Everyone knew that this time, their lives would definitely be at risk. After listening to the boss's words, they did not hesitate and responded immediately.

At this time, Fang Tian outside was still dealing with the third fighter plane.

The cab of this passenger plane has long been controlled by the robbers.

The captain, who was capable of flying the plane, has been shot dead by them. The person in control of the plane now is the co-pilot.

The first officer saw a group of robbers rushing in, and suddenly felt something bad:"What do you want to do? Kill me, and you will die together!"

This group of robbers already knew that they would die without a doubt. Afraid of threats from the co-pilot?

A clear gunshot sounded, and a round hole as thick as a finger appeared on the co-pilot's forehead. It was transparent from front to back, and gray brain mixed with blood flowed out.

The first officer died on the spot with his eyes open.

The bullet penetrated the co-pilot's head and hit the console in the cockpit.

Sparks flew everywhere, the lights on the console flickered on and off, and a piercing alarm sounded.

If they don't do one thing, they won't stop. At this point, they have no way back.

Five or six guns fired at the same time, shooting everywhere in the cockpit and destroying the console.

Even the tempered glass in front of the fuselage was swept into a sieve by bullets.

The low-temperature airflow from high altitude suddenly surged in, and the air pressure and temperature in the cockpit dropped rapidly, and soon even frost formed.

A piercing alarm sounded throughout the plane, and at the same time, emergency oxygen masks popped up above each passenger.

In the cabin, there was a scene of chaos.

Crying loudly and hoarse

"Why hasn't Superman come yet?"

"He was intercepted by the US military! Some passengers yelled:"Damn the US military, they should be crushed to death by Superman!" Why do you want to live in this world and harm us?"

At this moment, Fang Tian finally dealt with the third fighter plane.

With his keen hearing, he naturally understood what was going on in the passenger plane.

He shouted loudly:"All passengers, listen up, I want to go in. Come on, put on your oxygen mask!"

This loud roar was like thunder.

Even though they were separated by a cabin wall, the eardrums of the passengers in the entire plane were still buzzing from the shock.

Hearing this sound, all the passengers were overjoyed and hurriedly put on emergency oxygen. The robbers in the cockpit looked at each other a few times and tightened their grip on the firearms.

Even though they knew that the firearms could not deal with the monster outside, holding the weapons could still bring them a little comfort.

Suddenly, the front of the tempered glass of the cockpit burst, and the glass fragments accompanied by the strong wind came overwhelmingly.

Needless to say, it was Fang Tian who took action. With this blow alone, half of the seven or eight robbers were killed.

The rest The robber also staggered, and was about to be sucked out of the cockpit. Suddenly, the soul of the dead emerged:"Superman, help!"

Fang Tian is not a superman at heart, so naturally he will not go to save them. He even kindly gave them a push and let them experience the thrill of bungee jumping at high altitude without an umbrella.

Of course, they will probably not be able to save them in this life. I can only experience this once.

The sharp screams are getting farther and farther, and gradually become inaudible in the ears of ordinary people.

But Fang Tian is different. He can even clearly hear those people falling to the ground at the speed of sound, leaving the airport Several big holes were blasted in the middle. Ketchup was splashed everywhere, and it was terrible to see. The reporter below clearly photographed this scene. He was suspicious that this was not like what Superman had done.

Fang Tian knew that there were robbers in the cabin. , but now he was not in the mood to entangle with these people.

I saw the laser light flashing away in Fang Tian's eyes, and all the robbers had fallen to the ground silently.

The bodies fell down heavily, causing Some passengers who had never seen a dead person screamed in shock.

In the cockpit, looking at the smashed control panel, Fang Tian also had a slight headache.

The entire plane, including passengers and cargo, had at least two to three hundred passengers. It weighs tons.

If he was on the ground, Fang Tian could still try to lift it, but in mid-air, he was really helpless.

After all, he had not reached the level of a real superman at this time. Ten thousand tons is the same as playing, at least at the immortal level.

With his feet hanging in the air and no support points, the thrust of his flight is not two to three hundred tons.

At this time, the situation is already very critical, and the entire aircraft , it was shaking violently uncontrollably, and he might fall down at some point.

Looking at the violently shaking plane, Fang Tian's eyes lit up, and he had an idea.

He pushed open the door and walked into the cabin.

In the cabin When the passengers saw Fang Tian, ​​they cheered as if they had seen a savior. Some even called him God.

Yang Tian pressed down his hands, and suddenly the cabin became quiet.

Fang Tian said:"We are not safe yet. The cockpit has been completely destroyed. The plane is now out of control at all. I have a way to save everyone now, but please fasten your seat belts and put on your oxygen mask."

When I heard this, some people became nervous.

At this time, the plane, after the console was destroyed, was flying straight and the altitude was gradually decreasing.

But it is obviously impossible to expect it to land automatically without anyone controlling it. Maybe.

But as Fang Tian said, he already has a way, and now he just needs to wait.

Fang Tian flew outside the cabin and flew in sync with the plane.

The passengers in the cabin looked at the figure like a god outside the window and couldn't help but pray to him. Ten minutes later , the opportunity finally arrived.

At this time, the plane had flown outside New York, and drones were following them in the distance.

However, this time the US military seemed to know that the superman in front of them had no ill intentions, so they did not He didn't attack him, but just followed him from a distance.

Below the plane, there was a deserted mountain.

Fang Tian's eyes were red, and a thin laser beam shot out.

Like a hot knife cutting butter, the two wings of the plane were easily cut by It was cut off, rolled and fell from a thousand meters altitude.

The plane suddenly lost its wings in mid-air and fell like a stone in a parabolic trajectory.

In the cabin, all the passengers experienced weightlessness. The feeling of pleasure, screams sounded from time to time.

The air force personnel who were watching the drone reconnaissance footage were stunned. What was going on? Could it be that the purpose of this"Superman" was really to destroy the passenger plane? Fang

Tian was calm and moved. Non-stop.

After a few seconds, the entire cockpit, including the cargo compartment, had been cut off, leaving only the passenger cabin. Only then did the person monitoring the picture Qian suddenly realize that he knew Fang Tian's true intention.

Sure enough, only the passenger cabin was left. Seeing Fang Tian at this moment, he flew under the cabin, raised his hands up, and shouted:"Get up!"

The veins on his face were visible, and his hands were directly buried into the shell of the away cabin. It was not until he used his shoulders and back to support it that he stopped sinking further.

The cabin, including the passengers, weighed dozens of tons in total, but This is still within the range of Fang Tian's flying ability.

I saw that the altitude of the cabin was getting lower and lower, and the speed was getting slower and slower.

There were loud noises and explosions not far away, and the entire ground shook. That was the cut-off part of the passenger plane that landed first.

A few minutes later, he finally landed on the ground.

As soon as his feet touched the rocks on the ground, Fang Tian's expression relaxed.

As long as he was on the ground and had a place to borrow strength, Isn't it the same as playing with these dozens of tons of things in your hands?

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