Marvel's Hogwarts Professor

Chapter 733 New York Temple, the battle is about to begin

Night, New York.


In a dilapidated alley that was rarely visited by people, I suddenly remembered a red flame-colored light.

The next moment, a circular circle of light appeared deep in the alley, and then, a figure in ragged clothes and covered in blood walked out of it.


The breeze seemed to blow away the entire red flame-colored teleportation aperture.

The alley returned to its original dark appearance.

There was just one more figure, one covered in blood, like an evil ghost seeking life.

I saw him dragging his body slowly step by step to the wall of the alley, leaning against the alley, and slumped on the ground.

call! call! call!

At this moment, Rhodes breathed a sigh of relief.

This group of Aurors in the wizarding world are really not human beings. Even if they use magic to extract confessions, they even use ordinary people's methods to torture them.

Even though he has magic, he can escape the pain where the torment lies.

But it can't be used.

Otherwise, as soon as you suffer pain, you will lose consciousness immediately.

If he does it a few times, any fool will know that this is definitely his way of escaping torture.

At that time, once the other party pays attention, I am afraid that they will immediately start to crack it, and they may not even rule out the possibility of discovering that their soul has left the body.

Fortunately, there seems to be no case of out-of-body souls in the wizarding world, otherwise it would be really troublesome.


Recalling the initial feeling of being out of body and out of body, Rhodes couldn't help but shook his head.

It should be said that it is indeed a new world.

In the original world, it was extremely easy for the soul to leave the body, and it could roam freely even thousands of miles away.

But now in this world, the soul is also out of the body, and he cannot be too far away from the body.

It seems that the body is its own bondage.

Even after staying in the outside world for a long time, I can feel the weakness of my soul, as if there is some kind of power that is constantly devouring or weakening my soul.

No wonder there are no cases of souls leaving the body in this world. I am afraid it is closely related to the suppression of souls in this world.

The thought flashed through his mind, and Rhodes no longer bothered about the out-of-body experience.

He lowered his head and stared at the marks on his body where he had been beaten, and looked at some of the flesh, which even showed signs of tumbling, blackening, and necrosis.

Suppressing the anger in his heart, he tremblingly raised his right hand to hang the ring.

As the hanging ring passed by, a milky white thread suddenly appeared from mid-air.

Then, as the gestures continued to change, the threads gradually spread, rotated, and formed a strange rune.


As Rhodes stretched out his hand and pressed down, the runes spread instantly and turned into milky white light and electricity, falling on the wounds on his body.

With his eyes closed, Rhodes felt his body, and there was a tickling sensation everywhere.

I couldn't help but sigh.

Conditions are limited, so it can only heal some skin injuries.

As for some injuries eroded by magic spells, it seems that they have to wait for the corresponding materials to be cured.


The New York Temple, everything is still normal.

Recalling the large number of Aurors searching for traces of Kama Taj like mad dogs, a gloom flashed across Rhodes' face.

Although there is limited information available shortly after his arrival in this world, there are various signs that Kamal Taj's situation in this world is not good.

At this moment, suddenly...

tread! tread! tread!

"who is it!"

A vigilant voice came from outside the alley.

He seemed to be attracted by the milky white healing light just now.

Soon, a black man walked in with a gun in his hand and his eyes were fixed on Rhodes, who was in ragged clothes and even stained with blood.

"Which gang are you from and what happened?"

The black man asked in surprise. He had not heard of any gang war recently.

Why are there injured people, who seem to be being tortured?

Thinking of this, the strong black man felt a little numb. He didn't want to cause trouble for himself.

After asking, I saw that the other person seemed to be in a coma and made no sound.

Then he was ready to turn around and leave.

Although he is considered a gangster, he is not stupid either.

When you encounter trouble, just go back and report the information. There is no need to get stuck.

cough! cough!

Before he turned around and walked away a few steps, a light coughing sound came from behind.

It caught his attention instantly.

"Friend, help me."

"I have a big gift for you."

Seeing that the black man was not fooled, Rhodes spoke quickly.

Unexpectedly, the rate of black people leaving has accelerated further.

