Marvel’s Hogwarts Wizard

Chapter 833: The Long-lost Sealing Technique (Part 2)


"Mind control!"

At the beginning of the battle, Godfrey launched a violent psychic attack on Jerry just like the Martian Manhunter.

However, his complexion changed after a while, because he found that no matter how much spiritual power surged to the opposite side, it seemed to disappear without any echo, and the other side kept looking at him with a smile.

"As a mage, I still have some spiritual practice. You can't deal with me like this."

The spiritual power of a single universe-level powerhouse is not comparable to that of a mere Godfrey. It is not at the same level in terms of quantity, even if Jerry did not take the initiative to carry out spiritual defense.

"Then try this!"

Thousands of spiritual swords instantly condensed in front of Godfrey, and shot towards Jerry in a large area.

The sharp sword condensed with mental strength ignores physical defense, and the effect of ordinary energy defense will be greatly reduced. Just now, the Martian Manhunter relied on his strong body to resist.

"Apparition - Avada Kedavra!"

Jerry didn't talk nonsense with him at all, and teleported directly behind Godfrey, and then an enhanced version of the Killing Curse killed him on the spot.

The Killing Curse for killing the Wizard Legion was divided into 10,000 shares, and its power was naturally much smaller. Now those who concentrated on killing Godfrey not only got no points, but Jerry also specially strengthened it by three points to ensure a fatal blow.

"Get one!"

After killing Godfrey in seconds, Jerry turned and looked behind Darkseid:

"Sorry, just confiscated it, stop it, next one."

Guys like Godfrey, who can manipulate minds on a large scale, are the most restrained against Kryptonians, so naturally they should be dealt with first.

"Since he will be killed, it means that he is worthless. Yes, I am somewhat interested in you now. If you tell me the position of the Anti-Life Equation now, I can leave you a good position behind."

Seeing that Godfrey was killed, Darkseid was not only not angry, but looked at Jerry with some appreciation.

In his heart, even if it is a dark elite, if it is not worth using, it can be discarded at any time. In his army fighting the universe, he needs a decisive and capable subordinate like Jerry.

"I accept Master Darkseid's wishes, I think we should still have some chances of winning."

Jerry shrugged.

Darkseid narrowed his eyes:

"Okay, next one, Mantis, go!"

"Yes, master."

An unusually strong alien wearing a green metal armor came out from behind Darkseid.

"My name is Mantis, and I am the strongest fighter under your command. I have a defense that cannot be breached. Your magic has no effect on me. You should obediently tell me the position of the anti-life equation, and then let me beat it to pieces! "

Mantis walked up to Jerry with a cruel smile on his face, seemingly unafraid that Jerry would attack him with the magic that had just killed Godfrey.

Fighting for Darkseid in a hundred thousand universes, no one can break through his defenses, no matter how powerful the enemy is, they will be beaten to death under his iron fist in the end.

Jerry looked at the mantis whose fist was about to catch up with his whole body, touched his chin, but smiled slightly:

"Then try?"


Absolute defense, Jerry has heard too many words like this, if it is really absolute defense, how can Mantis become Darkseid's subordinate.

He believes that Darkseid's omega rays can break the absolute defense of the praying mantis.

As long as the attack is powerful enough, there is no such thing as absolute defense.

However, what is difficult to do now is that he can't show too much power to break the absolute defense of the mantis, otherwise it will definitely arouse Darkseid's vigilance.

"Avada Kedavra!"

"The fire dragon is coming!"

"Thunderbolt explosion!"

Jerry launched the attack first, throwing all the offensive magics that were not bad but in the routine to the praying mantis, pretending to go all out and use all the magic.

"Are you tickling me?"

Faced with all kinds of magical mantises, he didn't even hide. He relied on his absolutely defensive body to resist all of them with ease, and swung his huge fist, smashing towards Jerry with terrifying wind pressure.


Jerry quickly chanted a spell and teleported away, muttering happily:

"It's dangerous, it's dangerous, if it is knocked down, wouldn't it be dead."

"Ant's little trick."

Watching Jerry disappear, Mantis also disappears.

It's just that the mantis doesn't use magic or any super powers, but relies on the explosive power of its powerful body to directly reach the extreme speed, which looks similar to the effect of teleportation.

"be cheated!"

Seeing the mantis rushing towards him, Jerry grinned, reached out and took out an oversized rice cooker from the bell universe, and slammed it at the mantis.

At this time, the mantis was too fast to dodge, and he didn't plan to dodge, because he planned to punch through the bottom of the rice cooker and continue to attack Jerry.

His strength is second only to Darkseid, how can a small rice cooker trap him.


The moment the mantis entered the rice cooker, Jerry immediately closed the lid and activated the long-lost sealing magic.

Sealing magic is a special magic for sealing the body and soul. It is not aggressive and cannot harm the enemy, but it can seal the enemy in a certain object so that it can no longer move.

The defense of the mantis is indeed strong, if he does not use the brilliance of the fairy, it is estimated that it will be difficult to break his defense.

But he doesn't need to break the defense of the mantis at all, as long as he seals it so that he won't kill the Kryptonian in his final battle with Darkseid.

Mantis is only slightly weaker than Darkseid, and can be immune to all attacks from Kryptonians. No one can beat him here except him.


Seeing that the mantis was sealed in the rice cooker by Jerry because of his carelessness, Darkseid couldn't help but swear.

With the strength of Mantis, if he hadn't taken the initiative to rush into the rice cooker, it would have been impossible to be sealed by magic so easily.

"Phew, it's too risky. If Mr. Mantis hadn't been so anxious, I would have lost this game."

Throwing the rice cooker into Bell Universe, Jerry walked forward proudly:

"Two of you have already been eliminated, who is next?"

"I come!"

An old man with half of his body covered by machinery came out.

"I'm running out of magic power, try to solve two more, and gain an advantage for my teammates."

Jerry didn't talk nonsense, he pretended to mention something, and started to launch a magic attack.

After a few rounds, Dr. Chaos, who was also good at large-scale mind control, was dismembered by space magic in his extremely "difficult" battle.


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