Marvel’s Hogwarts Wizard

Chapter 843: Kalinta (two more)


"Jerry, would you like to come with me? After collecting the dragon balls, I can let you make a wish together."

Seeing that Jerry was about to leave, Boulma rolled his eyes and immediately invited him.

Boomer also knew about Jerry's superpowers. Mrs. Bass often complained to Mrs. Brive about Jerry's reluctance to go to school, and she even invited Boomer to her home to help persuade him.

So Bulma knows that Jerry is very powerful, if Jerry is willing to collect dragon balls with her, it will be faster and more efficient.

However, facing Boulma's invitation, Jerry refused without thinking.

"No, I'm not interested. I wish you to collect all the dragon balls as soon as possible and make your wish come true."

Waving his hand, he continued to leapfrog forward.

The earth's dragon is not the super dragon of the universe, he can realize all wishes, even if it is the super dragon of the universe, it cannot make him directly become the strongest in the world.

That Zamasu used the super dragon to make a wish to exchange bodies with Wukong, and also gained immortality, but in the end he was directly obliterated by Quanwang.

And things like resurrection, longevity, growing taller, becoming younger, and all kinds of things, he can use magic to achieve it himself, and he doesn't need to make a wish to the dragon at all.

So Shenlong is of no use to him.

It would be more practical to waste time with kung fu and Bulma, instead of spending more time on physical harmony, looking for masters to hone martial skills, etc.

"Jerry, don't be so quick to refuse, if you want, sister, I can sacrifice..."

Deng Deng Deng ran in front of Jerry, Bulma pretended to be a pure lady, and lifted her little skirt from time to time, obviously intending to attack Jerry with her beauty.

It's a pity that Jerry also knows her very well, so he interrupted before she finished her performance:

"No need, you are not attractive to me at all."

After speaking, in order to avoid Boulma's further entanglement, he twisted the buttons of his cuffs, temporarily turned off the gravity of his clothes, got up and fled in a hurry.

"Is this beauty so unattractive? Jerry, wait, when I collect all the dragon balls and summon the dragon, don't regret it!"

Seeing Jerry's disappearing figure, Boulma stomped his feet angrily, then rode his own motorcycle and galloped in another direction according to the instructions of Dragon Ball Radar.

Sensing that Boulma was getting farther away from him, Jerry shook his head, activated the gravity magic on his clothes again, and continued to leapfrog forward.

He is not interested in participating in the adventures of Boulma and Wukong. What he wants is to make up for his last shortcomings in this world and train his body to the extreme.

In this way, Jerry kept increasing his load all the way, crossed mountains and swam across seas, tempered his body in the harshest environment of nature, and challenged the famous martial arts masters in every city.

The strength of the physical body became stronger and stronger, and the Qi in the body became more and more abundant.

During the period, he also encountered many robbers, warlords, dinosaurs, monsters, superpowers, etc., and he easily solved them, so he gradually became famous.

Many slightly deadly forces know that there is a boy named "Invincible Jerry", absolutely do not provoke him, or the end will be miserable.

Half a year later, Jerry, who was ten years old but stimulated by the magical power of meditation every night, had grown to nearly 1.6 meters, finally reached the towering Kalin Tower, which seemed to have no end in sight.

At this time, the weight of the clothes on his body had reached an astonishing five hundred kilograms.



Jerry reached out and waved to the father and son who were grilling fish under the Kalin Tower.

The father and son of this grilled fish are named Bola and Upa, and they are dressed like Indians. They are the tower keepers of the Kalinta Holy Land from generation to generation.

"Hello, what's the matter?"

Seeing a stranger appearing next to the Holy Land, Bla stood up cautiously, but seeing Jerry's immature face, which seemed to be young, his expression relaxed again.

And his son Upa hid behind his calf in fear when he saw the stranger appearing.

"My name is Jerry, and I want to climb the Kalin tower behind you!"

Jerry explained his intention very politely.

Bola showed a surprised expression when he heard the words:

"Have you heard the legend of Kalintar?"

"Yes, I want to meet the Kalin Immortal at the top of the tower."

Jerry nodded.

"Then you should understand that no one has succeeded as a child so far."

Bra frowned.

And Upa at his feet stuck out his head and interjected:

"Dad, didn't you say that there was someone who succeeded before?"

"That's just a legend, not necessarily true."

Bla picked up the little Upa from the ground and put it on her shoulders.

He also climbed the Kalin Tower when he was young, but he didn't succeed, and he almost starved to death halfway, so he didn't think anyone in this world could really climb the Kalin Tower.

"I want to try."

Jerry smiled.

After hearing the words, Bra thought for a while, put Upa on his shoulders down again, and then walked in front of Jerry.

"I am the tower guard of Kalin Tower. If you want to climb Kalin Tower, you must defeat me first."

Bola is well aware of the dangers of climbing Kalin Tower. Kalin Tower can't be seen at a glance. Many people who came to try to climb because of the legend, fell down and died because of exhaustion halfway.

He saw that Jerry didn't seem to be very old, and he wasn't an evil person. He didn't want to see Jerry fall to his death, so he made a rule that he had to be defeated to climb Kalin Tower.

If even he, a loser who once climbed the Kalin Tower, cannot be defeated, how can he climb the Kalin Tower.

Jerry was not stupid, he saw Bra's kindness at a glance, so he nodded with a smile.

The two stood facing each other in the open space in front of Kalin Tower. Jerry was nearly 1.6 meters tall, while Bra was more than three meters tall, and his dark muscles were as hard as stone.

From a normal person's point of view, it is estimated that Jerry would not be able to take a punch from Bra.


Perhaps because Jerry had been acting very kindly, little Upa was not so scared, and ran to the middle of the two to act as a referee.

Following Little Upa's order, Bra came to Jerry in two steps, and punched Jerry.

When Jerry saw this, he didn't move at all. When Bra's fist bigger than his head was about to come down, he stretched out a finger and lightly tapped Bra's fist, and no matter how Brah was No amount of strength could move forward.


Bra only heard Jerry's voice just next to her ear, and didn't see Jerry's move at all, she felt a pain in her stomach, and she flew out all at once, and stood up again after a while.

"I didn't expect you to be so strong. Maybe, you can really climb Kalin Tower!"

You know, his body can't even be pierced by bullets, and the opponent actually defeated him with just one blow.

This strength is not the slightest bit.


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