Marvel's Hogwarts Wizards

Chapter 86: The Christmas Holiday Begins (Fifth Watch)

Chapter 86: The Christmas Holiday Begins (Fifth Watch)

Nothing special had happened since the last time we found out who Nick Flamel was until the Christmas break.

Jerry is also studying hard as usual, but during this time the focus is not on the spell, but on potion refining.

When I went to the library, I mostly read books on Potions, and even the questions I asked Snape were mostly related to Potions.

This was a huge relief to Snape.

Invited by Harry during the period, Jerry and Hermione took a day to go to Hagrid's hut, and made a preliminary friendship with Hagrid.

Hagrid was amazed that Harry and Ron had brought a Slytherin friend with them.

Because he knew that Harry and Ron were very disgusted with Slytherin.

However, after getting along with Jerry, Hagrid quickly discovered the difference between Jerry and ordinary Slytherins. In particular, Jerry admired his rock cakes very much, and seemed to be very interested in magical animals, which made Hagrid have a good impression of him. It was full in an instant.

And Harry, Ron and Hermione were deeply shocked by the fact that Jerry could eat it, and Hagrid made the rock cake that was so hard that it would knock out teeth.

Especially Ron, he felt that this was something he admired more than Jerry's excellent magical ability.

Jerry can only say that he is in great shape and delicious to eat!

In this way, the time has come to the first day of the Christmas holiday.

After breakfast in the morning, except for some who stayed in school, the rest of the young wizards returned to the dormitory and packed up their things.

After a while, they will take the Hogwarts Express together and leave Hogwarts Castle, just like they did when they started school, and Jerry is no exception.

But his things are very few, because most of them were thrown into the small box by him in advance.

"Merry Christmas in advance!"

When Jerry, who had already packed his things and pulled the suitcase, walked to the door, as if thinking of something, he turned his head and waved to the little Malfoy trio who were still packing! "

The little Malfoy trio were obviously stunned for a moment. They didn't expect that Jerry, who was usually reading books and didn't communicate with them, would take the initiative to say hello today.

But for some reason, the three of them felt a little happy at this moment.

"Thank you and Merry Christmas!"

Nodding, Jerry pulled the suitcase and left the Slytherin dormitory.

When he came to the first floor, he didn't immediately follow the flow of young wizards to Hogsmeade Station, but came to the Great Hall first.

Because we made an appointment to say goodbye to Harry and Ron here with Hermione.

Hermione would definitely not choose to stay at school for Christmas because of her family, and Harry didn't want to go back to see the ugly face of his uncle's family, so he chose to stay at school.

As for Ron, because his parents planned to visit their second son Charlie in Romania this Christmas, they also stayed with the three big brothers.

Coming to the auditorium, Jerry found that today's auditorium is extraordinarily beautiful and magnificent compared to usual.

The walls were hung with holly and mistletoe festoons, and all around stood a dozen towering Christmas trees, some with tiny icicles glittering, others with hundreds of candles flickering.

Some are even covered with small golden bubbles transformed by magic.

"Jerry, here!"

Just when Jerry's eyes were attracted by the various beautiful decorations in the auditorium, Harry and Ron waved to him at the Gryffindor long table.

"Are you guys playing wizard chess?"

Jerry stepped forward and found that Harry and Ron were playing wizard chess, which is very popular among wizards.

Wizard Chess is a magical chess game in which the pieces will move to the target square by themselves according to the player's command. When a piece is captured, it will be overturned by the opponent's piece, and then dragged out of the board.

Jerry is not very interested in playing wizard chess, but he is very interested in the alchemy of refining wizard chess.

During this period of time, he did not miss studying the "Basics and Extensions of Alchemy" written down from the restricted area, which mentioned this kind of alchemy that endows ordinary substances with spiritual intelligence.

However, the content is very profound, and he probably won't be able to do it in a short time.

In fact, Jerry is still very shocked by this kind of alchemy that can endow ordinary matter with wisdom.

If you don't delve into it, it seems to be nothing, but if you delve into it, you will feel that this kind of alchemy is really against the sky, and even a little scary.

This is equivalent to creating a new race, a new life, which belongs to the level of God and Nuwa.

Of course, compared to the real creation of life, it is still far away, but it has already developed in that direction.

Just like now, apart from following orders, those chess pieces on the chessboard are still arguing, and even put forward their own opinions and opinions to Harry and Ron. Obviously, they already have their own personalities, or souls.

There is also the magic car transformed by Arthur Weasley with alchemy and magic. Because of Ron's overuse, he ran into the Forbidden Forest angrily, and then became wild and unwilling to go back.

The most outstanding thing is the sorting hat, which has a life span of thousands of years. It not only has wisdom no less than human beings, but also has special magical abilities.

"Don't send me there, don't you see his horse? Send him, it doesn't matter if he dies."

On the chessboard, Harry's bishop heard that Harry wanted him to go forward, and immediately pointed to the soldiers next to him angrily and ordered.

Seeing this, Harry scratched his head in embarrassment:

"My chess piece was lent to me by Seamo, they don't trust me enough!"

"It's useless to trust, I'm a master at wizard chess, and even Hermione is no match for me."

Ron raised his chin proudly when he heard that.

This is the only ability he can show at present.

"Jerry, do you want to have a game with me?"

After Harry was settled, Ron rolled his eyes and turned his attention to Jerry, who was too good to be true.

If he beats Jerry in wizard chess, he can take it out and brag about it in the future.

"I don't have wizard chess, I'll buy a set after Christmas and play with you when school starts!"

Jerry just plans to take time to practice alchemy after his return this time, and wizard chess is relatively simple. If he can make a pair by himself, it can be regarded as an introduction to alchemy.

"Jerry, Harry, Ron, you're all here!"

At this time, wrapped in a big Gryffindor scarf and dragging a super big suitcase that almost caught up with her height, Hermione happily walked towards the three of them.

"Hermione, the Christmas holiday is two weeks, not two months, how do you have so much stuff?"

Jerry felt that Hermione seemed to have stuffed all her belongings into the box, otherwise the box wouldn't be so bulging.

"But I think these things are used during the holidays!"

Hermione said innocently with fluttering eyes.

I'll try my best and see if I can publish two more chapters later!

(end of this chapter)

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