Marvel's Hogwarts Professor

Chapter 92 Lockhart’s new magic research (first order requested 1/20)

Chapter 92 Lockhart’s new magic research (first order requested: 120)

PS: I request all readers to make an initial subscription, because this directly determines the future performance of this book. I recommend it. Today, I will update 20 chapters, so that readers will enjoy reading it.

Lockhart walked out of Professor McGonagall's office

Walk along the corridor towards the principal's office.

He now doesn't have high expectations for getting a lot of free resources from Professor McGonagall.

Why! As expected of Vice Principal McGonagall, who is always known for being serious and strict.

Not only is the management of students strict, but also the professors’ resource applications are so strict.

But it doesn't matter, now he has found a new way to make money.

If you have money on hand, free resources may not be available in large quantities, so why not pay?

It’s nothing more than the level of cost.

Lockhart thought as he walked up the stairs.

I have to go to the principal's office today.

Yesterday, he couldn't figure out whether Dumbledore was testing him.

Because Dumbledore seemed to really want to write an autobiography, he asked a few questions about his autobiography and then started talking about other unrelated things.

This left Lockhart a little confused.

However, he wasn't too worried. Although the original person had committed enough crimes to be sent to Azkaban seven times, he was able to handle them with clean hands and feet.

He recalled it over and over again and basically couldn't find any mistakes or omissions.

Well, it can be said that at present, it is difficult to establish his guilt unless he voluntarily leaks it himself.

Therefore, apart from being slightly frightened when Lockhart saw Dumbledore for the first time, now, it feels very natural.

Faced with the large number of thoughts that appeared in his mind, Lockhart shook his head slightly and quickly gathered his thoughts.

Today I took the initiative to meet with the principal, not to talk to him about my past affairs, but to talk about runes and ancient runes.

He believed that as long as he showed the mystery of the runes in front of Dumbledore, he should be able to attract the interest of the top White Devil.

Let him join the ranks of workers in the new magic system, no, in the big family.

Hogwarts, Headmaster's Office.

Dumbledore was reading the book, and from time to time he took out the sizzling honey candy from the side, put it in his mouth, and tasted it carefully.

As he gets older, the sweetness brought by candy can remind him of the joy and happiness of his youth.



Dumbledore was not surprised when he heard the subtle roar of the stone door opening from outside. He took out a cup and placed it on the table, while a chair quietly appeared opposite.

Then with a flick of the wand, a large amount of honey was slowly poured into the cup.

After a while, a figure came in quietly, and Dumbledore waved, "Lockhart, you're here."

"I've prepared a cup of honey juice for you, come and try it."

"There are some other snacks, chocolate balls, sizzling honey candies, and strange-flavored beans. Which ones do you like?"

Lockhart looked at the chairs, drinks and sweets that Dumbledore had carefully prepared.

I felt tears well up in my eyes. This was much better than being with Professor McGonagall. Although Professor McGonagall didn't say that I was rejected, it wasn't much different.

As for the principal, as soon as he came in, he invited himself to eat some delicious food and compare the two.

Alas, there is no comparison.

He immediately said with great gratitude: "Thank you, principal."

As he said that, Lockhart sat on the chair and first took a look at Phoenix standing in front of the window.

Then he took a sip of the honey on the table, looked at the book Dumbledore was reading, and asked curiously.

"Principal, have you been studying alchemy recently?"

"Yes, Lockhart, I discussed some alchemy topics with a friend before, and I just wanted to take a look when I had nothing to do."

"Oh, Principal, if you want to restore some damaged alchemy items, I do have some experience here."

Lockhart glanced at the title of the book - "Analysis of the Essence of Restoration of Alchemical Items" and asked tentatively.

"No, Lockhart." Dumbledore refused directly, and then asked, "Why do you come to me this time?"

"Yesterday. Didn't you want to write an autobiography? I came over to see how I could help."

"Also, I have encountered some difficulties in my research, and I would like to ask the principal for your help and guidance."

After hearing this, Dumbledore nodded silently, closed the book in his hand, and with a slight wave, the book immediately returned to the bookshelf.

Then, he said to Lockhart: "I am studying the autobiography."

"Don't worry about it now. Let's talk about your affairs first."

"Tell me about your research progress and research problems. I hope that I, an old man, can still help you."

After hearing Dumbledore's reply, Lockhart restrained his inner thoughts and introduced directly.

"Principal, Rune has talked to you before."

"After my personal research, it is completely different from ancient runes. If we say ancient runes, it focuses on alchemy."

"And runes will have more increases in magic spells."

As he spoke, Lockhart reached out and took out his wand, and simply drew a dark blue rune - thunder.

After the runes were formed, tiny streaks of lightning loomed over the runes.

Lockhart continued: "Headmaster, you see, this is just a pure rune. I named it Thunder."

"You can see that it resonates with the energy of heaven and earth itself, which ancient runes never could."

"If we incorporate runes into the spell when we cast it, it will undoubtedly increase the power of the spell."

Hearing this, Dumbledore was thoughtful, nodded slightly, and said, "Sounds good, is there anything special about it?"

"There is also a huge difference in the magical resonance between runes and ancient runes."

"My personal research shows that compared to ancient runes, runes only require 1/5 of the magic power to be driven. What does this mean? Principal, you should know."

Dumbledore nodded, with a hint of surprise on his face, and said, "Go on, Lockhart."

Lockhart seemed to sense Dumbledore's somewhat surprised attitude, and said in a somewhat encouraging tone: "This means that casting magic spells through runes will further reduce the magic power consumption and make it easier to learn."

“To put it simply, the threshold for learning has been lowered.”

"Even some spells that were originally impossible to be cast by the Squib have become possible."

At this point, Lockhart obviously raised his voice a little higher.

Seeing this, Dumbledore nodded slightly, signaling to continue.

Without any hesitation, Lockhart began to introduce his research results in an excited tone and introduced the influence of runes on the current magic system.

However, Dumbledore's expression did not change much. He nodded from time to time, approvingly allowing him to continue speaking.

This made Lockhart feel slightly uncomfortable.

This time, he showed off his latest research results, especially the runes, which have brought changes to the current magic system.

For any wizard, it should be tempting.

Why does it feel like Dumbledore's attitude is not as enthusiastic as he appears?

After talking for a while, Lockhart took advantage of his drink to pause and asked tentatively.

"Principal, regarding the influence of runes on the current magic system, I think your participation and your rich knowledge will quickly promote the progress of the entire research."

"I recently compiled some research materials. If you are interested, I will give you a copy when I get back."

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