Marvel’s Hogwarts Wizard

Chapter 735: Saint Na's Memory (Part 2)

Hearing Circe's request, Gilgamesh showed a trace of hesitation on his face. He agreed with Circe's words and felt that such an important matter should be clarified with Ajak.

But he was also worried about Sheng Na's condition. Although thanks to his efforts these years, Sheng Na had almost no recurrence of the disease, but it would be hard to say if she left this familiar and stable place.

However, before Gilgamesh could express his concerns, Saint Na, who had been eating quietly over there, suddenly turned white, stretched out her hand to condense a long sword and a shield, and directly moved the long table full of food. Split in half.

"Everybody dies! Everyone dies!"

While muttering to herself, Sheng Na stabbed the long sword at the water elf closest to her after smashing the long table.

Shengna's special ability is that she can shape the cosmic energy in her body into various powerful cold weapons, and then use her excellent fighting ability to kill the enemy.

If the water elf is stabbed by Sheng Na's long sword, it is estimated that he will be seriously injured if he does not die.

"Sanna, don't!"

Seeing that Sheng Na, who hadn't been sick for a long time, lost control while eating, Gilgamesh was shocked, and hurriedly gathered his fists to stop.

It's a pity that things happened too suddenly, and because he poured wine for everyone, there was a distance between them, so there must be no time.

Fortunately, besides Gilgamesh, there is also a more powerful Jerry.

"Time pause!"

Stretching out his hand and pointing at Sana, Jerry directly paused the time at Sana's position and fixed her in place.

The water elf immediately screamed in fright and turned around and ran behind Circe. Her ability is illusion, but it does not have defensive and offensive power.

"Sheng Na's eternal demon stupefied again!"

At this time, Gilgamesh also rushed to Saint Na, looking at Saint Na who was fixed in place, he asked anxiously:

"What's wrong with her?"

"It's okay, I temporarily stopped her time, what happened to the eternal magic stunned that the water elf said just now?"

Jerry pretended to be puzzled.

Circe, who was next to him, quickly explained the explanation about eternal demon stunned that has been circulated among the eternal clan. Anyway, it is roughly similar to the symptoms of neurosis and insanity in the human world.

"If you don't mind, I know a little bit of healing magic, and I can try to help cure this Miss Shengna's eternal magic."

After listening to Circe's explanation, Jerry paused and replied.

Regarding Yongmazheng, he understood what was going on better than Circe, that is, Alitham made a mistake in cleaning the memories of the Eternals who returned from the mission, causing their memories to become disordered and their spirits to become unstable.

For this situation, Jerry naturally has a way to treat it.

Regarding the study of spirit and memory, Jerry is definitely a real master, even the God group cannot compare with him.

In terms of strength, in terms of creating planets and life, Jerry may not be the opponent of those multi-level Celestial groups, but in terms of the diversity of abilities, Jerry, who has his own dimensional world, beats the Celestial groups by a few blocks.

If it hadn't been for the fact that the earth was too complicated and had connections with many powerful ancient gods, he would have thought about including the earth directly in his own dimensional world before.

In that way, even if the Tenjin Group is offended, the Tenjin Group will have nothing to do with him, and it will not affect the lives of human beings on Earth.

"Can you cure Eternal Demon Dazed?"

A look of surprise appeared on Gilgamesh's face, and he suddenly thought of the rumor that wizards do seem to know healing magic.

"I can only say try."

Jerry walked up to the immobilized Saint Na, put a hand on her forehead, and then mentally invaded her brain, and began to help her recover all the memories deleted by the Supreme God Alitham.

Memories cannot be completely deleted. Alissam's so-called deleted memories are nothing more than a memory seal. As long as the seal is released, the deleted memories will naturally be restored.

About a minute or so, Jerry let go of his hand and unlocked the time magic on Sana.

"Okay, there should be no problem."

Sure enough, at this time, Sheng Na's eyes were no longer white, but returned to a normal look, and put away the shaped sword and shield.

However, her expression was full of sadness.

"The supernatural manifestation that Mr. Jerry said is true, and our home planet Olympia does not exist at all. We are all beings created directly by the gods in the melting pot of the world"

Sheng Na, who recovered all her memories, told everything she knew.

Listening to Sheng Na's memories, and listening to the planets they guarded were finally destroyed in the divine presence, everyone fell into silence.

What Jerry said before just made them dubious. In fact, they still have a fluke mentality in their hearts. After all, no one wants to be just a tool made to complete the task.

But now this luck is gone, because Sheng Na's memory has proved everything.

And these are exactly the results Jerry wants. The encounters in Shengna's memory will make the Eternals completely stand on the opposite side of the Celestial Group.

"Actually, there's nothing wrong with being a god, at least you can leave the earth, and don't have to live the life of a child all the time, looking like a freak!"

When everyone was silent, the water elf spoke first.

Although she also likes the earth quite a bit, she has never grown up, and has never been able to have love like Circe, and she has had enough of being treated as a child all the time.

"Water spirit, didn't you listen to what Shengna said? Our home planet, Olympia, doesn't exist at all. What awaits us after the divine manifestation is over is that all our memories will be deleted, and then we will be sent to other planets to repeat the same experience." !"

Circe replied solemnly.

She doesn't want God to appear, she likes the earth, the human beings on the earth, and the life on the earth, and she doesn't want all her memories to be deleted.

"Water spirit, if you don't like your current body, maybe I can help you."

Hearing the reason why the water elf opposed the appearance of God, Jerry immediately said.

"If it's just a temporary change of shape with magic, that's fine, but my illusion can also do it. What I want is a really grown-up body."

The water elf sighed, she thought that the help Jerry said was to use illusion magic to change the shape.

Jerry waved his hand:

"Of course not, it's really helping you change a human body. I have experience in this matter. The Vision of the Avengers knows it. He was originally a mechanical body, but now he has become a real human being.

You just tell me how you imagine yourself as an adult, and I can help you figure that out right now. "


The water elf's eyes lit up when he heard the words, and immediately used his illusion to conjure up the illusion of a super beautiful woman.

She has imagined countless times what she would look like if she could grow up. This phantom is exactly what she feels most satisfied with in the past hundred years.

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