Marvel’s Hogwarts Wizard

Chapter 794: The Egyptian Cat God (Part 1)

"This power is amazing!"

From the woman in leather at the top of the stairs, Jerry sensed a special power similar to the Dimensional Demon God, similar to the Nine Pillars God he had learned in Marvel.

However, this force is obviously just possession, not personal presence, so it is actually very weak.

"Flying kitten, I like it very much."

The leather-clothed woman on the second floor looked at Jerry with an expression full of seeing something she likes and wanting to get it.

And she did take action.

The legs, which looked extraordinarily slender under the leather jacket, kicked hard on the guardrail on the second floor, and flew towards Jerry directly.

At first glance at her actions, I thought she was a big black cat.


Seeing this, Jerry flicked his tail, and a blue light flew towards the woman in leather clothes. The woman seemed to have expected it, and her soft body made a movement that humans could not make, changing directions in the air.

The blue magic light brushed past him.

"It's interesting!"

Seeing this, Jerry raised his mouth.

"But it didn't work."

His magic is not just about hiding, because it has its own tracking function.

Under the control of Jerry's mental power, the blue magic light made a 360-degree turn after passing by Catwoman, and shot at the woman in leather again.

"You are mine."

The woman in leather thought she had escaped the blue magic light, and when she approached Jerry, she clasped her hands together and was about to imprison him in her hands.

However, when her hands were only one centimeter away from Jerry, she suddenly rolled her eyelids and fell asleep.

It was Jerry who controlled the magic light of the Sleeping Curse and shot it precisely on her ass.


The woman in leather fell to the ceramic floor in front of the jewelry store because of a coma.

Jerry folded his wings and landed in front of the leather-clothed woman. He was about to check, when suddenly a voice sounded behind him.

"Which god are you the incarnation of?"

"Which god are you the incarnation of?"

After hearing the sound, Jerry turned around quickly, and a tabby cat appeared in front of his eyes.

Sensing that the power contained in the tabby cat in front of him was of the same origin as the woman in the leather jacket, Jerry's heart moved and he asked back immediately.

The tabby cat walked up to Jerry with catwalks and tilted its head:

"I'm Bastet, and this is my incarnation on Earth, so you can also call me by the name of my current incarnation—Midnight."

Egyptian cat god Bastet!

The moment the tabby cat hugged her name, Jerry immediately knew her origin.

When he was on Earth, he read all of Kama Taj's collections, which contained introductions about the demon gods of various dimensions. The cat god is a household god in Egypt.

In Marvel, basically the gods in the myths and legends of the earth are real, but for various reasons, most of them are not on the earth, but will choose the corresponding human incarnation.

Just like Max Spector, the moonlight knight, is the human incarnation chosen by the moon god Kongsu in Egyptian mythology on the earth.

This new world actually had the same situation. Jerry suddenly had a rough idea of ​​what kind of world he was in now.

"Midnight, my name is Jerry. As for my body, you may not have heard of it. They call me the witch god Carmen. It is also the first time I have incarnated into the human world."

Turning his eyes, Jerry started talking nonsense.

"Witch God Carmen, I've never heard of this, can you not hurt her, after all, I just spent my divine power to bring her back to life."

Hearing Jerry's answer, the tabby cat subconsciously washed his face with the cat's palm, then pointed to the woman in leather on the ground and said.

The life of staying in the temple is too boring, so Bastet often attaches his divine power to cats in the human world to experience life.

It has been this way for thousands of years.

Occasionally, if she encounters a human being who is more suitable to her, she will also bestow her own supernatural powers to transform them into a catwoman who has the ability to pursue her own happiness and freedom.

A few days ago, she was squatting on an air conditioner outdoor unit to enjoy the scenery below. A human woman thought she was trapped, and even risked her life to crawl over to her, which made her very appreciative.

So after discovering that the human woman was killed, he gave her his divine power and resurrected her into a new generation of catwoman.

Tonight is the first awakening of the cat goddess, and I didn't expect to meet the incarnation of the same god.

Although the kitten on the opposite side is very weak, she can feel through the breath of its soul essence that its soul essence is so powerful that it is a bit scary.

This shows that the god in the kitten's body must be very powerful, so she can only come forward and communicate as nicely as possible.

"Of course, I didn't intend to do anything to her."

Jerry nodded without thinking.

He knew why the Egyptian cat god regarded him as an incarnation, because although the soul source he cut out was very small, the quality was that of a single universe-level soul source.

Gods like the cat god, in fact, many of them have just entered the heavenly father level, and many of them are even less than the heavenly father level. Those who exist at the peak of the heavenly father level are rare.

In the Marvel world, Odin, who is known as the father of the gods, and Zeus, the king of the gods with a very high status, their strength is only the peak of the heavenly father level, and they can barely reach the single universe level in their respective dimensional fields.

Jerry's current strength, even in a single universe, is already a very powerful existence, and some multiverse-level demon gods without their own dimensions may not necessarily be his opponents.

So in the induction of the cat god, his soul origin is naturally powerful and terrifying.

But Jerry himself knows that it is impossible for his body to come here, even if he is in this world now, he already knows the coordinates of this world.

Even the world where the owner of the panel wanted him to reincarnate and smuggled in was absolutely at the same level as the Marvel world. If he teleported directly, he might be discovered by the creator of this world in the next second and be regarded as an intruder.

It is precisely because of this that if the cat god really takes action against his current soul, he actually has nothing to do.

Fortunately, the other party was also intimidated by his soul origin, and he was very friendly from the beginning to the present.

"Then thank you."

Cat God nodded upon hearing Jerry's answer, and left with his body turned into a touch of light sand.

She felt that a powerful god like the opposite would definitely not break his promise. In fact, even if she broke her promise, she would not dare to attack the opponent. It is obviously not a wise thing to offend such a powerful god for a human being.

"Quick recovery!"

Seeing the Egyptian cat god leave, Jerry breathed a sigh of relief. After thinking for a while, he turned his head and threw a resurrection spell at the leather-clothed woman lying on the ground behind him.

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