Marvel’s Hogwarts Wizard

Chapter 737: Jerry's Brainwashing (Part 2)

"No, Mr. Fastos, I just think that if you hadn't helped mankind to create an atomic bomb, the war at that time would not have ended. I don't know how many humans will die in that war.

If the countries that launched the aggression win, the consequences will probably be more serious, far more serious than the hundreds of thousands of people who died.

I have always believed that bad people should be punished, and I can't let good people sacrifice their lives just to save bad people.

And it is precisely because of the emergence of atomic bombs and nuclear weapons that those ambitious people no longer dare to easily launch large-scale wars.

There was a gap of 21 years between World War I and World War II, but more than 70 years have passed since the end of World War II. The world has always been in a state of peace, and this state of peace will last longer.

Because everyone understands that if World War III starts, the entire earth will be destroyed by nuclear weapons, and everyone will die.

It is precisely because you helped mankind invent nuclear weapons that mankind can be peaceful until now. Otherwise, it is estimated that the third, fourth, and fifth battles have all been fought.

World War I killed about 16 million people and injured about 10 million. World War II killed about 70 million people and injured about 130 million.

Mr. Fastos, can you imagine how many more humans would die on the earth today if there were no nuclear weapons invented by humans with your help? "

Facing Fastos' questioning, Jerry's face remained unchanged, and he slowly put all his reasons and real data in front of him.

"Besides, the most important point is that you just want to help human beings grow faster. A blacksmith can't forge a kitchen knife. Someone uses this kitchen knife to kill bad people in self-defense, but the blacksmith should be blamed. It's not a crime either."

After listening to Jerry's well-founded brainwashing, Fastos was also confused.

Although Fastos has inherited the knowledge of the Celestial Group and has a very well-developed brain, he is more like a scientist who immerses himself in experiments, and he is not so smart in some respects.

He just blindly thought that it was he who helped mankind invent nuclear weapons that caused hundreds of thousands of people to be killed, but he did not expect that it was he who helped mankind invent nuclear weapons that brought mankind into an age of peace.

"To be honest, I think what Jerry said makes a lot of sense."

Drew Yin was the first to agree with Jerry's words.

From beginning to end, he sneered at Ajak's words that the Eternal Race cannot interfere in human wars, so he also felt that there was nothing wrong with Fastos helping humans invent nuclear weapons, and he should not blame himself.

As Jerry said, it is precisely because of the emergence of nuclear weapons that the world has maintained peace. This is something he has been trying to do before, but he couldn't do it.

Immediately after Druyin, Circe, Water Fairy, Jinke, Gilgamesh and Sanna also agreed.

In fact, they did not fully agree with what Jerry said, but at this moment, it is obviously more important to cheer up Fastos. Only when Fastos feels that he has done nothing wrong will he be willing to use his ability to help them.

"Also, Mr. Fastos, you have to think clearly. If the manifestation of God is completed, the earth and all human beings will perish, and your lover and children will not be spared either!"

Jerry looked outside the house, and the wife or husband of Fastos, and their adopted child, said calmly.

During the few years that Fastos lived in Australia, he fell in love with a human man in Australia, married and adopted a child together, and he loved them very much.

"Okay, I promise to help you!"

Jerry's words cleared Fastos, whose mind was still in chaos.

Not to mention whether it is right or wrong for him to help humans manufacture nuclear weapons, if God really appears, his lover and children will die, and he will also be recycled to delete all his memories on Earth.

After finishing the work, Fastos, the great inventor who can manufacture and connect all the cosmic energy devices of the Eternals, everyone came to the location of the last member, which is the spaceship Tama that the ten Eternals came to take to the earth. .

The last of the Eternals is Makali, a deaf-mute who has the same haste ability as the Scarlet Witch's younger brother Quicksilver.

It's just that compared to Kuaiyin, she is stronger and faster as an Eternal. At least ordinary bullets can't hurt her body.

Makali is lively and optimistic, and values ​​the friendship among the ten Eternals the most. After the team disbanded, she lived alone in the spaceship, and she looks forward to everyone returning one day.

So when Circe asked her to join, she said yes without hesitation.

Of the ten members of the Eternal Race, eight are here, and there are two left, the leader Ajak and her most loyal warrior Yincaris.

Yinkaris has super speed, strength, defense ability, can fly, and can shoot lasers from both eyes. He is the person with the strongest comprehensive strength among the ten eternal race.

In Jerry's view, Yincaris' ability is similar to that of Superman, but all abilities are weakened a lot.

Yin Karis is Circe's ex-boyfriend, who suddenly disappeared a hundred years ago, and they don't know where he is now, so the eight decided to ignore Yin Karis and go to find Ajak with Jerry first.

They want to persuade Ajak together to see if they can communicate with the god Supreme Alitham to let the earth go.

If it really doesn't work, let's see if we can let the earth's god group embryos fall asleep or kill them directly. Anyway, we can't let the gods appear and destroy the earth and human beings.

"Does anyone know where Ajak lives now?"

When preparing to leave, Jerry asked everyone a question.

Everyone looks at me and I look at you. Obviously, everyone has not contacted Ajak for hundreds of years. In the end, Fastos replied:

"She lived in South Dakota, and when the bombing happened that year, I went to her and went to Hiroshima with me."

"South Dakota?"

Gilgamesh had a look of surprise on his face. He and Shengna had lived in South Dakota for hundreds of years, and they never knew that Ajak actually lived there.

Fastos nodded:

"Yes, she has been a little worried about Sheng Na's situation, so she chose to live not too far away from you, so that she can rush over to help in time in case of accidents."

"Okay, then go to South Dakota again."

Jerry interrupted the two who were about to enter the memory kill, and directly opened the portal to South Dakota.

The experience of the Eternals for more than 7,000 years, casually reminiscing, may not be able to finish for a few hours, and he has no time to listen to those useless stories.

If possible, he can get the Tianshen group done today, and after the cooldown ends tomorrow, he can return to the world of Harry Potter.

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