"Well, there are other places to go."Elune looked at the seeds of the Holy World Tree suspended in the palm of her hand, a faint smile appeared on her face, and then a silver moonlight flashed away, and her figure disappeared in the capital of the holy elves, the City of Dawn. After Luen disappeared, the holy elves in the City of Dawn raised their heads blankly, looking at the sudden disappearance of the sacred world tree that protected the holy elves, their eyes full of confusion.


Kalimdor Island, Theramore Islands, in the human city-state.

In the palace of the world's royal family, the"Evans. Holy Titans"

"Are you relatives of the Holy King?"Luna was currently using magic to cause a beautiful flower to bloom in the garden, when a pleasant voice sounded in her ears.

Luna put down her magic wand, turned her head, and saw an extremely beautiful night elf smiling. look at him

"This elf sister, yes, I am Luna, the sister of the Holy King. Elf sister, has anyone told you that you are very beautiful?"Luna looked at this beautiful night elf with a look of surprise in her eyes and praised her heartily.

"Thank you, sweet little girl."This beautiful night elf smiled slightly and waved her hand. A ray of silver moonlight fell on Luna, and then Luna fell into a deep sleep.

This ray of silver moonlight not only fell on Luna, but also shrouded the world's royal family at the same time. In the palace of the"Evans Family", all the members of the Evans family were enveloped. Then the silver moonlight flashed away, and all the blood members of the Evans family disappeared in the silver moonlight. After all this, The disappearance of the night elves was accompanied by a flash of silver moonlight, disappearing from the same place.

Scenes like this also appeared one after another in the territory of all the holy clans in the world of Azeroth. After the silver moonlight flashed away, everyone who had contact with Fang Tian all the people disappeared into the moonlight


Since the awakening of the moon god Elune, the world tree Nordrassil has used her great divine power to repair the replanted Nordrassil, and built her own temple in the canopy of Nordrassil.

At this moment, Elune is sitting on a sacred wooden throne in the palace formed by the roots of Nordrassil, the world tree, closing her eyes and taking a nap.

"Destroyer from another universe, you are here."Suddenly, Elune woke up from her nap, and she whispered to the empty temple hall.

"Here I come, Elune, haven't you been waiting for me?"I don't know when a figure suddenly appeared in the temple hall, and asked Elune calmly.

This figure is naturally Fang Tian, ​​who rushed back to the world of Azeroth from the center of the universe. He just returned to Azeroth. In this world, he discovered that Elune had kidnapped everyone who had anything to do with him.

Now that Fang Tian is here, firstly, he wants to fight Elune decisively, and secondly, he wants to rescue all the relatives who were kidnapped.

"They are all here, safe, and if you can defeat me, you can take them."Elune, who was sitting on the throne, waved his hand, and a silver moonlight swayed in a place in the palace. In the moonlight illusion, Sylvanas and other people captured by Elune were sleeping soundly.

Fang Tian glanced at Sylvanas in the moonlight and knew that they were very safe now.

Elune sealed them in some kind of sealing realm that resembled reality and illusion. As long as Elune is defeated, this illusion will Lift

"You don't need to use this method. Even if you don't capture them, I will come to you. We are destined to fight."Fang Tian shook his head. He probably understood what Elune wanted to do.

She was probably afraid that she would continue to devour the growth of the universe, so she captured Sylvanas and the others and forced him to come for a decisive battle.

"Sorry for the inelegant way, but there's nothing else I can do"

"Destroyer from another world, thank you for your contribution to Azeroth. Unfortunately, our positions are different, as the guardians of the order of this universe! I must destroy you, so do it, only one of us will survive."Elune stood up from the sacred wood throne, and her eyes like the silver moon fell on Fang Tian.

"Let’s fight in another time and space? ?"Elune did not use hostages to threaten, which made Fang Tian feel a little better, so he did not delay and directly fulfilled the other party's wish.

"good."Elune also nodded. A ray of silver moonlight swayed on her body. The next second, the surrounding time and space quickly distorted. A long river of time and space appeared in the palace. Elune strode into the long river of time and space, naked. His feet flowed through the water of the long river of time and space, and then he walked towards the source of the long river of time and space.

Fang Tian did not hesitate and followed Elune into the long river of time and space. Soon, the two figures crossed all time and space and came to the long river of time and space. In the source of the long river, this is the origin point of all time and space, the source of all time and space lines. If you fight here, nothing will happen, and it will not affect the main universe.

"Come, destroyer from another universe! Let me see your great power from another universe!"Standing at the source of the long river of time and space, a silver moon floated in the center of Elune's eyebrows. A ray of moonlight swayed across time and space on her body, forming a silver moon at the source of"nothing" time and space.

Fang Tian did not hesitate, the creator's divine power Continuously surging, traces of the artifacts of creation flew out from the center of his eyebrows, suspended in the void. The powerful artifacts of creation exuded the power to suppress all time and space.

"It is indeed amazing. Coming from the destruction of another universe, your power makes me feel a huge threat. No wonder the supreme will of the world is extremely afraid of your existence and cannot allow you to continue to grow and wake me up in advance."Looking at the power of the creation artifact surging in Fang Tian's body, Elune said with emotion.

"Elune, as much as I admire you, only one of us can survive!"Fang Tian waved his hand, and the Zhuxian Sword's path marks formed a part of the Zhuxian Sword's power. He held it in his hand.

He was very curious about what kind of power this strongest Titan in history has.

"good."Elune also stopped talking. The silver moon mark in her eyebrows suddenly lit up, and a silver moon floated out from her body, forming a huge silver moon at the source of the river of time, a vast , the highest energy fluctuations emanated from this silver moon.

When this silver moon appeared, Elune's aura began to increase infinitely.

The fifteenth-level demigod, the twentieth-level ancient god, the twenty-fifth-level ancient God, a thirty-level ancient god.

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