Moreover, Galactus is the weakest of the five creator gods of the Marvel Universe. The others, whether it is annihilation, death, infinity, or even"Eternity", the leader of the five creator gods of the universe, are weaker than Galactus. Too powerful. After all, among the five creation gods, only Galactus was not born naturally from the universe, but was a remnant of the previous universe before it was destroyed.

But even so, Galactus, the creator god of the universe, is still outrageously abnormal.

But this also allowed Fang Tian to figure out the power levels of the five creator gods of the universe.

The weakest planet devourer already has the power of the dimensional universe, which is equivalent to the middle-level innate spiritual treasure. The other supreme gods of the universe probably have the power to take over the single universe. The strongest Eternal is definitely with DC. The Lucifer of the universe, like Michael, belongs to the level of the creator of the single universe.

"It seems that we have to fight hard."Fang Tian felt the atoms around him and the molecules were being annihilated rapidly. He knew that Planet Devourer was playing a bit big this time. If he wasn't serious, he might be dead. Suddenly, the ability of several artifacts of creation appeared in his eyebrows.

"call! The artifact of creation, please come to this universe for me!"Fang Tian roared, and for the first time he used his ability to evolve into an innate spiritual treasure and summon the power of some of the artifacts of creation.

Suddenly, several artifacts of creation in his eyebrows began to be traced by the divine power of the world. From the void Dao Mark to the entity, pieces of creation artifacts are suspended around the body, guarding Fang Tian.

First, there is an unpredictable Tai Chi diagram suspended above the head. The Yin and Yang fish rotate in the Tai Chi diagram. When it As soon as it appeared, the time and space around Fang Tian changed with the rotation of the Tai Chi diagram.

Next was a simple bronze bell, which made a soft sound, and the surrounding space suddenly changed between chaos and reality. This artifact of creation also endows Fang Tian with powerful defense and protects Fang Tian.

There is also a small cauldron with rivers, earth, mountains, and lakes carved on it. It is continuously extracting energy from the void and refining it into pure essence. Qi, replenishing the consumption.

A blood-red crystal lotus platform with twelve lotus leaves appeared under his feet. The fire of karma emanated from the lotus platform, melting the cause and effect of the universe. The last thing that emerged was a simple bronze The long sword, its blade is stained with blood, the world is shattering, and hundreds of millions of gods and demons are howling on its blade. On the blade of this ancient long sword, there are two"Zhu Xian" characters condensed with blood. The word, when it appeared, the space seemed to be mourning, and seemed to be very scared.

Fang Tian, ​​who was guarded by several artifacts of creation, was in his strongest form at the moment

"What's this? Why can I feel the breath of artifacts from these things! Especially that sword, why do I feel threatened?"The planet devourer looked at Fang Tian across the void. When he saw this"transcending god" suddenly summoning several items that were obviously artifacts, especially the sword, he felt very uneasy. He felt that the sword seemed to be able to kill him..In the endless lifespan of Galactus, he has almost never encountered such a thing, and he is even more shocked and angry.

"You are not beyond the gods! I have destroyed everything and everything dies, and I have seen the source of power that annihilates everything. You are not a transcendent god at all. Which universe are you an invader from?"Soon, Planet Devourer reacted. He stared at Fang Tian in the distance, who was guarded by several artifacts of creation, and roared endlessly. The

Transcendent Gods are the biggest threat and enemy of the universe, and they have always made the five creation gods of the universe very vigilant. , and now, an invader from another universe has appeared. Planet Devourer has to think about whether there is another new universe that may invade their universe.

"This is a secret. If you beat me, I will tell you."Fang Tian held the Zhuxian Sword. This most ferocious sword in the world gave him strong self-confidence. No matter what the enemy was, he was fearless and moved forward bravely.

"Invaders from another universe! Fine, I will capture you, imprison you, and make you tell me all the information, and believe me, you will regret your existence."The planet devourer roared. Under the vibration of his divine power, all the power of several galaxies within the Milky Way were rapidly annihilated.

A huge light sphere appeared on his hands, and this light sphere contained terrifying annihilation energy..

Then, the planet devourer waved his hand, and the light ball in his hand turned into a silver-white beam of light and shot toward Fang Tian.

Wherever this beam of light passed, all matter, energy, and concepts were annihilated and turned into nothingness.

This It is the energy shock wave that Galactus gathers all his divine power to emit. When it explodes, it is enough to completely annihilate an entire dimensional universe.

"Kill...immortal!"Fang Tian's expression was solemn, and he clenched the Zhuxian Sword in his hand. The other artifacts of creation surrounded him, providing the strongest protection possible. At the same time, he turned into a stream of light and flew towards the energy impact that was flying towards him, rushing headlong. Entering the silver-white energy shock wave.

As soon as Fang Tian rushed into the silver-white energy shock wave, it was like being struck by an ultra-high-temperature flame. Several creation artifacts guarding him shone brightly, resisting the energy impact of the silver-white energy shock wave, and Even like this, the skin all over Fang Tian's body melted under the terrifying beam, and soon his bones covered with runes were revealed.

How terrifying!

This is not a level of power at all. In the silver-white energy shock wave, Fang Tian Struggling to hold on, even the artifacts of creation that he summoned part of the power with the divine power of the world are red all over, like iron that is about to melt and may be melted at any time. Once these artifacts of creation are released by the planet devourer If the energy shock wave is destroyed, then Fang Tian's innate spiritual treasure body will be melted instantly, and the original true spirit can only return to his own small world universe, waiting for rebirth.

Fang Tian is struggling to support himself, waiting for the opportunity!

Waiting Being able to get close to Galactus, and then use the Immortal Killing Sword to teach him an unforgettable lesson.

Time passed little by little, and at the moment when several artifacts of creation were about to truly melt, half of his body disappeared, leaving only a skeleton of Fang Tian Finally rushed out of the silver shock wave and appeared in front of the planet devourer

"Um?"When Galactus saw Fang Tian emerging from the silver-white energy impact, he looked shocked and seemed unable to believe it.

"The time has come!"

"punish! Fairy!"

Fang Tian clenched the Immortal Killing Sword, seized this opportunity, and struck the planet devourer with a fierce sword strike.

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