"Kael'thas, why are you in such a miserable state?"Just when Kael'thas was waiting for death in despair, a voice fell from the sky.

Kael'thas was stunned. He was thousands of years old and had seen countless people in his long life, but only a few people's voices mattered. Can't forget.

Among them were Arthas, Jaina, and the human young man who defeated him easily.

And this voice was the human young man who was as powerful as a god.

Kael'thas raised his head, and sure enough, accompanied by pressure , a wind dragon descended from the sky and landed on the ground. The substantial wind dragon was lifelike, as if it were alive. It glanced contemptuously at all the blood elves and undead present. Under the contemptuous gaze of this wind dragon, no matter what Whether it was the blood elves or the souls of the undead, they all had a fear of superior creatures.

Unexpectedly, the wind dragon did not take action. It just roared and dissipated. The figures of Fang Tian and Sylvanas fell on on the ground

"To have such pure ability to control elements... to be able to condense such pure wind elements and disperse them at will.……"Kael'thas was still in the shock that the wind dragon had given him before.

As a legendary great magician, he could see how powerful the wind dragon's magic was, even easily surpassing every legendary great magician he knew in Dalaran.

But neither Fang Tian nor Sylvanas whom Kael'thas knew were magicians, and the remaining strange night elf didn't seem to be a magician either.

"General Sylvanas."After being shocked, Kael'thas' eyes fell on the three Fang Tian people, and finally focused on Sylvanas.

Sylvanas was once a famous ranger general in Quel'Thalas, but in Quel's After the destruction of Salas, he split with the aristocratic faction and took the civilian faction away. Strangely, he could not feel the hunger of the blood elves from Sylvanas, but instead felt a powerful holy aura.

This seemed to prove that Although Sylvanas had cured herself,

Kael'thas still had a huge question in her mind. Sylvanas didn't have a way to absorb magic from other creatures, so how did she cure her hunger for magic? Thirsty?

"Kael'thas, I am no longer the ranger general of the high elves, now I am the leader of the holy elves."

When she split with the aristocratic faction and discovered that the high elf nobles only cared about themselves and ignored the large number of civilians, Sylvanas had completely despaired of the high elf race. Now she no longer recognizes that she was once a high elf. As an elf, she only has holy elves in her heart.

And these blood elves who split from the aristocratic faction of high elves are the traitors in her opinion!

"Holy elf? You too have found your own path."Kael'thas was slightly startled when he heard Sylvanas' words, and then smiled bitterly.

He respected the path Sylvanas chose. Perhaps from a certain perspective, Sylvanas chose to protect the civilian faction. It alleviated the guilt in his heart.

As the prince of the high elves and the leader of the blood elves, when faced with that situation, he had to abandon the weak high elf civilians.

This was for the survival of the blood elves, he He cannot redistribute his little power to those worthless civilians. This is his choice. No matter how cruel he is, he must survive with the blood elves.

Now that the blood elves are about to perish, maybe those led by Sylvanas A weak elf who once had no meaning in him can survive, which is the continuation of the high elf.

"It's a pity that you shouldn't have appeared. The blood elves are almost extinct. You should leave quickly. This is not your battle."Kael'thas got up from the ground, and the three magic balls slowly rotated around his body in a certain pattern.

"I said, excuse me, you stupid lower creatures, you seem to have forgotten something, right?"At this moment, a cruel voice sounded in Fang Tian's ears.

Hearing this voice, Kael'thas's face became even paler. The owner of this voice was the one who led this undead natural disaster force. , the tenth-level legendary fear devil.

As the tenth-level legendary fear devil, he is more powerful than the ordinary tenth-level legendary strongman in this world. In addition, he also has a powerful undead and natural disaster army. Not only the blood elves, but also All three of Sylvanas will be easily killed by him.

Although Kael'thas has a dispute with Fang Tian, ​​and he is arrogant and does not recognize a human being like Fang Tian, ​​but it does not mean that he wants Fang Tian and the others to be killed by this fearful demon king. kill here

"Sylvanas, Fang Tian! You guys leave quickly, I will stop this fear lord! Sylvanas, take your holy elves and live well. The hope of the high elves lies in you."

The three magic balls on Kael'thas' body rotated at high speed, and the two phoenixes were reborn from the ashes under his magic input. They let out a high-pitched phoenix cry, flew to the top of the position, hovered, and confronted the fear devil.

"Stupid elf! There are several low-level creatures coming to save you, hahaha, and there is also a low-level human being, how ridiculous! I will tear you all to pieces!"The tenth-level legendary fear devil screamed. His voice was like a thousand bats mixed together to form a harsh scream, which almost made the weak Kael'thas kneel to the ground.

"Little Dread Lord, don’t you know me?"Fang Tian looked at the poor Dreadlord with some pity.

He killed so many demons, even Archimonde was tricked by him and blasted back into the Twisting Nether. The Dreadlord Lord and the demigod-level Dreadlord were all killed by him. Slaughter, it was precisely because of him that the Burning Legion in the main world of Azeroth withered and scattered, and was reduced to being the lackey of the undead natural disaster.

And this tenth-level legendary level Dreadlord didn't even recognize him, it was really weird.

"Hahaha, humble human being, how could the great Adolf know such a humble creature like you! In front of the great fear lord Adolf, you are as weak as an ant! Undead Scourge Troops, kill this stupid human being, and I will turn him into a ridiculous undead creature, who will dance exclusively for me in the future to please me."

Dread Demon King Adolf sneered and looked at Fang Tian mockingly.

Following his order, undead creatures suddenly rushed towards the battle formation like a tide, trying to drown everyone in the wave of undead.

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