Marvel’s Hogwarts Wizard

Chapter 79 The Quidditch Match


saturday morning,

Wearing a green and white Slytherin scarf, Jerry walked into the auditorium as usual.

As soon as he entered the door, his eyes lit up, and a strong smell of grilled sausages entered his nostrils.

In terms of the various breakfasts in Hogwarts, his favorite is the big grilled sausage, mainly because there is really a lot of meat in it.

He uses the "refreshing" function a lot every day, which consumes not only the little red star, but also the energy in his body.

So if possible, he hopes that he can eat meat every day, and have high-sugar snacks and drinks every day to supplement the energy he consumes every day.

If other little wizards have carefully observed Jerry eating, he can actually find that although he tries to maintain an elegant posture when eating.

However, he may eat several times more food per meal than a normal adult.

Even Gore and Crabbe, who are super edible, actually eat far less than half of Jerry's food.

This will also cause a phenomenon. If there is nothing to do, Jerry will be the last to leave the table every time.

"Jerry, will you watch the Quidditch match at noon?"

Just as Jerry sat down and before he had time to pick up a big sausage, Daphne who was opposite suddenly asked him expectantly.

"Of course, today's game is Slytherin vs. Gryffindor!"

Jerry smiled and gave an affirmative answer.

In fact, with his character, if he had half a day to watch a group of young wizards playing on broomsticks, he might as well study the three unforgivable curses.

It has been a week since he got the three Unforgivable Curses, and he still has no way to successfully release them.

However, there is no way, who made him the Slytherin team's seeker? One of the two sides in today's game is the Slytherin team, so he still has to participate.

Moreover, just two days before he joined the Slytherin team, Snape had given him the promised latest Nimbus 2000.

Besides, if Snape hadn't helped him solve many doubts during this period of time, his magic progress would definitely not have been so fast.

"For you, this is a small flag that symbolizes our Slytherin. We can wave the small flag together and cheer for Slytherin!"

Hearing that Jerry was going to visit the competition, Daphne immediately took out the green flag she had prepared earlier from below, and handed it to Jerry with burning eyes.

In fact, in a normal situation like this when there are teams from the academy participating in the competition, there would hardly be any young wizard who would not watch.

But Daphne still asked Jerry in advance.

The main reason is Jerry's usual performance. It is really possible to do such a thing.

In the eyes of all Slytherin wizards, Jerry is very good, he is good at almost all subjects, he is very polite to everyone, and he is perfect.

The only fly in the ointment is that Jerry seldom, or never at all, participated in group activities held privately by his little Slytherin wizards.

Anytime you see Jerry, except when he's sleeping in class, he's definitely reading.

It's just that the location is different, sometimes it's in the library, sometimes it's in the common room, and sometimes it's on the meadow under the sunset by the Black Lake.

In short, apart from studying, Jerry doesn't seem to have any other hobbies.

But it was also true that many Slytherins, including little Malfoy who was a little unhappy with Jerry, admired him very much in their hearts.

This also led to Daphne thinking that Jerry might not necessarily watch Slytherin's Quidditch match.

"Okay, thank you, classmate Daphne!"

Jerry froze for a moment, then took the small green flag naturally.

After a while, he will play directly, but this small flag will not be available. However, he promised Marcus to keep the fact that he became a Seeker secret, and it was difficult to explain anything.


At eleven o'clock in the morning, almost all the professors and little wizards came to the Quidditch pitch.

On the stands in the east, west, north, south, and four directions of the entire stadium, there were four little wizards from the academy standing with clear banners, and each of them wore a scarf that belonged to their own academy.

Gryffindor is red and yellow, red represents fire, a symbol of bravery.

Slytherin is green and white, green represents water, a symbol of blood.

Hufflepuff is yellow and black, yellow represents earth, a symbol of kindness.

Ravenclaw's is blue and white, blue represents air, a symbol of wisdom.

In order to prevent the little wizards from being unable to see the scene of the game clearly, some of the stands were raised into the air with a powerful levitation spell at this time, but many little wizards still brought binoculars.

In the middle of the stands, there were some wooden towers that were a little higher than ordinary stands. These towers were filled with school professors, commentators, and some non-school wizards who came from Hogsmeade village to watch the game.

"What are you looking for?"

In the Slytherin stands, Pansy watched Daphne looking around, as if she was looking for someone.

"Jerry, he said that he would come to watch the game when he had dinner in the morning, why hasn't he seen anyone else until now!"

Daphne couldn't help frowning.

She also wants to cheer for the Slytherin team with Jerry!

Pan Xi covered her mouth and laughed:

"Jerry? It's not like you don't know. Maybe that guy forgot the time while reading a book. Did you forget the last Halloween dinner?

Don't worry, Quidditch matches usually take two to three hours to end, and he will definitely come before the end of the game! "


When Daphne heard this, she had no choice but to nod her head, and turned her gaze to the center of the competition.

at the same time,

In the Slytherin locker room, Jerry, who had already changed into a green Quidditch robe, stood calmly in front of the exit.

"Jerry, don't be nervous for a while, as long as you can play at the same level as last time, oh no, as long as you can play at one-tenth of the level last time, we can win for sure!"

The captain Marcus on the side encouraged Jerry a little nervously.

Although Jerry's performance last time shocked Marcus, he knew that there was still a difference between private training and real competition on the field.

After all, in the real arena, with so many people watching, if the mental quality is not up to standard, it is easy for the level to drop sharply, or even become too nervous to compete.

After all, Jerry is only a first-year freshman. Even though he is very talented, but has not experienced the game, Marcus is still a little worried.

Especially since Jerry hasn't participated in their training once.

"Captain, you look more nervous than me, don't worry, I won't let you down!"

Jerry looked up and gave Marcus a reassuring look.

He doesn't have time to waste two or three hours here, it's the right thing to finish early, to call it a day and go back to study magic.


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