Fang Tian settled in Hogwoods, and Hogwoods also started formal classes. The wizard apprentices were learning magic every day during their busy studies, as well as all the necessary skills to survive in the wizarding society in the future.

Wizarding schools are no different from universities in the Muggle world. They are also designed to train professional workers who will become a part of wizarding society in the future.

Hogwoods is equivalent to Harvard or Cambridge in the Muggle world. Most of the wizards who graduate from this school will become the elite of wizard society in the future.

Very direct and brutal.

Probably, whether it is the modern civilization of Muggle society or the wizarding civilization of wizarding society, the only difference is that one is based on science and the other is based on magic.

The tuition for attending Hogwoods was very expensive, which Fang Tian didn't know until a long time later.

Forget about wizard apprentices from pure-blood families. Their family wealth is huge. However, those wizard apprentices born from Muggles and mixed-bloods simply cannot afford such huge tuition fees, so Hogwoods School of Witchcraft and Wizardry also gives them a similar sum. Student loans from Muggle society will be repaid when they start working after graduation.

From this point of view, wizard society is not like the movies Fang Tian has watched. It seems that there is no secular pressure. The wizards at the bottom are similar to the people at the bottom of Muggle society, and they also live in dire straits!

It’s no wonder that when the Dark Lord Grindelwald or Voldemort launched the Wizarding War, they often responded to the same call.

This is just a little bit of Fang Tian's knowledge in wizard society.

Poverty has nothing to do with him. Ivy, who came to Hogwoods with him, is a rich young woman. After the branch test, Ivy told Fang Tian that her family's ancestral bloodline can be traced back to her half-mother, Merlin, the God of Magic. Sister Fairy Morgan is also a powerful wizard legend, and their family is the source of almost all fairy godmother legends in North America.

In a word, a noble tycoon.

The Merlin family and the Morgan family are equivalent to the English royal family in Muggle society, and they are not short of money.

Harry Potter has huge assets left by his parents, but in front of this princess-level rich man, he is also a poor guy.

What's more, since Fang Tian lived in Hogwoods School of Witchcraft and Wizardry as a Titan, the Ministry of Magic of the English Wizarding Society sent a magic card to store tens of thousands of magic gold coins, and also notified Fang Tian that if necessary , you can tell the Ministry of Magic at any time, and the Ministry of Magic will provide him with magic gold coins for free.

This is the benefit of being strong. The wizards at the bottom of the wizarding society live from nine to five and live in dire straits, but he has nothing to do all day long and lives like a wizard prince.

It can only be said that in any world, power is a passport for preferential treatment.

The purpose of Fang Tian coming to Hogwoods is to get close to the center of the plot, and then obtain the various magical treasures Harry Potter encountered along the way.

However, Fang Tian discovered that since Harry Potter came to Hogwoods, he had been secretly watched and protected by many senior wizards, leaving him with no reasonable chance to get close to Harry Potter.

But according to the plot, not long after, Harry Potter will be punished for making mistakes and work in the Forbidden Forest, and then he will see Voldemort who murdered the unicorn, and then he will have his first encounter with Voldemort, while storing the Philosopher's Stone. secret room

"Forbidden Forest, Philosopher's Stone."A bright light flashed in Fang Tian's eyes. The magic stone is a sacred-level magic item that he must obtain. As for the Forbidden Forest, it is rich in resources. There are not only various powerful magical creatures, but also cherished unicorns. Even dead wizard legends like Voldemort can survive by sucking the blood of unicorns. Such a powerful magical creature must have very strong magical energy.

Fang Tian decided to first find an opportunity to approach the Forbidden Forest. First take the opportunity to harvest a wave of magical creatures in the Forbidden Forest.

In order to disguise his true intentions in Hogwoods, Fang Tian began to pretend in the magic library of Hogwoods every day, consulting any ancient documents that might be related to the Titans.

Of course, whether there is such a mythical creature has no effect on him. He is pretending anyway. If traces of such a powerful mythical creature can be found, it means that Fang Tian has an extra mythical creature for hunting.

Definitely not a bad thing.

Secondly, Fang Tian's favorite place to go is Professor Snape's potions laboratory.

It wasn't that he was interested in Snape, an old man, but that he found that the potion contained abundant magic power, which was equivalent to his nutrition express, so he went to Snape to get the potion to drink.

In Professor Snape's Potions Laboratory

"Mr. Fang Tian, ​​this is the transfiguration potion. Drink it and any creature can turn into a goblin."Professor Snape carefully prepared a large cup of green viscous liquid, then handed it to Fang Tian, ​​looking at him expectantly.

Fang took the cup calmly, and then swallowed the"Transfiguration Potion" in one gulp. Inside.

A refining force instantly refines the magic potion, transforms it into pure energy that can be absorbed, and inhales it into the body.

Fang Tian's whole body feels warm, as if a cultivator is absorbing the spiritual energy of heaven and earth.

"How about it?"Snape looked at Fang Tian with expectation.

"It doesn't work, Professor Snape, with all due respect. I'm afraid you made a fake potion?"Fang Tian shrugged.

"This is impossible! It doesn't make sense. I've prepared the potion according to the perfect proportions. How could it not be effective?"Professor Snape was a little crazy. He rubbed his hair and made it look like a chicken coop, like a red-eyed rabbit staring at an empty potion cup.

Then Professor Snape quickly He made another cup of potion and drank it all in one gulp.

A white smoke rose and Snape turned into an ugly goblin.

"I'm not wrong...Why doesn't the potion have any effect on you, Mr. Fangtian?"The goblin danced wildly.

Fang Tian covered his face, suddenly feeling that his behavior of coming here to cheat on potions was a bit shameful. Professor Snape was tortured by him, but he did not intend to stop this behavior.

After all, everyone knows how to concoct potions. Among the potion professors, only Professor Snape prepared the highest quality potions and had the most abundant magic power.

After more than ten minutes, Professor Snape, who had returned to human form, was almost powerless. Fang Tian waved goodbye,"Mr. Fang Tian." , thank you for helping me test the potion. I think it is because the biological characteristics of the Titan are too strong, which makes these potions lose their effect on you. I will try my best to prepare a potion that you can also use. I hope you can Can you continue to cooperate with my experiments?"

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