"I'm a wizard!"

"I remember your appearance!"

Seeing this, Rhodes immediately changed his words and threatened.

In the past few days since I came to the wizarding world, I have a relatively detailed understanding of the situation in the Federation.

The status of wizards in this world.

Equivalent to ancient nobles.

For ordinary people, it is really a very high status and has all kinds of privileges.

Even the death of some people in front of the wizard is nothing.

Have you ever seen a commoner die and be buried with a noble?

At most, it's just a reward of money.

There are even many people who don’t need to take responsibility at all. They can just find an excuse and no one dares to look at their hands.

Sure enough, when he heard the voice coming from behind, Morris, the strong black man, turned around with a sad face.

"Master Wizard, I wonder if there is anything I can do for you!"

Morris stepped forward and said respectfully.

Rhodes stood up and asked in a deep voice: "Tell me where this is."

"And who are you? Why are you here."

After Morris heard this, his head turned rapidly and he said quickly: "Sir, this is New York, Blancpain, a black street."

"My name is Maurice Andu, a member of the Black Death Gang."

"As usual, I patrol here."

Don't kill me. If I die, the gang will definitely find out.

At that time, your traces may also be exposed.

Rhodes didn't care about Morris' little thoughts.

There's just something weird about him.

"You gangsters still patrol?"

He felt a little ridiculous, saying that if the police patrolled, there would be no problem.

A group of gangsters are patrolling, what are they doing?

"It's not really a patrol," Morris explained: "It's just that the gang boss wants everyone to get out now."

"Walking around on your own turf."

"Then go back and report any possible anomalies."

"The boss above attaches great importance to this."

"I heard all the gangs in New York were doing this."

Hearing this, Rhodes had a headache. It seemed that the Aurors were really unscrupulous.

Even the gangsters were contacted.

He is not stupid. For such a large-scale move, besides looking for Kama Taj, what else can he do?

You can't possibly be looking for criminals, right?

It's true that magic is just a waste.

"Take me back to your home." Rhodes directly ordered: "Don't leak my information."

However, Morris quickly said: "Sir, I live with a few people."

"It's not convenient for you to recover from your injuries there."

"I know a place that's relatively private."

"It's perfect for recuperation."


Three days later, Star Nightclub, top floor office.

Rhodes sat cross-legged on the ground, closed his eyes and meditated, trying to repair the damage to his soul.

In the past few days of recuperation, the injuries on the object have basically healed.

But the real problem is the damage to the soul.

Since the Cruciatus Curse is known as the three unforgivable curses, it is naturally not that easy to deal with.

Even if his soul is out of body, the impact on his soul cannot be underestimated.

After all, this world suppresses souls too harshly.

He simply cannot stay away from his body.

At most, it can shield part of the pain and weaken some of the effects of the Life-Drilling Curse.

But fortunately, it didn't hurt the roots.

Two or three days of recuperation allowed him to breathe a sigh of relief.

As for repairing the soul in the future, the corresponding magic potion is naturally indispensable.


Boom! Boom! Boom!

There was a slight knock, a knock on the door, and instantly, my nerves were raised.

Rhodes slightly let go of his mental perception and relaxed slightly.

"Come in, Maurice."

I saw a strong black man, followed by a middle-aged man in white wearing a leather jacket walking in with a flattering smile.

After they walked into the house, a series of beauties in various revealing clothes appeared behind them and walked in carrying dinner plates.

"Master Wizard, please have a meal!"

Morris said first, and Ogood, the leader of the Black Death Gang behind him, smiled sarcastically.

He quickly asked the ladies in his nightclub to put the food away.

"Master Wizard, this is breakfast cooked by the chef I hired from the high-end hotel in the city center."

"Try it!"

Glancing at the former gang leader, Morris said flatteringly.

Meeting the injured wizard, Morris felt that he might not be able to hold on alone.

So he dragged his gang leader into trouble.

With the help of his identity as a wizard, he can now be regarded as the number one person.

Even the former gang leader Ogood should pay attention to his face.

After all, he was the one who brought the wizard back, and now he has great trust in him.

