standing high in the sky, Thor, the God of Thunder, could clearly see the five fingers that looked like mountains.

The space here is a bit weird!

With his thoughts turning, Thor continued to fly forward.

He had also just flown a certain distance, and after another space change, Thor found himself in a new environment.

It was still the palm of my hand before, but now it has reached the chest.

And the destination seems to be getting closer.

This seems like a good thing.

But for some reason, Thor felt bad in his heart.

It was as if there was a pair of mysterious hands pushing them to reach the finish line.

But on second thought, Thor didn't delve too deeply into it.

He has confidence in his own strength. After all, he has brought it all this time...


Part of the brain of a Celestial embryo.

As the space fluctuations changed from time to time, a large number of mages arrived one after another at the core of the god's embryo.

Including Asgardians who have not joined the battlefield before.

It seems that after discovering that the space passage leading to the embryo of the god was opened, they entered together.

Most of them were divided into two pairs, one team was the Karma Taj wizard headed by Lockhart, and the wizards from the Vientiane World.

As for the other team, they are Asgardians headed by Thor, and S.H.I.E.L.D. agents wearing armor.

Yes, S.H.I.E.L.D. is also here this time, bringing with it the latest technological equipment developed.

The previous battle was purely attrition, and naturally Nick Fury would hide whenever he could.

But now the pathways to the destination are open.

Naturally, they will not give up.

After all, even if they only get a small piece of flesh and blood, for them, it is no less than an opportunity to gain a leap in strength.

Well, to be honest, when they saw such a huge embryonic body of a god along the way, these S.H.I.E.L.D. agents didn’t want to do anything.

However, the body was not only huge, but also very hard. They tried their best, even if they cut it, they couldn't get a single bit of it.

And when they wanted to use more powerful equipment, they found that with a space transformation, they arrived in a new area.

It seems that after the body of the god embryo is damaged, it will spontaneously protect itself.

At this moment, Lockhart stood at the top of the god's embryo's head, right between the eyebrows.

Not far away from the opposite side, Thor, the god of thunder, was waving his thunder to drive away the pressure from the embryo of the god for his own people.

Yes, mainly because SHIELD is a piece of trash and a burden to the group.

A group of ordinary people, although relying on some armor weapons, have gained considerable combat power.

But after all, he is still a human being with the naked eye. Perhaps with some help, the energy bottle cover can resist part of the pressure.

But at this core position, it is still stretched thin.

Can only rely on Thor's protection.

Lockhart's side was relatively simple. The mages gathered in twos and threes in a simple formation to resist the pressure together.

"Lockhart, you can't believe it."

"Even if it's an embryo, its body is so huge."

"If you want to take action, how can you do it?"

Thor's voice seemed to have a hint of sarcasm.

Yes, it was originally thought that the god in the embryonic state could be destroyed with a wave of his hand.

Unexpectedly, just such a huge body has already reached the peak of the difficulty of eradication.

Specifically, the spontaneous spatial changes or movements.

As long as it reaches the level of harm to the body, it will immediately teleport away spontaneously.

This defense mechanism is very useful.

Lockhart didn't reply at all to what Thor said, and his expression didn't even change at all.

He still looked down at the embryonic head of the god.

I have to say, the head is huge.

Fortunately, he was standing high in the sky and looking down.

Only then can we see the complete face of the God’s embryo.

It was a young man wearing a crown on his head. The crown looked like jade.

Yes, it was originally thought that the god in the embryonic state could be destroyed with a wave of his hand.

Unexpectedly, just such a huge body has already reached the peak of the difficulty of eradication.

To mention respectively, the spontaneous spatial change or movement.

As long as it reaches the level of harm to the body, it will immediately teleport away spontaneously.

This defense mechanism is very useful.

Lockhart didn't reply at all to what Thor said, and his expression didn't even change at all.

He still looked down at the embryonic head of the god.

I have to say, the head is huge.

Fortunately, he was standing high in the sky and looking down.

Only then can we see the complete face of the God’s embryo.

He was a young man, wearing a crown on his head. The crown looked like jade and seemed particularly precious.

Moreover, it is obvious that there are strong energy fluctuations surrounding the crown.

It seems to indicate that this is a companion treasure worn by the gods.

Has the responsibility of protecting the gods!

Lockhart did not pay too much attention to the crown, but focused his eyes on the forehead of the huge head.

The eyebrows are also very large. Even if it is a smaller point, placed on the head of the god, it is at least the size of a basketball court.

Thor, who was on the opposite side, saw that Lockhart didn't reply, and followed Lockhart's gaze to the position between his eyebrows.

This time, his smile faded as he seemed to think of Lockhart's plan.

Damn it!

Lockhart thought about starting from the spiritual side.

Yes, the body is so huge that it would take a lot of effort to destroy it.

But if you just destroy the soul, the amount of work will be reduced by not much difficulty.

Of course, the difficulty is probably not low either.

After all, the embryo of a god has been gestating on earth for at least 100,000 years, or even as long as millions of years.

After such a long time, even if it is a pig, his mental power will reach a surprising level.

Thoughts turn, the next moment...



The sea of ​​thunder covers the forehead of the god!

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