The giant transformed by Fang Tian swung his fist, and the powerful force broke through the air, forming a cannonball and hitting the boulder where the Twin Emperors were hiding.

The divine power of hundreds of demigods, coupled with the 5,000-ton power of the Heavenly Spiritual Treasure, and the three-fold increase in the Heaven-shaking Seal's Dao Mark, are so terrifying that they are probably unheard of in the world of Azeroth.

Even if a demigod dragon is touched, it will be crushed to pieces in an instant without leaving any residue.

The air cannon landed on the boulder where the twin emperors Vecnilas and Vecnor were hiding. The huge stone instantly shattered and was annihilated into dust.

"No...hide quickly!"The screams of Sword King Vicnilas in insect language came from under the boulder. Two figures quickly escaped from under the collapsed boulder and turned into two afterimages to hide away. The whole ground was roaring, and I didn't know. How many substances were strangled into ashes

"What a powerful force this is? Why do I, an eighteenth-level demigod, feel in danger of annihilation?"The Demon King Vicnuor, who had escaped with his life, looked at the position of the annihilated boulder in shock, and his face became ugly.

This was Fang Tian's pure physical attack containing the world's divine power, one hundred and sixty demigod-level Mana has given his physical strength a qualitative sublimation. Even attacks made with bare hands will cause this level of space distortion, causing all matter and energy attacked by him to be instantly annihilated.

"Don't run away, cute little Chongchong, let me give you eternal peace!"Fang Tian saw Demon Emperor Vicnor and Sword Emperor Vecnilas escaping, and while laughing, he pursued Demon Emperor Vecnor and Sword Emperor Vecni with the power that shook the ruins of the Temple of Ahn'Qiraj. Lars

"Don't run! You think we are stupid!"The two twin emperors of the Ahn'Qiraj Zerg, Demon King Vecnol and Sword Emperor Vec'niras, were filled with grief and anger.

As eighteenth-level demigods and emperors of the Ahn'Qiraj Zerg, they have been It frightens countless creatures in this world and brings nightmares to all creatures. Even races as powerful as dragons can only form a coalition to fight against them. They basically represent the nightmare called Zerg in this world.

And often the living ones When life sees them, it is like seeing the big devil. It either trembles and gives up resistance, or is slaughtered by them with wild laughter, even the powerful dragons are no exception.

The two twin emperors of Ahn'Qiraj have finally experienced that, being The feeling of being hunted down like chickens made them extremely sad and angry.

"You are really too weak...Why are you so weak and still able to make this world so scared?"Fang Tian asked in a confused voice while chasing the two Ahn'Qiraj twin emperors who fled in a hurry like chickens.

In his opinion, these two eighteenth-order demigod-level insect-men seemed a bit too weak. A little too much, and completely unable to match their terrifying and evil reputation.

If they are so bad, why did the night elves and the dragons go to war a thousand years ago and launch a quicksand war to seal them? It was necessary to make it so complicated. Is it?

Fang Tian was a little hard to understand.

The twin emperors who were questioned did not answer. At this moment, the two twin emperors Zerg were running away like crazy, and they were filled with grief and anger when they were questioned.

It's not that we are too weak, it's that you, the monster, are too strong. Now, we are the twin emperors, the Sword Emperor Vecnilas who is immune to magic, and the Demon Emperor Vecnor who is immune to physics. Our combined power is enough to kill any creature under the ancient gods.

But you are a monster. It is too abnormal, possessing endless magic power. The sacred armor of the body is also immune to most damage. The most undead thing is that even the obsidian sword cannot cause substantial damage. How do you want us to fight such a monster?

Gemini The emperor's mood seemed to collapse at this moment.

Fang Tian seemed to have forgotten that he was not an ordinary demigod.

Although he was only fifteenth level, he had probably never seen it in this world. A fifteenth-level demigod had one hundred and sixty The combined magic power of the demigods is like an infinite tidal cannon, which is still at the demigod level.

Coupled with the terrifying spiritual treasure body, most creatures under the ancient gods in this world can only run.

Not to mention the two Ahn'Qiraj The twin emperors of the Zerg were speechless. Even Malfurion, Titand, and the green dragon Merinthra were in the ruins. Even Alex, the bronze dragon lord who was repairing the wall of Ahn'Qiraj in the Wall of Time, was speechless. Tassa was also stunned.

When the Anubisas Legion led by the Twin Emperors arrived, they were already ready to sacrifice.

Who knew that after Fang Tian took action, he instantly reversed the situation and not only made the giant dragon that had been defeated a thousand years ago The Anubisas Legion, which the Legion defeated at great cost, was completely destroyed. Even the terrifying twin emperors Sword Emperor Vecniras and Demon Emperor Vecnor were being hunted down like dogs.

The two night elves Shaking his head with a green dragon, looking at this incredible scene, he thought he was dreaming. Even Melinsela, the dream dragon, gave him a claw to confirm with the pain that he was not actually dreaming.

"Don't waste time, come on, come into my arms, I will give you eternity."Fang Tian said loudly while chasing the twin emperors Demon Emperor Vicnor and Sword Emperor Vicnilas.

"Brother, let me stop this monster while you awaken Master C'Thun!"Seeing that he was being chased to the ground and had nowhere to escape, the Demon King Vicnor shouted decisively to the Sword Emperor Vicnilas, and then erupted a huge power of shadow from his body, turning into a dark night sky , rushed towards Fang Tian.

Sword King Vicnilas could no longer say anything to stop him, and began to recite the incantation of worshiping the ancient god C'Thun in an attempt to summon the ancient god C'Thun.

"Finally no longer running away, are you going to die? This is really great."Fang Tian's excited voice came from behind Sword Emperor Vicnilas.

After using the Fantian Seal to increase his strength, his power gradually increased, but his control was much weaker, so much so that he couldn't even control the two mice for a long time. Killed.

But there was actually a little mouse who was dazed and wanted to fight back?

Fang Tian exploded with all his strength in an instant, and a divine power that was enough to suffocate the demigod army formed a millstone, and wrapped up the Demon King Vicnor.

The millstone was just After three or two twists, the Demon Emperor Vicnor was crushed into mud, and he didn't even have time to make a sound.

"younger brother!"Sword King Vicnilas screamed in despair, but now his summons has reached a critical moment and cannot be stopped.

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