For Morris, now he just hopes to maintain this relationship.

Even if it is a dog owned by the wizard, it is a shortcut to cross the hierarchy.

Black lives are worthless, so why are you willing to put your own life on the line?

Rhodes didn't know what he thought about Morris' current situation, and even if he knew, he didn't care.

Looking at the breakfast cooked in front of him, he asked casually: "Has the latest street layout map of New York been completed?"

Upon hearing this, the middle-aged white man on the side, Ogood, the leader of the Black Death Gang, quickly stepped forward, holding a round USB flash drive in his hand.

He handed it over respectfully and said in a deep voice: "Master Wizard, I have sorted it out and asked someone to verify it one-on-one to ensure that there is no problem."

"This is definitely the latest."

Looking at the small silver disk in front of him, Morris nodded to express his understanding, then waved his hand to signal the other party to leave.

With a slight bang, the door closed, leaving Rhodes alone in the entire office.

He ignored breakfast and directly picked up the USB flash drive and put it on the projector nearby, and began to zoom in and project the latest version of the New York map.

Although the two worlds are somewhat similar in many ways, including history.

But when it comes to specific cities, there are always differences.

Especially New York, once the center of the world, has become a first-tier city under the rule of the Wizarding Federation for more than 30 years.

Although it is still prosperous, it has long lost its original status.

What everyone yearns for now is the British Isles and London.

That is the essence of the entire federation.

It is also the ultimate goal that all talents aspire to.

With a buzzing sound, the projector turned on and a screen of light was reflected on the opposite wall.

Rhodes waved his hand, and the curtains of the window closed automatically, making the entire space dark.

The wall projection becomes increasingly clear.

He walked up to the projection and looked at the entire city carefully.

Comparing the New York of his original world, he began to look for traces of the New York Temple.


Rhodes set his sights on the Blanc area where he is currently located.

Comparing the location and distance from the city center, the New York Temple may be located here.

However, the specific address still needs to be determined.

Thoughts flashed, Rhodes walked to the window and opened the curtains.

Staring at the busy streets below.

Look at the large number of black and white people below, looking up at the blue sky and the scorching sun.

Rhodes narrowed his eyes slightly.

It's time to leave.

The wounding of the soul cannot be delayed.

As for how Allgood and Morris will end, Rhodes doesn't want to care.

If we are lucky enough to meet again later, let’s talk about it.


After waving the hanging ring, Rhodes' figure became transparent and completely invisible.

The next moment, the window suddenly opened, a crackling sound was heard, and then the whole cabin returned to silence.

Only the projector was turned on and a map of New York was left on the wall.


New York Temple.

Casillas stood deep in the temple, at the heart of the magic circle.

Close your eyes and feel the changes in the entire void and space.

To achieve the best effect, they must choose to open it when the world is at its weakest.

At this time, Lockhart can be contacted, and as many mages as possible can be sent down at the same time.

There is only one chance.

Next time, we can only wait until the three major temples are established to fully welcome Lockhart's arrival.

At this moment, Ian was watching Casillas sitting cross-legged in the center of the formation.

He didn't speak, just pursed his lips.

To say that you are not anxious inside, there must be something wrong.

After all, the external search situation is becoming more and more strict, and the incomplete address was discovered.

Then he would be besieged by all the wizards in the entire federation.

The unopened New York Temple was powerless to protect.

While Ian was thinking, suddenly...


The surrounding void shone with green and yellow light, and Casillas opened his eyes.

A faint smile appeared on his face.

"Ian, wait two or three days and then we can start."

Casillas is very excited, Ian is also very happy.

The most critical step is about to be taken.

After waiting for the arrival of Kama Taj's mage, you can start your counterattack.

"Ian, tell Carter this information."

"She has been very worried in the past few days."

Casillas said solemnly.

"But be careful not to leak the information,"

"For now, it's only the three of us who know about it."

"Important things should still be kept secret."

In this regard, Ian nodded without any objection.

Then the two of them walked outside.

As soon as they walked into the hall, they were surprised to see a familiar figure.

"Rhodes, you're here too."

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