As the trees roared and fell to the ground, making a huge noise, several six-meter-tall giants appeared in front of the three Death Eaters.

"They are the attackers! Catch them, let’s let these guys go!"The giant in the lead said with a loud sound.

"Catch them! The king will be very happy and reward us!"The other giant also looked excited.

The giants are simple and honest. Once they think that Fang Tian is the Titan they worship, they will follow Fang Tian wholeheartedly and execute all his orders.

How exaggerated is it? Even if Fang Tian Let them commit suicide. It is estimated that only the smartest giants will think about committing suicide, and most giants will commit suicide without hesitation.

It can be seen that these giants are really one-minded to a certain extent.

Of course, the loyalty of these giants is only to Fang Tian The incarnation of the Titans, as for other wizards or magical creatures, suffered greatly because of their stubborn characters. In the dark ages of the Middle Ages, giants often appeared in fairy tales that made children cry, appearing as big bosses. Soon they appeared as big bosses in fairy tales that made children cry.

, these giants who discovered that their king wanted to capture the enemy began to look for weapons. They saw a giant casually uprooting a big tree with a stone as big as a cow and preparing to use it as a weapon to attack these Death Eaters.

In wizard society The Death Eaters, who can stop children from crying, have ugly faces under their golden masks.

After all, giants are not wizards. They don't care whether you are a Death Eater or not. In their eyes, they are all the same, they are all wizards. , just some tough food

"These mindless, crude creatures."Seeing the giants, they immediately took action. The leading Death Eater cursed angrily, raised the magic wand in his hand, the magic wand lit up with light, and said in a cold voice,"Kill these giants, use Avada Kedavra. curse!"

The other two Death Eaters raised their magic wands without any hesitation. The top of the magic wands lit up with a green light of magic, exuding the chill of death.

They were Death Eaters, and they were not allowed to use the three Unforgivable Curses at all. Breaking the rules and regulations.

The next second, faced with stones and trees rushing towards them, the three Death Eaters used Avada Kedavra, one of the three unforgivable spells, from the beginning. Several green beams with the chill of death fell on these giants

"It hurts so much, the fish bones hurt so much! It hurts!"

The three giants fell to the ground with a crash, bleeding from all their orifices, trembling and howling in pain. Among the three giants, only the giant who was killed by the leading Death Eater using the Avada Kedavra died instantly. The other two giants also died. not dead

"These rough-skinned monsters!"Seeing that only one of the three giants died, the leading Death Eater was not too surprised. He just gritted his teeth and cursed.

Avada Kedavra, one of the three unforgivables, is not as invincible as it is described, although it can Killing creatures instantly is subject to many restrictions.

After all, all magic in this magical world needs to operate according to the rules of the world, and it is impossible to ignore the rules out of thin air.

Avada Kedavra does have the ability to kill creatures instantly. But there is a prerequisite, the magic power of the caster must exceed the level of the person being cast.

First of all, only the level of the caster is higher than the level of the person being cast. For example, in a battle between wizards, if you want Avada to use For the life curse to be successful, the caster's protective magic must first be broken, otherwise Avada Kedavra's curse will not be successful.

Magical creatures that cannot protect against magic have innately strong magic resistance, such as at the level of magical creatures. The giants in the pyramid with high biological levels are naturally very resistant to magic. Only wizards at the level of great wizards can use Avada Kedavra to kill the giants instantly. Obviously, among the three Death Eaters, only the leader The Death Eaters are the great wizards. The Avada Kedavra curse of the other two Death Eaters only caused the giants extreme pain.

"You are a bunch of brainless beasts, you trash should be enslaved by us wizards! go to hell!"The leading wizard glanced at the faces of the two suffering giants with disgust, waved his magic wand, and a green light of Avada Kedavra lit up again.

Just when the leading Death Eater was about to use Avada Kedavra again. When the fate curse kills the remaining two giants

"Have you ever asked me about the person you want to kill?"At this moment, a thunderous sound suddenly sounded in the Forbidden Forest. The leading Death Eater's hand holding the wand trembled. Avada's Kedavra was not released, and a strong wave rose in his heart. The creature is instinctively afraid, as if something terrifying is approaching here.



The sound like drumming is far away. It is the sound of footsteps. Because it is too huge, every step of this creature makes the earth shake suddenly.

A hint of horror flashed through the eyes of the three Death Eaters under their golden masks. They were all guessing what kind of terrifying creature it was, with such terrifying steps.

Their guesses were unnecessary, because a huge shadow was moving rapidly. Approaching where they were standing, as the huge shadow moved, the surrounding trees collapsed, and the huge figure plowed out a vacuum-like ground. In less than thirty seconds, a huge giant appeared among the three In front of the three Death Eaters, he was nearly twelve meters tall, and his skin glowed like metal. A mountain-like sense of oppression was transmitted to the bodies and minds of the three Death Eaters. These details seemed to prove this all the time. biological power

"Titans!"There was fear in the eyes of the three Death Eaters. As members of the wizarding society, they all knew the information about the Titan that had recently shocked the wizarding society.

This magical creature, which was regarded as a god in the distant ancient times, had not yet reached adulthood. With terrifying power second only to the legend of wizards, the wizarding society is even afraid that it will become a disaster for the entire society when it reaches adulthood.

However, only when they are actually in front of this Titan, do they know how terrifying this Titan is.

Just It was his appearance and the psychological oppression that made their hands holding the magic wand tremble. As wizards, the Death Eaters knew clearly that this meant that the biological level of this Titan was many times higher than theirs. , resulting in biological suppression.

Fang Tian's steps suddenly stopped, and he stood in front of the three Death Eaters. His cold gaze was like a blade, sweeping across the faces of the three Death Eaters. The three Death Eaters were almost suffocated at this moment..

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