But the ancestral dragon king Galakrond did not expect that this new titan seemed to know the existence of the Void Lord.

"What else do you know?"The ancestor dragon king Galakrond asked in dragon language in a low voice.

"Are you talking about the Lord of the Void? Isn’t it the master of the void world, the opposite of the material world? What’s the big deal? I’ll tell you, I once almost killed a void master? That's it."Fang Tian curled his lips with a look of disdain.

Galakrond seemed to regard the Lord of the Void as some great secret, which made him laugh.

"Newborn Titan, you are insulting the great and supreme Lord of the Void!"The ancestral dragon king Galakrond roared angrily, and his huge body was like a moving mountain, slamming towards Fang Tian.

"Comparing strength?! Let’s see who is stronger, me or you."Fang Tian smiled, slowly landed on the ice field, and placed Onyxia aside. Countless runes appeared on his body, and his power began to expand rapidly.

Even if the people present did not know Fang Tian, ​​they could You see, it was only at this moment that the Lord Purifier really used his own power, and the impact of the bars might just be a warm-up.

This thought shocked everyone again.

The huge body of the ancestral dragon king Galakrond pressed up, He opened his huge mouth, which was covered with a jungle of sharp swords, and bit Fang Tian fiercely.

"Fan Tian Yin Dao Mark!"Looking at the ancestral dragon king Galakrond rushing toward him, Fang Tianmei's mind showed the traces of the Fantian Seal.

In an instant, powerful power surged in. With the increase of the traces of the Fantian Seal, Fang Tianmei, who had already raised all his power, Fang Tian was instantly increased tenfold, giving him the illusion that he could destroy Azeroth with one punch.


In the high-pitched dragon roar, the dragon's teeth are like long swords cutting through the jungle.

"A skeletal dragon, shut up!"Fang Tian clenched his fist, mustered up the strength to punch hard, and hit the front head-on.


Compared to the ant-like enemy, the ancestral dragon king Galakrond was too big to dodge, and was suffocated by a punch on the spot. , cracks appeared on the bones and skulls, and the huge body was pushed backwards by the violent force, and fell on the ice field.

The Northrend ice field shook and shook, and after a violent earthquake, it returned to calm.

"You are not a new Titan! I've seen the Titans, and even the Titans don't have members as powerful and pure as you!"

After a while, the ancestral dragon king Galakrond recovered. His huge body climbed up from the collapsing glacier and said in incredible dragon language.

"You have too little knowledge."Fang Tian curled his lips. To be honest, even if it increases ten times, his power at this time is nothing.

Just say that the super super in the DC universe can blow out even stars with a breath and pull a few planets at will.

If Seeing such a perversion, wouldn't it scare the ancestor dragon king Galakrond to death?

"Stupid newborn Titan! Don’t underestimate me, the ancestor Dragon King Galakrond, I am the ancestor of all dragons! The messenger chosen by the Lord of the Void! I am the destruction of this world!"The ancestral dragon king Galakrond was enraged and roared angrily.

"His ability is not very good, but his tone is very loud!"Fang Tian planned to go up and hammer the guy in front of him to death on the spot.

But before he could do it, there was a sudden movement in the ancestral dragon king. Distorted energy appeared on its dead dragon body, and hundreds of weird eyes sprouted from the body. It makes people shudder.

These twisted eyes are very weird. Some only have individual eyeballs covered with bloodshot eyes, and some are complete eyes. Each eyeball exudes twisted energy, like some kind of weird existence. , looking at the world of Azeroth through these eyeballs

"New Titan, beware! This is some kind of mutated and twisted energy mastered by the ancestral dragon king Galakrond. Once hit by these twisted energies, no matter how powerful the body is, it will collapse."When Alexstrasza, the red dragon queen who woke up, saw this scene, she excitedly warned Fang Tian in dragon language.

"Distorted energy? Is this the power of the Lord of the Void? It looks a lot like the power of Dormammu, the Lord of Darkness."Of course Fang Tian didn't mean to be afraid, but instead thought of his old friend Dormammu in the Marvel Universe.

Dormammu, the dark lord of the Marvel Universe, controls the material opposite void universe of the Marvel Universe, and Dormammu's void power is also So twisted

"Stupid newborn Titan, pay the price for your offense against the great Lord of the Void!"The Ancestral Dragon King Galakrond roared, and twisted light continued to emit from his body. All places covered by the twisted light, whether it was ice, snow, or living things, instantly began to twist and collapse. Almost instantly, with the ancestor, With Dragon King Galakrond as the central origin, within a radius of three thousand meters, all matter covered by the light is disintegrating, and the light has no tendency to weaken at all, and is still spreading rapidly.

"Interesting, let me try the chaos power of the Chaos Clock."Fang Tian did not dodge.

In addition to believing that he could block it, it was also because if he dodged, everyone around him would die today.

In a flash of thought, a huge world power emanated from his body and flew into the sky, forming a A mana starry sky.

The azure starry sky covers the entire Northrend continent. In this blue starry sky, there are only a few stars, but those stars exude powerful magic power. The

Chaos Clock has not yet appeared, but only relying on the sheer vastness like The magic power of the starry sky has suppressed the spread of distorted light, giving people time to deal with it calmly.

"This is impossible... This is such a powerful magic... How is this possible?……"Countless creatures in Northrend stared blankly at the starry sky that suddenly appeared. At this moment, even Red Dragon Queen Alexta was shocked, muttering to herself, unable to believe her eyes.

As a twenty-fifth-level ancient god at her peak, Alexstrasza, the Red Dragon Queen, has seen countless powerful creatures, including the Pantheon Titans bred by star souls, and the sealed ancient gods. , but she never thought that there was a demigod with such powerful magic that he could directly simulate a starry sky.

How many demigods does it take to do this?

A hundred demigods?

Five hundred demigods?

Eight hundred demigods?

Alexstrasza, Queen of the Red Dragon, was a little confused. It was difficult for her to calculate how many demigods' mana this starry sky had.

But when she finally came to the conclusion, even she fell silent.

At least eight hundred demigods?!

Such a powerful mana may not be enough to pull out all the demigods in the world of Azeroth. It is even close to the power of the Well of Eternity. Even the Titans do not have such strong mana.

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