Andorhal, a quiet and peaceful town, in a room in the mayor's house

"Master, are you okay?"A maid wearing an ancient Western dress walked into the room and asked softly to a black-haired thirteen-year-old boy on the bed. The black-haired thirteen-year-old boy opened his eyes, and his eyes were as bright as stars. The maid was immediately surprised. She was lost for a while and fell into the other person's eyes.

The maid was surprised. How could the weak young master of the Evans family whom she served have such pure and clean eyes?

This was much better than the man from the king she had seen in the small town. Even though the Holy Knights of the Knights of the Silver Hand who are dedicated to the"Holy Light" are even more pure. However

, how can the eldest young master of his own family compete with those who, for the sake of the peace of the kingdom, are willing to pay the price of their lives and work hard to expel all kinds of monsters and evil things? How does it compare to the Paladin?

My young master was a loser who went to play at the lake and was frightened to the point of fainting by an underage little murloc...……

"I'm fine, Leia, don't worry."The black-haired boy raised his headHe replied with a smile on his face.

The maid named Leia finally came back to her senses. She chatted with her eldest young master for a while, and after confirming that her eldest young master had no brain damage, she left the room and prepared to report to the Baron and Baroness.

"Unexpectedly, it was really interesting to come to this multiverse, integrate into this world, and become such a... uh... useless mortal."After the maid left, a smile appeared on the black-haired boy's face and he said to himself.

Naturally, this black-haired boy was in the endless void, traveling into a new multiverse and preparing to conquer Fang Tian of a new multiverse.

In trying to break through He felt something when the crystal wall of this universe was defending.

The rules of the world he invaded were extremely strict and complicated, leaving almost no chance for bypass. At that time, he knew that he had two choices.

Either forcefully Invade, make the whole world an enemy, destroy the whole world, or blend into it and slowly plot.

But his current strongest power is only one-tenth of a single universe. If he wants to destroy the entire strange multiverse, he still has some strength. He had not caught it yet.

So he could only choose to integrate.

It had been about three days since he came to this universe, and he had already confirmed which world he was in through some information from the people around him.

World of Warcraft!

The Justice Titan and the Mad Titan Sagra And the world where the Burning Legion dances wildly, the world of Azeroth that is poured out by holy light and natural disasters, justice and evil, freedom and blood.

Yes, this universe is Azeroth in World of Warcraft.

Now Fang Tian and this The rules of the universe merged together and became the world of Azeroth. In a territory called"Andorhal" in the Kingdom of Lordaeron, the eldest son of a baron who also served as the mayor of the town, his full name was"Fangtian Evans"".

The reason why in this universe, the name"Fang Tian" is still called"Fang Tian" with an oriental charm, seems to be because of the body of this world. When he was young, the father of"Fang Tian Evans" was killed by a man from the East on a battlefield. Saved by a panda.

To thank that panda, he gave Fang Tian, ​​who was born in the same year, such a name with an oriental charm.

Of course, from a deeper meaning, it should be when he crossed the boundary of the universe. , integrated into the rules of this universe, the underlying rules naturally set a reasonable identity for Fang Tian - Fang Tian is now a growing creator after all. He likes to call himself 'Fang Tian', so even the entire universe cannot think of it. Tell him to change his name

"It's just that this start is a bit weak."Fang Tian moved his body, feeling that he was the weakest body since he traveled through several multiverses, and couldn't help complaining.

His reborn identity, Fang Tian Evans, is a coward who only likes traveling and enjoying food. Although the young man is the eldest son of a baron, he is indolent and never exercises seriously. Even a month ago, when he went to Lake Darrowmere in Darrow County, he was frightened and fainted by an underage fishman in the lake. He crashed into a rock on the shore and was in a coma for a whole month.

An underage fish-man... extremely embarrassing. Basically, Fang Tian Evans is a negative teaching material for all the children in the small town of Andorhal.

"Unexpectedly, the place of rebirth is in Andorhal... It's a bit dangerous. I just don't know when the natural disaster will start, but it doesn't seem to be far away."Fang Tian shook his head to get rid of all the negative feelings this body brought to him.

Fang Tian is actually not very familiar with the history of Azeroth. He only played the Warcraft game in his previous life in the Marvel Universe. It was only to a certain extent, but he remembered Andorhal.

This town is the most important part of the plot of the Frozen Throne. The dangerous necromancer Kel'Thuzad is hidden here. This town will become the hardest hit area when the undead disaster breaks out in the future. Uther Lightbringer was also killed here by the reborn death knight Arthas.

In the more distant future, this place will become the hardest-hit area where natural disasters, humans, and the Forsaken will struggle to control each other.

No matter where it comes from From a perspective, this is a very dangerous area.

After Fang Tian was reborn and found himself in Lordaeron, Azeroth, he began to use his identity to collect some information to confirm the time when the undead disaster broke out..

However, because he was still in the hospital bed before, and the only people he could contact were the maid Leia who took care of him, and his mother Baroness who often came to visit him, he could not get other information, so he still had no idea about the time in this world. Very vague

"The undead natural disaster may start at any time, and I have to quickly restore my strength, otherwise it will be a bit funny if I am killed by a group of undead."Because he chose to integrate into a new multiverse with completely different rules, he must first integrate with this multiverse to avoid the backlash of the will of the universe, so he became an ordinary person, and his power can only be achieved by adapting to the rules of this universe. way to improve again.

He didn't want to be bitten to death by a group of undead at his most vulnerable moment, and then sadly return to his own small world and universe, waiting for the birth and rebirth of the origin of the universe.

Thinking of this, Fang Tian began to check himself The power.

His body in this universe is undoubtedly a fragile thirteen-year-old boy who will be frightened by underage fishmen. However, the six Dao marks imprinted on his spiritual treasure body are hidden in his Dantian. Deep in the depths, six different mysterious runes are formed, which are eternal and eternal.

"Sure enough, the Dao Marks of the artifacts of creation are still there. As long as I have them, I can quickly restore my power, and then search for the artifacts and powerful treasures of this universe to refine the origin of the universe."After the inspection, Fang Tian's eyes flashed.

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