Looking at Vereesa, who was full of secondary disease, Fang Tian laughed brightly.

In this way, Fang Tian gained a crush on the cute elf girl Vereesa. Looking at Vereesa's sunny smile, he was thinking about something else.

What the innocent and lovely Vereesa doesn’t know is that death is about to come!

The lazy life of the high elves is about to be shattered!


Fang Tian was sleeping in the tent when he woke up to the roars of the undead accompanied by the shouts of the rangers.

In Fang Tian's super perception, the forest where the high elf rangers are stationed has been surrounded by countless undead, and the rangers are fighting the undead.

"Are they coming, the undead troops of Alsace?"Fang Tian knew clearly the content of the deal between him and Alsace. Alsace would send a powerful undead army to surround the ranger army and block them in the forest to prevent them from passing the news back. Silvermoon City.

Arthas only guarantees the survival of the rangers in this encirclement. Any ranger who leaves this encirclement will be killed by his troops.

This is to prevent Silvermoon City from getting the news that the undead army is coming to attack.

Fang Tian opened the tent and saw chaos. There were all kinds of undead everywhere fighting with the rangers. The rangers shot long arrows with only magic power, which sank into the bodies of the undead creatures, one after another. The undead creatures fell to the ground, completely dead.

But there were too many undead creatures. The undead army slaughtered the creatures in the Silver Moon Forest, and they were all resurrected by Alsace. The number was almost endless. The undead creatures surged in like a tide, and in the The camp of this ranger force was raging. Gradually, the rangers were suppressed by the undead life and fell into a bitter battle.

Fang Tian saw at the first moment that the weak girl Vereesa was also surrounded by several undead furbolgs and a huge abomination, and fell into After a hard fight, Fang Tian's body turned into a phantom and suddenly disappeared on the spot as he watched the rancid undead furbolg open its mouth and try to bite Vereesa's neck.

"No!"Vereesa raised her bow and arrow and just shot an arrow into the eye of an undead furbolg. Suddenly, a huge figure stood up slowly from behind. She turned her head and saw a huge putrid smell. The bear's head was opening its bloody mouth, biting her, and his heart was filled with despair.


At this moment, a figure suddenly appeared in front of him, followed by a sword light that looked like a silver moon. The undead furbolg was huge. His body suddenly stiffened, then split into two, his head flew high, and the remaining huge body crashed to the ground.

"Mr. Fang Tian!"The familiar figure filled the desperate Vereesa with joy and hugged Fang Tian's waist.

"Are you okay?"Fang Tian rubbed Veresa's somewhat disheveled hair.

"I'm fine, Mr. Fang Tian, ​​go and save my sister and the others. Vereesa reacted and said anxiously

"good."Fang Tian rubbed Vereesa's hair. Although he wanted to tell Vereesa that her sister did not need to be saved, he still did not say it. Instead, he nodded, held the huge two-handed sword, and turned into an afterimage and rushed in to wreak havoc. Among the undead creatures in this ranger camp.

Pieces of silvery moon-like sword light suddenly appeared, and patches of undead creatures fell to the ground like harvested wheat.

The rangers who were fighting hard found themselves in front of them. All the undead creatures suddenly fell to the ground, and they were all stunned for a moment, and then stared dumbfounded at the figure who was chopping the undead creatures like cutting grass, with a look of astonishment on their faces.

This human swordsman is too strong...

This is the only thing the rangers thought. An idea.

With the addition of Fang Tian, ​​the pressure on the rangers who were fighting hard was greatly reduced. They were all well-trained rangers. They immediately began to prevent counterattacks in a rhythmic manner, and soon began to clean up the remaining undead in the camp. Creatures.

Gradually, there were fewer and fewer undead creatures in this camp, until the last undead creature was shot and killed by a ranger with a bow and arrow, and its bloated body lay on the soft grass, leaving only rot and stench.

"What about Sylvanas?"Fang Tian was a little curious about where Sylvanas was. Ever since he appeared, Sylvanas had not shown up. Otherwise, with the strength of the ninth-level legendary ranger, Sylvanas would have been attacked by undead creatures long ago. It should be wiped out.

Roar! Roar! Roar!

Just when Fang Tian was curious, the forest suddenly shook violently several times. Some powerful force collided deep in the forest, and a green and blue light beam emerged from Rising from the depths of the forest, powerful energy slightly distorted the space, and then the undead creatures in the forest filled with undead mist seemed to be boiling, and they let out shrill roars one after another. All the rangers looked ugly, because the undead creatures in the forest were The undead creatures sounded as endless as a tsunami, and they were countless more than the undead creatures that attacked their camp.

Through the undead mist, they could even see countless powerful undead creatures in the forest.

Deep in the forest, green energy A torrential rain of light arrows was thrown at the wandering undead creatures. In the blink of an eye, hundreds of undead creatures were penetrated through the body, and their bodies were shattered in the explosion of energy arrows. With just a wave of energy sword rain, at least one small army was killed A large number of undead creatures were all wiped out.

Then, a figure wrapped with powerful energy stumbled back from the depths of the forest and fell in the forest.


"elder sister!"

The faces of the rangers in the camp all changed, and they rushed towards the figure one after another. It turned out that the figure flying back was Sylvanas who didn't know where he was going. At this time, Sylvanas' face turned pale. , there was a sword wound on his stomach, but the wound did not bleed. Instead, it was frozen like frostbite. Under the entanglement of a death force, the wound was decaying.

"Sister, what's wrong with you?!"Vereesa came to Sylvanas and hugged Sylvanas.

"alsace……"Sylvanas gritted his teeth and spat out Arthas' name.

Fang Tian suddenly understood where Sylvanas had gone.

She probably found out about the undead invasion as soon as possible, so she joined the undead army to find out the news. However, she met Arthas and fought with Alsace, but was slashed by Arthas with Frostmourne. She was embarrassed. 's escaped back.

There was no way. Compared to Arthas, who was about to become a demigod death knight, Sylvanas, a ninth-level light ranger, was too weak. Being able to escape back was already a fortune teller.

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