Marvel’s Hogwarts Wizard

Chapter 590: Jerry's Genius Classmate (Part 1)


"Ms. Belle is going to give birth? Oh, it's almost time!"

Hearing Haas' knock on the door outside, Jerry was taken aback for a moment, then counted the time, and it was almost the same.

Because he often goes in and out of the small world, if he doesn't deliberately calculate the time, he will be very stupid.

Because sometimes he may have stayed in the small world for a few years, but the time in the main world has not advanced by a second, and there will naturally be a time gap after returning.

"Jerry, what's going on?"

Hermione looked at Jerry suspiciously when she heard the knock on the door.

Jerry had mentioned his family members in this world before, but because of time, he also mentioned them briefly, so Hermione didn't quite understand what was going on at this time.

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"'s almost like I'm going to have a younger brother or younger sister soon!"

Jerry smiled and stepped forward to open the door of the room.

"Jerry, Belle seems to be a week earlier than the due date, you come to help me... this is... looks familiar..."

Seeing Jerry open the door, Haas was a little nervous about ordering Jerry to help Belle into the car with him, when he suddenly saw Hermione standing next to Jerry, and was stunned for a moment.

When did his son secretly bring a girl home, and they were still in the bedroom together, wouldn't he disturb anything? But why does this girl look so familiar.

In fact, Haas and Belle's family members are not included in Jerry's Forgetting Curse.

It's just that although he has always used the image of Hermione, in the eyes of ordinary people, most of the wizard's appearance that they can really see clearly is the one that was first photographed in Hell's Kitchen. Hermione was eleven years old. appearance.

And now that Hermione is fifteen, she still looks a little different from when she was eleven.

Therefore, when Haas saw Hermione, he would feel a little familiar, but he would not immediately think that she was a famous wizard.

The main thing is that a famous wizard suddenly appeared in his son's room. This kind of thing sounds unreliable.

It's like when you suddenly open the door and find that there is a girl in your son's room, and that girl is so similar to the international first-line female star.

Then in your heart, you will never think that this girl is that female star, but that she may look like that female star.

After all, in this world, there are still many ordinary people who look like celebrities.

"Actually...I can come here alone...or you can continue..."

"This is Hermione, let's send Mrs. Bailey to the hospital first, and I'll talk to you later."

Jerry said helplessly, he knew Haas must be thinking wrong.

In fact, he originally decided to take Hermione to get acquainted with the world first, so that after Hermione had a general understanding of the world, he would take her to meet his family.

But since we have encountered the current situation, we can only briefly introduce it first.

"Hi uncle!"

Hermione hastily stepped forward nervously and said hello.

How could she not be nervous when she met her future father-in-law for the first time in such a situation that she was not prepared at all.

"Okay, hello! Very good!"

Haas looked Hermione up and down, and his face suddenly turned into a chrysanthemum.

He felt that today was really a double blessing. One was that he was going to have another child soon, and the other was that his son, who was not enlightened, finally knew how to find a girlfriend.

If this goes well, he may be a grandfather in a few years.


After exchanging a few simple greetings, the three of them came to Hass' bedroom together.

Different from the scene Jerry imagined, at this moment, Teacher Bailey didn't hold her stomach and yell, nor did she appear to have ruptured amniotic fluid or bleeding. Instead, she sat there calmly watching TV.

"Oh, Jerry is here, I think Haas is a little too nervous, I just feel a little slumping in my lower abdomen, a little pain in my stomach, he thought it was a sign of a baby, and called you here.

Hey, who is this lady? "

Seeing Jerry appearing, Mrs. Bailey explained helplessly, and then saw Hermione holding Jerry's arm and following Jerry closely, with a puzzled look in her eyes as well.

"Auntie, my name is Hermione Granger, and I'm Jerry's classmate."

Hermione hurriedly stepped forward and introduced herself.

Hearing Hermione's introduction that he was Jerry's classmate, Haas and Mr. Belle looked at each other, with a meaningful look on their faces at the same time.

In their view, since Hermione is Jerry's classmate, she must also be a top student at Columbia University, and it seems that Hermione is only fifteen or sixteen years old.

It shows that she, like Jerry, is a rare genius in the world.

Jerry can bring her home, the relationship between the two must be unusual, this may be a very good omen.

The legal age of marriage in the United States is 18 years old, and generally if you are under 18 years old, as long as you are 16 years old, you can get married with the consent of both parents and the local judge.

So now if Jerry and Hermione date for a few years, if it's good, maybe they can directly enter the palace of marriage after graduation.

Jerry naturally didn't know what Haas and Teacher Bailey were thinking at this time, but he still suggested that it would be better for Teacher Bailey to be sent to the hospital first.

Because according to his induction, Mrs. Belle seems to be really about to give birth.

Although he doesn't know medical skills, he can sense the omen of a new life that is about to be born in Mrs. Belle's body through his powerful spiritual power.

In fact, this is also a simple application of prophecy magic.

"My parents were Muggles and didn't know I was a wizard. If they asked where you went to school, you said Columbia University's Department of Biology."

After helping Mrs. Belle to sit in the back seat, Jerry explained to Hermione in a low voice before Hermione got into the car.

Hermione nodded immediately.

She understands this kind of thing very well. She is a wizard born in a Muggle family. Every time during the holidays, when relatives come to ask about her school, she can't say that she is studying magic at Hogwarts. Muggle schools deal with the past.

She believed that if she said she was studying magic at Hogwarts, those relatives would think she was suffering from some kind of mental illness.

In the same way, she felt that Jerry could be forgiven for not telling his family that he was a wizard.

Teacher Belle was a pregnant woman who was about to give birth, so naturally she couldn't sit in the co-pilot, so she was arranged in the back seat of the police car, with Hermione accompanying her.

So now Haas is driving and Jerry is in the passenger seat.

However, Teacher Bei Li's physique is very good. Although she may have a baby soon, she still looks like a normal person in the back seat.

Instead, he took Hermione's hand and began to chat enthusiastically with her.


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