What does this mean?

Doesn't this mean that the magic power Fang Tian can control is equivalent to thousands or even more legendary magicians?

Is this possible?

Not only was Jaina deeply suspicious, at this moment, she even had doubts about her own magical knowledge.

"Let's go!"Fang Tian used the world's divine power to wrap up all the remaining Outland Expeditionary Force soldiers, directly tear the space, and grab all the Outland Expeditionary Force soldiers to travel together.

This process is very fast, only between lightning and flint, for all Outland Expeditionary Forces At first I just felt like the world was spinning, and the next moment I found myself in a world of black and purple, dense with death and destruction energy. I couldn't help but be stunned. Are you kidding me?

Just like that, an army was moved using magic power? And it was still... Moving from one world to another?

All the soldiers felt that they could not turn their heads.

As for Jaina, Thrall and other leaders of the tribes, they were quite at a loss.

Before the expedition, they knew that the portal had just opened. some days agoThe most dangerous time is because the magic power of most magicians will rush in to support the space gate at that time, unable to support the battlefield, and the coalition forces are divided into two worlds, which can be said to be extremely fragile.

In order to prevent the initial danger, the leaders of various tribes lost countless brain cells and came up with various strategies, and their hearts were tense.

Now you tell them that what you think is difficult is nothing in the eyes of others?

This is so unkind!

"This is the Outland, a world that is about to die. I can feel that the heart of the earth in this world is in pain and asking for help. I can feel its pain."Saar was the first to react. He knelt down on the soil of the outer domain, holding the black soil in his hands. He seemed to feel some unspeakable pain and shed tears.

Fang Tian looked at Saar speechlessly, and his heart You haven't become the guardian of the earth yet, so you have brought your role in advance? Can you feel the pain in the heart of the earth now?

He deeply suspected that Thrall might have been born in the wrong body. He should have He was reincarnated as a druid.

However, then Fang Tian also used his super perception to observe the outer world and found that the world was indeed being polluted and dying. Under the pollution of demons, the heart of the world was rapidly decaying. It is estimated that in a few hundred years , the entire world will be completely annihilated and become dust in the void.

Although hundreds of years seem to be a long time, compared to a world, it can be said to be a blink of an eye.

"We are getting ready to start building the camp. We don’t know much about this world. The demons of the Burning Legion will soon discover us and they will definitely attack us! We must be fully prepared."Jaina calmly ordered.

Soon, under the organization of Jaina and the heroes and leaders of all races, a war military fortress was built in the outer realm, and the magicians began to continue to open up space and project various weapons from the world of Azeroth. supplies come to war military fortress


A few days later, after several demon sneak attacks, after capturing some demons and torturing the demons, Fang Tian and other heroes of the Outland Expeditionary Force all understood the current situation in the Outland.

Since the explosion of the world of Draenor, most of the Outland has been annihilated in the void and turned into dust in the void. The remaining areas are currently dominated by several huge forces.

First of all, the largest force is naturally the Burning Legion.

Occupied by the demonic legions of the Burning Legion, they occupy the Black Temple that originally belonged to the draenei.

Under the leadership of the Abyss Demon Lord Magtheridon, known as the King of Outland, the demons built a huge Dark Portal, and demon legions were summoned from the Twisting Nether to the Outland every moment.

It is these demonic legions, using the outer realm as a springboard, constantly invading the world of Azeroth, and using the power of pollution to open new doors of darkness in the world of Azeroth.

The second largest force is the ogre clan, led by the ogre demigod Gruul. They occupy the Blade's Edge Mountains in the outer realm and can compete with the demon army. Legend has it that there are traces of the power of the ancient gods behind these ogres, so Even the demons of the Burning Legion did not dare to anger these violent ogres too easily.

The weakest remaining force is the Draenei race.

But Fang Tian knew that this seemingly weak race had a huge background.

They were originally called the"Eredar Race", a powerful race born in a very powerful world, and possess the most powerful magical civilization in the entire universe.

It is worth mentioning that the two leaders of the Burning Legion, Archimonde the Defiler and Kil'jaeden the Deceiver, were actually members of the eredar in the past.

The reason why the Draenei race is no longer called the Eredar, and is still being bullied and brought to the Outland, must be traced back to a distant era.

A long time ago, there was a world called Argus in the universe, and a powerful race called the Eredar. They established a civilization powerful enough to fight against the ancient gods.

The Eredar race has three leaders: Archimonde the Defiler, Kil'jaeden the Deceiver, and Velen the Prophet.

After Sargeras became the Demon King, he was very interested in the civilization and power of this race. He first seduced Archimonde the Defiler and Kil'jaeden the Deceiver, and incorporated them into the Burning Legion. The eredar leader, Prophet Velen, refused to surrender and chose to lead the remaining eredar to escape.

Naturally, Sargeras was furious at Prophet Velen's confrontation, and he ordered the Burning Legion to hunt down these traitors across the endless world.

After visiting several worlds, the Draenei race led by Prophet Velen came to Draenor, which they thought was a safe haven, and settled and multiplied here.

Of course, the result was that Draenor was also discovered by the Burning Legion and eventually torn apart by the Burning Legion.

Kil'jaeden always wanted to conquer these former kin, so he kept oppressing the draenei and wanted them to surrender, but did not send an army of demons to kill them all.

The Delaney life is also very unsatisfactory, living in the cracks, and the race may be destroyed at any time.

After receiving this information, the leaders of the Outland Expeditionary Force began to formulate plans.

The final result of the discussion was that the expeditionary force first attracted the oppressed draenei, and then communicated with the ogres in the Blade's Edge Mountains to persuade the ogres to join the coalition, gather all forces to attack the Dark Temple, and eliminate the outer realm in the Dark Temple. The king, Magtheridon, destroyed and closed the Dark Portal to save this dying world.

Finally, the responsibility assigned to Fang Tian by the expeditionary force was to communicate with the ogres on the Blade's Edge Mountains and find ways to persuade these ogres to join the expeditionary force, while Illidan and Jaina went to see Delaney. Leader Prophet Velen, trying to convince Prophet Velen

"Convince the ogre?"Fang Tian also smiled when he received this mission. The leaders of the expeditionary force, whether it was Jaina, Thrall, or even Illidan, didn't know the real situation.

They didn't know that the ogres on the razor were actually the ancient gods. It is impossible for his minions to join the expeditionary force and will only try every means to destroy the expeditionary force.

However, Fang Tian did not tell the other leaders of the expeditionary force the news.

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