The two giant dragons, with the heart of revenge, fiercely pounced into the Anubisas army led by the twin emperors of Ahn'Qiraj, and started a melee.

The two Zerg emperors of Ahn'Qiraj, the Sword Emperor Vec'niras, are immune to magic, and the Demon Emperor Vec'nol is immune to physical attacks.

As eighteenth-level demigod insect-men, they obviously know the giant dragon very well. Sword King Vicnilas holds a slender obsidian sword and fights with the blue dragon Aregos.

The powerful magic of the blue dragon was ineffective against Sword King Vicnilas. On the contrary, the sharp obsidian sword left wounds after wounds on the blue dragon's body, and dragon blood poured out from these wounds.

Another Zerg Emperor of Ahn'Qiraj, the Demon Emperor, Vecnoir kept shooting shadow arrows.

These evil magics inherited from the ancient gods also caused huge scars on the green dragon Melinthela. The shadow arrows pierced the green dragon's hard dragon scales and corroded the flesh and blood of the dream dragon Melinthela.

Being immune to physics, he ignored the green dragon's powerful melee fighting ability and suppressed the dragon alone, constantly causing damage to Melinsera, the dream dragon.

Facing the two Ahn'Qiraj Zerg emperors already made the two giant dragons groan incessantly. However, in addition to these two terrifying eighteenth-level demigod Zerg emperors, there was also Lord Wu of Anubisas. Osrian the Scarred.

This Anubisas, who was known as the"Dragon Slayer" in the Quicksand War more than a thousand years ago, was granted a grudge by the Zerg Emperor Vicnilas. Its life essence was bound to the ancient crystal, making it It has sacred armor, an indestructible body, and a body that is super immune to magic. It cannot be killed without destroying the Osrian Crystal.

This terrifying Lord Anubisas does not have the honor of a warrior. From time to time he takes the opportunity to make sneak attacks, posing a huge threat to the two giant dragons.

Without Malfurion's powerful healing ability, Serenity Rain, and the assistance of the power of the moon summoned by the high priest of the moon, Tyrande, I am afraid that the two dragons would have been slaughtered long ago.

"Two Zerg emperors, plus a scarless Orisian, are really good prey."In the melee, both the Ahn'Qiraj Zerg and the Green Dragon did not notice Fang Tian who was watching the battle, so that in the fierce battlefield, he was actually leisurely, as if watching a show, and he was still thinking about commenting on the combat effectiveness of several people.

"Despicable humans! You still haven't helped! I must tear you apart!"Once again, the obsidian sword of Sword King Vicnilas left a long wound on the dragon's body. Inadvertently, the blue dragon Aregos saw Fang Tian still watching the show, and immediately became furious and wanted to kill him. Eat it.

This roar immediately made the Sword Emperor Vexnislas and Demon Emperor Vicrol focus their attention on Fang Tian. The two Zerg emperors were shocked to find that there was a human demigod present who had not joined the battle. group

"Go, Orisian, kill that human demigod! Sacrifice his flesh and soul to the great Old God C'Thun!"Sword King Vicnilas left a piercing wound on the blue dragon Aregos with his sword, and then ordered the Scarless One Oris Andao

"Yes, Your Majesty!"Osrian the Scarless, who was more than twenty meters tall, withdrew from the battle group, breathing white gas like steam, and walked towards Fang Tian with heavy steps that made the Temple of Ahn'Qiraj shake.

"What a cheating blue dragon."Fang Tian looked at the useless dragon Aregos, the blue dragon, who was trampled under his feet, speechless. Originally, he wanted to continue watching the show, but now it seems that he can't.

"Insignificant human beings, tremble in front of the great Osirian the Scarless One, I will trample you into a pulp and offer it to the eternal ancient god C'Thun!"Osrian the Scarless lowered his head. Its body was blue, with a head like an eagle, and two golden horns on its back.

It did not hide its disdain for the war avoider at its feet.

"Yeah? come."Fang Tian smiled and raised his fingers provocatively at Osrian the Scarless.

"Insignificant human beings, go to hell!"Osrian the Scarless raised his foot and stepped hard on Fang Tian.

"Not even using weapons? If you look down on people so much, I want to see what is the limit of the power you, who claims to be invulnerable, can withstand."

A faint smile appeared on Fang Tian's face. The next second, the huge divine power surged in the body of Lingbao and concentrated on his palm. Then Fang Tian punched hard, releasing the divine power of hundreds of demigods.


Like a meteorite hitting the earth, Fang Tian's fist containing infinite divine power hit the soles of Osrian the Scarless One's feet. A huge explosion sounded, and the violent impact formed a substantial shock wave that dispersed around.

"No...this is impossible!"Osrian the Scarless felt that power more violent than the mountains surged out of the body of the human demigod.

Even he, the genius of the Anubisas family, was transformed by the Osrian crystal. The divine creature Osrian the Scarless was as small as an ant in the face of this kind of power. The sole of the foot that first came into contact with the fist was connected to the calf that was nearly two stories high, and it instantly collapsed into debris, mixed in with the Sputtering around in the shock wave

"Humble blue dragon! Surrender to me and my master the great C'Thun, otherwise, your humble life will be ended today!"Sword King Vicnilas has defeated the blue dragon Aregos at this moment, and the obsidian battle sword has pierced half of the sword body from the reverse scale.

As long as he exerts a little force, he can pierce the obsidian battle sword deeply into the blue dragon Heart of Aregos

" will never surrender!"The blue dragon Aregos raised his head and gasped in refusal.

"Then, your life ends here. I will refine your corpse into the weapons of the Ahn'Qiraj Empire. Together we will conquer the world and make the whole world surrender to the feet of Master Suen and the Ahn'Qiraj Empire!"

Sword King Vicnilas smiled cruelly and said cruelly, intending to end the life of this giant dragon.


At this moment, Sword King Vicnilas suddenly felt something strange. He raised his head and saw a golden halo of light that seemed to be a shock wave mixed with debris deep in the hall, spreading towards the battlefield.

"That is……"Sword King Viknilas instinctively felt that the golden halo had terrifying power, but the next moment, when the halo spread and passed through some Ahn'Qiraj Zerg, Viknilas found that he was still a little underestimated. Got it.

Under the horrified gaze of Sword King Vicnilas, the body of the Ahn'Qiraj Zerg shrouded in a golden halo froze, and then instantly turned into dust under the terrible impact, and was annihilated in the air.

"Damn, what is that?……!"

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