England, London, in a park.

The Muggles were walking their dogs and taking a walk under the beautiful sunset, enjoying their leisure time after get off work.

No Muggle noticed that there was a dense oak forest in the center of the park. It was like a transparent mirror, folded in another time and space. Muggles passed through it leisurely and crossed it in an instant. A thousand meters away, but still at a loss.

Not only do Muggles not know about it, countless wizards who have come and gone in this park for thousands of years have never discovered this secret.

This oak forest seems to be in another time and space. It is very unique. It is a beautiful afternoon with the sunset in the sky, but there is an eternal and quiet night above the oak forest.

Stars like gems were embedded in the dark night sky. The starlight gathered together and fell on the largest oak tree in the center of the oak forest.

The oak trees, with their roots deep in the soil, are breathing and rising like living creatures.

A large swath of starlight converges on the roots of this oak tree

"The universe...nature...the wizard...protects the world."

At this moment, suddenly the roots of the oak tree undulated, as if something was awakening. A figure crawled out from the roots of the oak tree, and quickly climbed out of the oak tree.

This was a figure whose whole body was covered with soil and grass, just like a savage. The same figure, as soon as he climbed out of the roots of the oak tree, he breathed in the fresh air.

"Vivian...Why did you take advantage of my weakness and seal me away in the first place? A long time has passed, just like the past thousand years, I still can't forget the heartbreak I felt at that moment when you sealed me."After this figure climbed out of the tree roots, he looked at the stars in the sky and said to himself with an old English emphasis, with a confused look on his face.

If there is a wizard here, hearing this like"Clay Man""The same figure said to himself, and he must be extremely shocked. Vivian, this name is so famous in the history of wizard society.

Vivian, the fairy of the lake.

According to the legend, the powerful Merlin, the god of magic, was sealed in the oak tree. The legend of witches.

And this figure coincidentally just climbed out of the oak tree

"So why did I reawaken? I seem to hear the sky and mother earth calling me to see what is happening in this world."

After this figure meditated under the starlight for a long time, he opened his arms, and a powerful magic power emanated from his body and penetrated directly into the sky. His eyes as dark as night turned into colorful eyes like the starry sky, and countless pictures were like running water. It flashed in his eyes just as quickly.

Finally, the picture stopped on the figure of a Chinese boy, and that Chinese boy was Fang Tian.

"The origin of the world senses the malice of a powerful enemy. This powerful creature will use this world as nourishment for its growth, so the sky and mother earth awaken me."The starry sky-like light in the eyes of this mysterious man disappeared, and after receiving a lot of information, he murmured to himself.

"It turns out that more than a thousand years have passed since I was sealed, my best friend Arthur has become dust in history, and everyone I have loved and hated has been lost to time... Only I am still alive, and now, the sky and Mother earth wakes me up"

"Although this world is no longer the era I live in, Arthur, my dear friend, you have been reduced to the dust of history, but I, Merlin, will always follow the guidance of the sky and mother earth to restore order to this world and eliminate all threats."

The figure stood up, and his human body began to change rapidly, and soon turned into a huge white dragon. He raised his wings, directly broke through the fragments of time and space, rushed into the sky of London, and disappeared into the sky.

And no one noticed this shocking scene.

If any wizard could hear the white dragon talking to himself at close range at this moment, he would definitely scream with excitement.

This figure that escaped from the oak roots turned out to be Claiming to be Merlin, the founder of wizard society, the god of magic, the most powerful wizard in history, and the most powerful Animagus in history.

Now, he is"awakened by the sky and the mother earth", and it is for him to destroy let Fang Tian felt deeply uneasy about the origin of the universe.


At this moment, he had no idea that because he had plundered the origin of the universe in this world, the origin of the universe began to rebound, and the founder of wizard society, the most powerful magician Merlin in history, was awakened from the sealed oak tree and came to destroy him. Fang Tian is preparing to start his first robbery plan in wizard society.

The target of his robbery was Hufflepuff's cup in Gringotts!

His original plan was to first find the Raclawen Crown in the Room of Requirement, but unfortunately he was not a wizard, let alone Harry Potter, the child of destiny who was favored by the world.

No matter how long he searched, he couldn't find any chance to enter the Room of Requirement, and naturally he couldn't get Laclauwen's crown.

This is a matter of luck. After all, not everyone is Harry Potter and has Harry Potter's incredible luck.

In order not to waste time, Fang Tian could only give up Raclawen's crown temporarily and wait for the day when Harry Potter enters the Room of Requirement to get Raclawen's crown.

Now, he planned to go to Gringotts to get Hufflepuff's cup first.

He knew that Hufflepuff's cup was kept in Bellatrix Lestrange's vault, and was planning to grab it directly.

London, Diagon Alley, in the white building of Gringotts, a short goblin with glasses and a striped shirt walked out of the Gringotts gate and walked towards the alley.

"Griphook, how about buying me a drink? The last time you came to my house, you had to eat an ounce of my bread, and you had to buy me at least a glass of sweet wine for our friendship to survive."A goblin in a neat suit said to the goblin leaving.

"Damn it Toby, go to hell! I'd rather eat the ashes from my toenails than treat you to a piece of bread crumbs and that's the end of our friendship!"The goblin named Griphook and another goblin cursed.

"Griphook, you stingy guy, sooner or later your greed will turn you into an ugly troll!"

"That's a rich troll too!"

The two goblins squirted at each other. That's what goblins are like. They are the most greedy and stingy creatures in the world. To take a coin from his hand is more difficult than to snatch an egg from a female dragon. It was difficult.

Griphook cursed and walked into the temperament opposite Gringotts.

Suddenly an afterimage appeared in front of Griphook. One hand grabbed Griphook's neck and grabbed Griphook alive.

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