Marvel's Hogwarts Professor

Chapter 675 Mephisto whose heart is bleeding

Who is David?

Is it me?


This is definitely not me!

But who is he?

In the huge soul, thoughts are constantly emerging like sparks, and then disappear.

His true self began to awaken, and his complete true spirit began to condense.

It took thousands of years for this book to begin to rapidly evolve to perfection at this moment.

However, as luck would have it, the speed may be too fast, or the current accumulation may not be enough.

Every time I reach the point of awakening my true self, I always fail.

Failed for the first time!

Failed for the 2nd time!

I don’t know how many times I failed, but fortunately the God’s soul is huge and the capital is strong enough.

It can support his awakening again and again, even if it fails and the loss is greater, it does not hurt the foundation.

who I am?

Who is David?

Who is the God of Twilight?

Is it me?

No, this is definitely not me, I am...


Once again, the awakening of the true spirit failed.

After this failure, some subtle changes began to occur.

In other words, even if he is a pig, even if he only relies on instinct, hundreds of failures are enough for him to start to reflect.

Still lacking soul energy?

Not lacking.

The vastness of his soul is unimaginable to ordinary people.

What he needs is...

The power of true spirit!

Yes, he just needs enough true spiritual power!

Although the god didn't have an accurate idea in his mind, under the influence of his instinct, he began to have a strong desire for completeness.

He began to chase the true spiritual power that originally belonged to him.

That is accumulated over countless years.

He began to chase, to desire, to awaken.

Instinct told him that the True Spirit Light Ball in front of him was his, it belonged to him, and he needed the power of the True Spirit.

call! call! call!

At this moment, outside, the huge god soul waved his palms to capture Mephisto in mid-air.

No, to be precise, it was the True Spirit Light Ball imprisoned in front of him.

Mephisto dodges extremely quickly.

With his small stature, he was unable to evade capture time and time again.

However, his face became increasingly ugly.

He felt suppressed.

This suppression is rapidly increasing bit by bit.

Suppress its speed and imprison his body.

At first, he could easily resist, but as time passed, the force of suppression became stronger and stronger, and he gradually began to have difficulty.

What is the source of this oppression?

Mephisto knows this clearly.

What else could it be?

It’s the god in front of you.

Don’t forget where they are. They are in the space between the gods’ eyebrows. This is the domain of the gods.

When his instinct and his will have an accurate target.

Everything will be promoted spontaneously.

Now, the purpose of the god's soul is very simple and pure, which is to catch him and obtain his true spirit.

He wanted to escape, and the way to escape capture was also very simple.

Give up the true spirit before you.

A natural soul that only relies on instinct and has no complete consciousness will naturally not care about him.

However, how could Mephisto give up.

The true spirit in his hand is as important as the emperor of the dynasty.

Holding the Son of Heaven in your hand is equivalent to possessing the key to the God, body and soul.

Its value, its importance, its significance cannot be expressed in words.

At the very least, if you can make good use of the true spirit in your hands.

You can definitely get a puppet with the combat power of a god, and it is also very powerful.

The power of the gods is far beyond that of gods of the same level.

Not to mention that the knowledge and resources behind it, including the identity of the gods, are extremely valuable.

Dormammu on the side narrowed his eyes as he watched Mephisto dodge with the lineup of gods in hand.

He also knows the value of the true spirit of the gods.

For him, a god born with the earth as his foundation naturally has certain control over the earth.

Based on this, the earth will not be his back garden in the future, but like Kama Taj, the Supreme Mage should never stop him.

This is really only a small part of the value. The rest, the use of gods in my mind, can completely write a book.

He looked at Mephisto, who was dodging the gods' capture in front of him.

Some hesitation...

If he takes action now, Mephisto may not be able to handle it.

But now the true spirit is like a hot potato. I want to grab it but it is too hot.

Don’t you see Mephisto now?

At the beginning, he was a little greedy and sold the imprisoned true spirit himself, which resulted in the bitter consequences now.

I want to let go, but I am unwilling to do so.

That's right, if it were him, he wouldn't be reconciled.

If you are willing to give up, you will gain something.

Everyone knows the truth, but if you are presented with such a real opportunity that can change your destiny, would you really give up?

The fallen mages on the side, including Strange and Grindelwald, also looked closely at Mephisto, who was hiding at high altitude.

It seems that as long as Mephisto cannot hold on, they will come to support and protect the true spirit of the god.

However, the irony is that everyone was in tacit understanding and no one took action.

It seems that they all want to wait until Mephisto can no longer hold on and his strength is weakened to the lowest level before taking action.

call! call! call!

The pressure became stronger and stronger, and Mephisto seemed to be unable to hold on, and his breathing began to become rapid.

He wanted to let go, but no one came from below.

Everyone seemed to want to see his jokes.

And he didn't dare to let go. He very clearly felt the strong struggle of the true spirit.

As long as he relaxes a little bit, the true spirit in his hand immediately rushes towards the soul of the heavenly spirit in front of him and merges into it.

By then, I'm afraid everything will be too late.

Buzz! Buzz! Buzz!

It seems that Mephisto's weakness has been sensed, which proves that the intensity of the struggle has once again increased, and the suppression of the world has further strengthened.

Mephisto no longer hesitated and shouted directly to everyone around him: "The true spirit of the gods, the resistance is too strong, please come quickly and help."

As the words fell, Mephisto's heart was bleeding.

Having said this, he will lose control of most of the true spirits, and may even be directly excluded.

After Dormammu heard this, he stepped forward without hesitation, and Strange and other mages also did not hesitate.

"Mr. Mephisto, please share the secret method of suppressing the gods."

A fallen mage said this.

Dormammu on the side also spoke to urge him, as if it was urgent.

They had not taken action before. On the one hand, they were indeed consuming Mephisto. On the other hand, they had no way to directly suppress the true spirit of the god.

Mephisto, who had been mentally prepared for a long time, did not delay and directly taught everyone the secret method of suppressing the true spirit that he had researched.

Just reserved a little bit as a last resort.

Of course, everyone knows Mephisto's character and doesn't care.

Quickly go through the secret method in your mind to familiarize yourself with it quickly.

At this moment...


The dark yellow mark on the god's brow suddenly brightened, and with lightning speed, Li's thousands of tentacles containing the power of dusk suddenly grabbed the bound true spirit of the god.

Before everyone could react, the dark yellow dusk tentacles had already passed through the True Spirit Light Ball, continuously devouring the True Spirit's power.

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