The earth holds some kind of secret that the dark lord Darkseid covets. Once he gets that secret, his master Darkseid will become the most powerful being in the universe, and even become the true creator from now on.

"The so-called heroes on Earth are basically vulnerable, but those damn guys don't know where they hid the remaining Mother Boxes?"

"If there were any mother boxes, I would have fully opened the sonic channel connecting to Apokolips, allowing the supreme master Darkseid to descend."

In fact, the reason why the whole war dragged on for so long was because Steppenwolf only had one mother box in his hand, which was not enough to open a complete sonic channel.

In the past few years, Steppenwolf tried his best to search all over the world, everywhere. Searched for the remaining mother boxes, but found nothing

"Is the ridiculous news in the legend true?"Inevitably, Steppenwolf had a doubt.

In the process of searching for the Mother Box, he heard a ridiculous piece of news. It was rumored that the remaining Mother Box was eaten by an indigenous god and completely destroyed.

In the past Steppenwolf completely took this news as a joke, but after several years of searching, he still couldn't find any clues, which made him a little doubtful. After thinking about it, he still didn't take the joke-like news seriously:"I'm sure It was those damn heroes who hid the Mother Box, I want to see how long they can resist!"

"The time the master has given me is running out. If I don't recycle the mother box and open the sonic blast channel for the master, I will definitely be punished by the master."

Steppenwolf is anxious. Although he is the uncle of the Dark Lord Darkseid in terms of blood, the new gods of Apokolips do not have the respect of blood among humans. Once Steppenwolf fails to complete his mission, what awaits him will be terrible. terrible ending

"Um? The Apocalypse warriors sent out to assist the Joker were eliminated? Is there anyone on this planet who can destroy the warriors of the Apocalypse? Could it be that the old gods of this planet have appeared and want to resist us?"Just when Steppenwolf was distressed, his thoughts suddenly moved, and he seemed to feel something, and murmured to himself in shock.

"No, I can't waste time like this anymore. First, interrupt the transmission of the blast channel, eliminate all the bugs on the planet, recover the mother box, and then open the portal for the master."Steppenwolf, who discovered the death of an Apocalypse warrior, felt some kind of crisis. He stood up and stopped providing energy to the Mother Box. The sonic blast channel in the sky opened by the Mother Box began to slowly close.

"Gather the demon-like army and begin a full-scale invasion! Kill all creatures of lower civilizations on this planet, be they humans or old gods! At any cost, even if the entire continent is turned over, we must find the remaining Mother Boxes!"

Steppenwolf came to the hall, dragged out a huge and exaggerated alien-style battle ax, and coldly gave the final order to the empty hall.

"Yes, the great evil god."

Under Steppenwolf's command, the fallen Dark City of London was like a vibrating beehive. Thousands of demonoids flew out from every corner of the Dark City, forming a demonoid army that covered the sky and the earth. Covering the entire sky.

There are more than ten million of these demonoids, like interstellar locusts, which can easily eat up a planet in a short time.

Under the army of demonoids that cover the sky and the earth, the evil god Steppenwolf leads the remaining The Apocalypse warriors sent to the earth by the seven Dark Lords began to march.

Buzz. Buzz.

After receiving the order, tens of millions of demon-like legions flew to all corners of the world like scattered torrents. Their only mission was to destroy All living things on the planet


The demon-like army in the dark city of London begins to attack.

This earth-shattering action could not be concealed at all, and the demonoids had no intention of concealing it. Therefore, every country in the world got the news immediately.

Satellite inspection agency personnel in countless countries sweated coldly when they saw the high-energy reactions scattered like locusts on the satellite screen, and some even fell to the ground paralyzed.

The end is coming, this is the end of the world!

Satellite Skynet is a detection system created after the earth entered the era of heroes and superpowers by absorbing the high-tech research and development of alien civilizations such as Krypton. It can detect high-energy reflection points on the earth through satellites and is used to identify those whose power exceeds that of ordinary people. of high-energy organisms.

These high-energy creatures may be superpowers, super criminals who have acquired superpowers, they may be some mythical species that humans have only gradually discovered, and they may even be aliens from extraterrestrial space.

