Marvel's Hogwarts Wizards

Chapter 77 The Space In The Box

Chapter 77 The Space in the Box

During the return period, as long as Jerry has no classes, he will basically spend time in the library.

After rummaging through many magic books, he finally saw the relevant introduction in a book "About Legilimency and Legilimency Mantra".

In fact, as a relatively advanced and dangerous spell, Legilimency does not exist in the seven-year teaching textbooks of Hogwarts.

Even in the school library, there are only relevant introductions, but no specific learning methods.

Of course, it might be in the restricted area, but he hasn't been there, and he doesn't know.

In this book "About Legilimency Practitioners and Legilimency Mantras", he learned that Legilimency is divided into two types: Legilimency Practitioners and Legilimency Mantras.

Legilimency is a wizard born with the ability of Legilimency, that is, they don't need to learn, they can read other people's minds by birth.

It's just that this kind of natural Legilimency seems to be not easy to control because of its strong mental power. If there are too many people nearby, it will be very painful.

Jerry thinks it should be like the American wizard named Queenie Goldstein in "Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them".

The legilimency mantra is a spell that any wizard can learn, specially researched and invented by the Legilimency practitioners a long time ago by studying their own legilimency ability.

Just look into the other person's eyes and chant the mantra of Legilimency, and you can read the thoughts in the other person's mind at this time, and even read the other person's memory along the way.

And a wizard who has practiced Legilimency and chanting to an extremely advanced level is also called a master of Legilimency.

Like Dumbledore, Voldemort, and Snape.

They don't need spells, as long as they look at you, they can immediately know what's on your mind.

If you want to completely fight against this kind of Legilimency, you must learn the opposite Occlumency.

Or, you can also choose not to make eye contact with him, and focus your thoughts on other things, so that the other party cannot successfully invade the memory, but the specific effect of this is not clearly stated in the book.

However, Jerry thinks there should still be some effect.

Otherwise, wouldn't Dumbledore understand all of Voldemort's sins at school with a single glance.

"Jerry, are you okay!"

Hermione watched Jerry return safely with Professor McGonagall, and immediately ran up excitedly and hugged him.

The scene just now was too scary, and she finally felt relieved when she saw that her best friend was not injured.

Now all the Gryffindors followed the prefect back to the common room, only she stayed alone because she was worried about Jerry's safety.

Originally, this was not allowed, but Hermione was the messenger and also an eyewitness, and she would definitely need to describe the whole incident in detail later, so Professor Flitwick, who stayed behind, agreed.

"I'm fine, except that Professor Quirrell was seriously injured and was taken away by Mrs. Pomley for treatment!"

Jerry froze for a moment, then patted Hermione on the shoulder with a smile.

On the other side, Daphne in the Slytherin team immediately pouted when she saw this, and let out a cold snort.

At this time, Snape also walked into the Great Hall. Obviously, for a wizard of his level, it didn't take much effort to deal with a troll.

What really matters is figuring out where the troll came from in the basement, and where did the troll break into Hogwarts Castle.

However, after careful questioning, the four directors found that neither Hermione nor Jerry knew how the troll appeared on the basement floor.

Hermione is the troll and Professor Quirrell encountered at the stairs on the first floor of the dungeon, and Jerry only appeared after leaving the common room and hearing Hermione's scream.

So, if you want to know what's going on, you have to ask Professor Quirrell, who was the first to contact the troll.

However, we have to wait for Mrs. Pontrell to stabilize Professor Quirrell's injury before asking.

In fact, when answering the question, in order to prevent Snape from using Legilimency to himself, Jerry deliberately did not meet Snape's eyes, and also turned on the superman mode, forcing his brain to repeat his own rhetoric.

However, according to Snape's expression he inadvertently observed, the other party probably didn't use Legilimency spell on him.

That's right, anyone with quality should not casually peep into other people's hearts, and besides the fact that the sniper rifle was hidden in his speech just now, everything else is true, and there is nothing doubtful about it.

After listening to Jerry and Hermione's statement, Professor McGonagall repeated that he would give Jerry ten points, which made all the little wizards in Slytherin cheer.

To Jerry's surprise, Snape unexpectedly added three points to Hermione.

The reason was that Hermione had informed the professors of what had happened on the basement floor in a timely manner, which deserved a reward.

After everything was over, Professor McGonagall personally sent Hermione back to the Gryffindor common room, and Snape also brought the little Slytherin wizards back to the Slytherin common room.

Professor Flitwick and Professor Sprout patrol the castle to see if any other trolls have broken into the castle.

twelve o'clock at night,

Jerry got up quietly and left the dormitory. From the two abandoned classrooms, he retrieved the tranquilizer sniper rifle and the small box dropped from Professor Quirrell's wizard robe.

Then turn on the superman mode and carefully go to the Room of Response on the eighth floor.

During this period, he met Mrs. Norris who was on patrol.

However, under the effect of catnip powder, Mrs. Norris did not cause him any trouble.

Inside the House of Requirements,

Jerry put the anesthetic sniper rifle back behind the bust of the wizard, and then took out the small palm-sized box with some expectation, and slowly opened it.

"It's really a magic space equipment made with alchemy!"

Holding the box in front of his eyes, through the palm-sized box, he seemed to lift a cloud in the sky. Through the hole under the cloud, he saw an open space about the size of a football field, and there was a typical building. small English cottage.

"How do you get in such a small hole?"

Looking at the hole that was only the size of a palm, and then looking at his own body shape, Jerry felt a little bit difficult.

But after thinking about it, since Professor Quirrell can release a giant monster three to four meters high from such a small hole, his size doesn't seem to be a big deal!

Putting the opened box on the ground, Jerry imitated the way Newt entered the world of suitcases in the movie, stretched his foot towards the opening of the box, and then thought that I would go in.

Sure enough, a wave of spatial fluctuation appeared above the box, and his foot actually protruded into the space inside the box.

There was a ladder about eight or nine meters long at the entrance of the box. After one of his feet went in, he stepped on the ladder.

After standing firmly on the ladder, he immediately lifted the other foot outside, and also stretched into the space of the box.

Just like that, walking down the ladder, soon, his figure completely disappeared in the box, leaving only the palm-sized box left alone on the ground of the Room of Requirement.

(end of this chapter)

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