Marvel’s Hogwarts Wizard

Chapter 742 Jerry VS God Supreme (Part 1)

At dusk, the old man in the park is sitting on a bench enjoying the last rays of the setting sun, the young and beautiful woman is strolling along the cobblestone path with a stroller, office workers are pouring out of office buildings, and the city becomes crowded in an instant .

But in such an ordinary and ordinary day, such an extraordinary thing happened.


Sitting on the south bank of the River Thames in London, Jerry slowly got up on the tallest building, the Shard, and looked up into the sky.

But as soon as his words fell, the originally red sky was suddenly filled with an extremely huge head. Although it is said to be a head, it is actually more like the six cakes in Mahjong, but it has been magnified countless times.

This head does not belong to anyone else, it is from the Supreme God Alitham. After he came to the earth, he sensed the metal connector in London and poked his head down.

"It's really big!"

Looking at the head of Alitham that covered the sky, Jerry couldn't help sighing.

But he is not an accident, after all, he has been to the land of nothingness before, and the so-called land of nothingness was built by hollowing out the head of a god group.

"Crack, click, click."

Just as Jerry sighed, the citizens below the building obviously also noticed the abnormality in the sky, but they didn't feel so scared, but took out their mobile phones and began to take videos and photos to tweet.

Humans on earth who have experienced events such as aliens and demons have now gradually accepted some visions that appear from time to time. Because they believe that even if something goes wrong, the superheroes of the Avengers can always solve it.

"It seems that it has not been found."

Jerry, who has been observing silently since Arisham's appearance, found that after Arisham appeared in the sky over London, he just took back the metal link bracelet he deliberately threw into the Thames River, and then left silently.

Apparently, Alitham did not sense the Eternal Race and the three water elves who were transformed into humans by him on Earth.

However, at the moment Alitham left the earth, Jerry did not stay where he was, but used his space magic to follow carefully.

He didn't change his appearance until Alitham was far away from the earth, or even away from the Milky Way, and then suddenly appeared to block Alitham's way.

"Excuse me, is your Excellency Alitham the Supreme God of the Celestial Group?"

"I'm Alitham, are you?"

Suddenly being blocked, Alitham was stunned for a moment. He looked at the creature as small as an ant in front of him with a puzzled expression.

"It doesn't matter who I am. I heard that Supreme Alitham is the strongest god. I want to compete with Your Excellency!"

Of course, Jerry would not reveal his identity. He stopped Alitham, firstly to help Ajak and others run further and delay time, and secondly, to see the strength of himself and Alitham. What a difference.

Ever since he entered the single universe level, Jerry has never had a specific concept of his own strength.

The enemies he encounters are either too good, who can be killed in seconds, or are too strong, like the creation gods in the world of Fairy Tail, they are all multi-level, and they are still in their world.

Now that he meets Alitham of the multiverse level, although he is also multiverse, he does not have his own world. Jerry feels that he can still use it to try his hand. If he can't beat him, he can escape.

"Experience? I have something to do now, and I'm not in the mood to accompany you to discuss. Hurry up and get out of the way."

Arisham could tell at a glance that Jerry was a single universe-level creature with some good energy in his body.

There are quite a few existences of this level in the universe, some exist where the universe was born, and some were born and grew up in the planets they created.

For creatures of this level, their Celestial Group generally will not provoke them. Their duty is to continuously create new Celestials, and then create more planets and life to expand the universe.

Of course, if there is friction, they will not be soft.

Now he was going to find those Eternals who had betrayed and fled from Earth, and he had no time to compete with this strange single universe-level creature.

"That's up to you, the field expands!"

Regardless of whether Alitham was willing or not, Jerry immediately opened up his own domain and enveloped Alitham's huge body.

He didn't try to suck Alitham into his ring world. First of all, with Alitham's strength, he might not be able to suck it in.

Secondly, there are still embryos of the Celestial Group in the ring world. If Alitham is sucked in, it will be fully exposed, unless he is confident that he can kill Alitham inside.

In fact, he felt that even if Alitham was sucked into the ring world, it would be very difficult to kill him with the cooperation of everyone in Crowrido, and the risk was too great.

"You are courting death!"

Seeing that a single universe-level creature dared to attack him actively, Alitham was also furious. He directly raised his giant fist, which was as big as a city, and punched Jerry.


Facing Alitham's fist, Jerry didn't dare to hit it hard. Even with his powerful body that is not afraid of magma, he would probably be beaten into air if he hit Alitham's fist hard.

Fortunately, he is not a warrior, but an almighty magician, so he directly used the law of time to suspend the time of Alitham's space.

With the blessing of the domain, his law of time is at least three times stronger than when he cast it alone.

After the law of time was activated, Alitham's figure was fixed in place, but to Jerry's surprise, his unfailing law of time actually only stopped Alisam for less than a second before being forced Broken with absolute power.

"Break through ten thousand methods with one force, and increase your knowledge!"

According to Jerry, the law of time is obviously higher than the law of strength, but Alisam's understanding of the law of strength and his physical advantages make his law of strength surpass the law of time under the blessing of Jerry's domain.

Therefore, it has the effect of breaking all laws with one force.

Although he lamented the strength of Alitham, Jerry did not give up, and immediately added a lot of negative magic on the basis of the law of time to slow down Alitham's speed.

However, Alitham broke through with all his strength and continued to hammer towards Jerry.

Seeing that Ali's terrifying fist was about to come, Jerry quickly cast space magic to teleport behind Alitham, trying to escape with the help of space magic.

"I have killed a lot of dimensional demon gods who are proficient in the laws of space!"

At this moment, Alitham, who had been silent for a long time, let out a deafening cold snort, and unexpectedly appeared behind him in the same teleportation as Jerry teleported, and the fist was still following the attack.

As the Celestial Group that creates planets and life everywhere in the universe, how can it be a reckless fighter who only relies on strength.

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