Human beings have classified these high-energy creatures into nine levels in total.

Among them, level zero is ordinary humans, level one belongs to some super humans with enhanced bodies, level two is almost the most powerful ordinary human beings, and high-energy creatures at level three are mutants who can easily destroy a small legion. Or someone with super powers.

As for the creatures above level four and level five, they are basically monsters that can destroy a city.

In the eyes of humans, the levels above are basically god-level existences that can destroy a country or even a world.

For example, after the formation of the Justice League, Superman Clark Kent underwent a test and was rated as a level nine high-energy creature, which means that Superman Clark Kent is a god who can easily destroy a planet.

However, now, on the satellite detection screen, there are tens of millions of red dots densely packed, each of which exceeds the fourth-level high-energy reaction, and among them there are hundreds of thousands of fifth- and sixth-level high-energy reactions.

What's even more terrifying is that in the center of countless red dots, the red dot that emits high-energy reactions like a star, and the seven red dots of planets surrounding this star also fluctuate.

What level of high-energy creature is this?

Each of the seven planets surrounding the star is equal to Clark Kent, the Superman who was once detected by humans. This means that there are seven supermen at the level of gods on earth among the alien invasion legion!

And what is that high-energy reactive red dot that is countless times more powerful than Superman and like a star?

In front of that star-like high-energy reaction point, even Superman Clark Kent emits energy like fireflies...

A super creature of Superman Clark Kent level can easily destroy an earth. So, such a super-superhuman creature How should humans deal with an existence dozens of times more powerful than Clark Kent?

For a time, inspectors at satellite inspection agencies in all countries around the world fell into despair.

"Alert, alert, discovery of ultra-high energy response……"

"Alerts, alerts, huge numbers of ultra-high energy reactions discovered……"

"Alert, alert, detection of ultra-high energy reactions beyond nuclear reactor level, dangerous level: planet-destroying level……"

The alarm in the high-energy response satellite detection center was shaking, but all the satellite detection staff were as if they were petrified, silent and without any reaction.

"Humanity is finished, our planet is about to be destroyed……"A white-haired person in charge of a satellite detection agency had cloudy eyes. He looked at the instrument that constantly prompted high-energy response alarms with trembling and despair, his eyes filled with despair.

In the face of this terrifying force that can easily destroy a planet, neither human civilization nor the superheroes that humans rely on have the slightest ability to stop it.

"Wait...what is this? My God, have you come to the world in person?"Just when the white-haired head of the satellite detection agency was filled with despair, the voice of a young researcher who was so excited that he lost control of his emotions rang out from the satellite detection agency.

"What?"The person in charge of the satellite detection agency was stunned, as if waking up from a dream. He turned to look at the screen of the instrument. He wanted to know what else could make the young researcher so excited in front of such a terrifying legion of invaders from Apokolips.

When the satellite When the head of the testing agency's eyes fell on the instrument, the despairing person in charge was also stunned.

On the instrument, there was a high-energy reaction dozens of times larger than the most powerful one among the Apokolips invaders. The golden light point is carrying a bunch of other high-energy reaction points, quickly approaching the Apokolips Invasion Legion

"My God...are you really the one who came to the world to save all sin?"The head of the research institution made a cross on his chest and prayed.

This high-energy reaction light spot is so huge that it has even exceeded the level that the satellite can detect, covering the entire screen.

A superhuman-level high-energy A living creature can easily destroy a planet, and the most powerful high-energy creature in the Apokolips Legion has dozens of times the power of Superman.

However, in the face of this huge high-energy reaction, it is like a little thing. What level is this? ?Such a powerful force, does it mean that as long as this high-energy creature is willing, it can easily destroy a galaxy?

This is a completely different level of existence, and even makes the head of the research institution doubt life and all the science he knows. This For a moment, he even thought that the mythical God had descended into the world

"Quick, turn on the satellite image. I want to see the source of this high-energy reaction... is God coming to our world to save us?"The head of a Christian research institution yelled with a flushed face.

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