"Why are you here?"

"New Titan?"

Fang Tian opened his eyes and faced Malfurion with a puzzled face. He didn't understand why Malfurion recognized him as a new Titan.

"Huh?"But in just one thought, he figured out what was going on.

It turned out that after he refined the star core of the outer world, the outer world did not explode. Instead, it became his home field. He actually became the leader of this home world. Dominator.

Fang Tian closed his eyes, and a massive amount of information entered his mind from the outer lands.

"It seems that because I am a creator, when I was refining the star core of the Outer Realm, I assimilated into this world. My own high-level world power even fed back to the Outer Realm, making the Outer Realm a plane controlled by me."Fang Tian quickly learned everything.

Strictly speaking, the Titans of the Warcraft universe belong to low-level creators.

They are bred from the star cores of each world, master the rules that touch the creator, and constantly transform one world after another.

If they follow this path of being a creator, the Titans will eventually become the Gods of the DC Universe, or the Creators of the Marvel Universe.-A-A multiverse creator like A exists.

But Fang Tian is different. He himself is a being who gave birth to the universe. If the creator also has levels, when he evolves to the end, even if he is O-A-A and God are also scum in front of him.

Even at this time, Fang Tian's world power was the source of the world that was higher than the level of the Warcraft universe, so when he was refining the star core, strange phenomena appeared.

The outer world that was supposed to explode actually healed itself under the nurturing power of high-level world gods and turned into an independent small world.

After refining the star core, Fang Tian successfully took over all the rules of the Outland and became a new titan bred in the eyes of Malfurion.

Of course, Outland itself is just a fragment of part of the exploded Draenor. Strictly speaking, Outland now can only be regarded as a plane, and Fang Tian is equivalent to the king of the planes.

"Unexpectedly, I actually became a Titan."When Fang Tian found out about this, he was immediately happy.

Before, he was planning to pretend to be a Titan, but he was worried that the fallen Titan and the King of Demons, Sargeras, would see through it and cause strong resistance from the world's will in this universe. Unexpectedly, now he He actually became a new Titan

"And there's another benefit: As long as I'm in the outer realm now, I'm invincible!"Fang Tian closed his eyes and felt that all the rules in the outer world were controlled by his thoughts. With the bonus of the entire world, as long as he was within the coverage of the outer world, even the commander of the Burning Legion - the Polluter Demons such as Archimonde and Kil'jaeden the Deceiver, whose levels exceed the twenty-fifth level, can never be his opponents.

Of course, Archimonde and Kil'jaeden will not be so stupid as to destroy their true form. After being sent to the Outland, after all, for their true bodies, the Outland is like an ant nest. Even if they can really squeeze in, they will be unable to move.

But this does not mean that they are helpless.

They cannot enter the interior of the Outland. But it can pollute the outer world through various methods, and then open the portal. This is what the Burning Legion is doing now, destroying countless worlds.

"Fang Tian, ​​have you...really become a new Titan?"Jaina opened her eyes wide, her bright and big eyes trembling slightly. She had lost her composure as a magician.

She could not believe that her comrade would become a new Titan.

In the myth of the world of Azeroth, Titans Equivalent to a real god, a living creator.

Malfurion also stared at Fang Tian, ​​this demigod druid, the son of nature, his mood at this moment was also like the rough sea

"I understand, I am the new Titan, the King of Planes!"Fang Tian opened his eyes, digested all the information about the outer world, and said loudly.

As his voice called, the sky of the outer world suddenly piled up with clouds, turning into a huge projection that appeared in the sky.

It was a tall man with a body Kilometers, the golden giant is like a huge mountain.

The golden giant's projection reaches straight into the sky, and the will of the outer world naturally chooses with him as the center.

Under the gaze of the giant, all the land, air, and clouds in the outer world are cheering , countless new-born creatures prostrate themselves on the ground, worshiping their creators.

All creatures understand that he is the center of the world, the master of the outer realm.

"Ancient ancestral spirits! The great Titan God!"The orcs who had not left the outer world were also shocked to see the huge projection in the sky. They knelt down on the ground excitedly and began to worship. At this moment, all the orcs remembered the ancient legends of their ancestors.

Draenor World One day a Titan will be born. He will become the natural god of Draenor, the master of all things, and the ancestor of all orcs.

"This is... a Titan……"Except for those devout orcs, all other races opened their eyes wide and couldn't close their jaws as they looked at the golden figure rising straight into the sky.

No one would have thought that they could see this scene in the outer world and witness the birth of a Titan god with their own eyes.

"It feels so good, finally feeling like I'm in another world."Fang Tian glanced around the outer world. The projection slowly dissipated, and his will returned to the body of a normal human and appeared in front of Malfurion. The thousand-meter golden giant he just turned into was actually not The real body is a projection formed by mobilizing the rules of the power of the outer realm.

This projection also demonstrates his absolute control over the outer realm.

In this plane, he is invincible, unless the twenty-fifth-level ancient god can open the portal and cross Enter this world, otherwise, no creature can defeat him in this plane

"The son of the forest from Azeroth, Malfurion Stormrage, met the great creator, the powerful Titan God."When Malfurion saw the scene just now, he already understood that Lord Purifier was indeed a new Titan God, so he lowered his head and said respectfully.

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