Marvel’s Hogwarts Wizard

Chapter 804 Attack Plan (Part 1)

"Sheriff Gordon!"

Hearing the voice suddenly appearing from behind, Gordon turned around quickly, seeing Batman in a pitch black bat suit.

"You still come and go without a trace."

The moment he saw Batman, Gordon breathed a sigh of relief.

Since the appearance of Batman, the situation in Gotham City has indeed changed a lot. At least many gangsters have restrained themselves, and he can also ask Batman for help when he encounters difficulties.

"I know why you are looking for me. I am also investigating, and I just got some clues."

Bruce spoke directly with a voice changer that changed his voice.

What Gordon could do looking for him at this time must be because of the crazy murderous raccoon cat, and he has been looking for traces of that cat this week.

In the beginning, I could still take some pictures with the drone, but now I can't even find the other party's trace with the drone in the past two days.

Fortunately, with Alfred's help, they finally found the cat's place last night through some other channels.

Originally, he planned to go there in person, but he happened to see the bat light on halfway. After thinking about it, he decided to say hello to Gordon first, and it would be safer for the two sides to discuss and cooperate.

After all, it was no ordinary cat, but a magical cat.

"Do you know who the shadowless knight is?"

Here Gordon's eyes lit up when he heard Batman's words, and secretly sighed that Batman was really reliable.

"The Shadowless Knight?"

Bruce froze for a moment.

Gordon quickly explained:

"It's the one who killed many criminals this week, because we never knew whether he was a man or a woman, and we didn't know any information about him, so everyone called him the Shadowless Knight."

"Well, maybe you should call it Cat Knight!"

Bruce couldn't help but twitched.

And now Gordon was puzzled:

"Why do you call it the cat knight? Could it be that it is the same person as that catwoman!"

With a move in his heart, Gordon felt that he seemed to have found the answer. Catwoman and the murder occurred around the same time, and he always felt that there might be some connection.

However, facing him, Bruce shook his head firmly:

"No, because it was originally a cat, a raccoon cat that can talk, fly, and do magic!"

Gordon: "??????"

If it wasn't for the fact that the person in front of him was Batman, he would definitely have kicked him off the roof of the police station.

Are you kidding me, you said that the murderer that the police couldn't even find was a cat, it could talk, fly, and do magic, and it wasn't a children's cartoon.

You say it's a machine or a mutated cat, and then it is manipulated to kill, he can accept it a little bit.

Bruce, who saw Gordon's thoughts at a glance, didn't waste his time explaining. He took out a small player directly from the bat belt, and played the cat in it about the cat he met for the first time, and the cat that was photographed by the drone later. video was released.

Of course, he has completely deleted the related pictures of himself being turned into a cat and then fucked.

And Gordon looked at the scenes in the player, his mouth gradually opened wide, showing a suspicious expression of life.

Unexpectedly, Batman was really not joking, and the murderer was really such an outrageous cat.

After watching the video, Gordon slowed down for a while before raising his head and asking Batman:

"Do you know where it is now?"

"It is now estimated to be killing people in a certain corner of the city. I can't find its location, but I know where it will return after it finishes killing at night."

Bruce retracts his player.


Gordon took a quick step forward.

Bruce said slowly:

“Gotham Royal Hotel!”

He was indeed unable to lock the location of the cat, and even sending out hundreds of drones to patrol over the city could not find a trace, but Alfred found the cat in the list of passengers who entered the country a week ago. cat.

A week ago, there was a flight from Salt Lake City to Gotham City. On the plane, a woman named Phibus Price brought a tabby cat into the country.

According to the airport surveillance retrieved, the raccoon cat carried by Phibs Price was exactly the same as the one he had seen, even the bell on the chest was the same.

At the same time, they also found out by investigating the news in Salt Lake City that a robber appeared in Salt Lake City some time ago, just like the recent Catwoman.

So now he has reason to suspect that the person named Phibus Price is the catwoman who appeared recently, and the cat she raised is the killer cat.

The only thing that is still uncertain is whether Catwoman ordered the cat to kill, or the cat killed herself and controlled Catwoman.

After hearing Bruce's simple explanation, Gordon touched his chin and thought for a while and asked:

"What do you think we should do now, go directly to arrest, or meet and talk alone first?"

In fact, in Gordon's heart, he has no hostility towards the cat that killed so many criminals, because the cat did what he wanted to do but couldn't do, and it really scared all the criminals in Gotham The guts, that's what he wanted to see.

However, the principle of the police told him that the cat's behavior was wrong. If a person has the ability to kill the person he thinks should be killed, then the whole world will be messed up.

This is different from Batman. Batman doesn't kill people. Although his behavior is a bit transcendent, it can still be defined as a righteous act, but the clothes he wears are weird.

"My suggestion is to control them first, and then communicate slowly!"

Bruce is well aware of the cat's strength. If he doesn't control the cat first and limit its ability to play, then if the negotiation fails, none of them will be the cat's opponent.

He didn't want to be a cat again.

"Okay, what plan do you have, I will bring people to cooperate with you!"

Gordon still trusts Batman very much, so he directly asked Batman to make a plan, and he took the police to cooperate.

Batman nodded.

"If you cooperate, then the odds of winning will be much greater. My plan is this. Then do this and do this again."

At four o'clock in the morning the next day, Jerry finished hunting tonight, and an apparition returned to the hotel.

Now his strength has recovered a lot. Although he can't use Apparation across borders, it is still easy to use in Gotham City.

This is also the fundamental reason why Bruce's drone couldn't photograph Jerry these two days.

He doesn't need to use the Flying Curse to fly around. Many times, when he has a target, he can apparate directly there, and then after a set of magic is done, he can just apparate away.

"As expected of Batman, I didn't expect you to find him like this."

As soon as he returned to the hotel room, Jerry, who had recovered a lot of mental strength, sensed the police ambushing outside the room and Batman squatting on the roof.

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