"Poor old people, you must have been kicked out by your own children. Welcome to join our big family, where we can work together to survive."

Soon, one of the wanderers who looked younger came to the mortal God King Zeus and God Queen Hera, and handed some shabby clothes and quilts to God King Zeus and God Queen Hera. He said with some sympathy.

The wanderer didn't know that the people in front of him were not some little people, but the superior God King and God Queen. But he was right about one thing.

Zeus and Hera could indeed be regarded as being driven out by their own children. Yes, the reason for being driven out was that they wanted to die.

God King Zeus and Hera looked at each other, seeing despair in each other's eyes.

They felt the cold, hunger and thirst they felt when they were mortals, There is still pain. Now, they will have a hard time surviving in the world just like the mortals they despise most.


In the Kingdom of the Holy Mountain of Olympus, after driving all the despicable Zeus and Hera into the mortal world, Fang Tian returned the power of the God King that was taken away from the God Queen Hera to Diana, and gave the God King Zeus the power of divine fire. The power was also given to her, allowing Diana to inherit the power of the dual god-king, in charge of the divine fire and the god of war.

In one leap, Diana became the most powerful god-king in the kingdom of Olympus, twice as powerful as the former god-king Zeus.

Later, Fang Tian handed over the deprived gods of Olympus to Diana. After all, she was now the God King of Olympus.

With Fang Tian's strong help, Diana ascended to the position of God King of Olympus Holy Mountain and became the fourth generation God King of Olympus Holy Mountain.

She deprived some of the despicable gods of their divinity and beat them into the mortal world, and then restored some of the good gods' divinity.

For example, Athena, the goddess of wisdom, and Artemis, the goddess of hunting, promoted the goddess of wisdom to become the administrator of the sacred mountain of Olympus second only to her.

Then, Diana restored part of the divine power of the Titans who had become ordinary giants, turning them into giants with partial divine power, and allowed them to live on Mount Olympus and enjoy eternity.

In addition, she will also be released and made a god by the Titan Prometheus, who was severely punished by God King Zeus for stealing the Holy Fire, thus ending the war between the Titans and the gods of Olympus once and for all. and conflict, so that Olympus can achieve eternal peace.

After doing this, Diana handed over the management of the sacred mountain kingdom of Olympus to Athena, the goddess of wisdom, and quietly returned to the world with Fang Tian, ​​living a shameless life in the simple Gotham City.


After solving the troubles on Mount Olympus, Fang Tian and Diana lived a shameless life in Gotham City while beginning to collect intelligence, trying to figure out when the major event in the DC universe,"Secret War", would begin. , so prepare in advance.

Fang Tian has made up his mind to collect the"Anti-Life Equation", the supreme power of the DC universe, as well as the gods of Apokolips, and the"Mobius Chair", an artifact that is infinitely close to omniscience and omnipotence, in the Secret War. In"War", prepare for the more terrifying event"The Blackest Night" that is about to happen in the future.

Therefore, now he must confirm the time when the"Secret War" broke out.

First of all, Fang Tian knew that the prelude to the Secret War was opened by the Amazon female warrior Myrina Black. She was the Amazon's chosen warrior. When the gods of the Olympus Mountain created her, they gave her the mission to serve the entire world. Bring peace.

Milena Black discovered the existence of Darkseid, the god of darkness. She knew that until Darkseid was eliminated, the universe would never be able to achieve peace.

In order to complete her mission, she somehow managed to get in touch with Darkseid, and she got pregnant and gave birth to Darkseid's daughter"Grell". She hoped that the daughter who would inherit"Darkseid's" power would eventually defeat him. Darkseid, the God of Darkness.

The news that Milena Black was pregnant with Darkseid's child was leaked. Before Paradise Island could react, she quietly escaped and secretly gave birth to Darkseid's child and raised it.

When she grew up, Greer inherited all the powerful powers of Darkseid. She came to the main universe as the Flash and defeated all the superheroes of the Justice League one after another, successfully removing the"Anti-Monitor" from the parallel universe. Summoned to the main universe.

The secret war begins, and the balance between the multiverse is completely shattered.

Darkseid arrives on Earth and the Anti-Monitor begins the strongest battle in the universe!

"As long as you know whether Greer has grown up, you can know when the secret war is about to begin."Fang Tian discussed with Diana and asked her to go to Paradise Island to see if Milena Black, the Amazon clan's divinely chosen warrior, is still on Paradise Island.

Diana believed Fang Tian extremely and did not ask why she wanted to know this. She said nothing. He said that he was going to show off the power of the God King and left the Wayne family manor to go to Paradise Island.

Half an hour later, the fluctuation of divine power disappeared in a flash, and Diana returned to Fang Tian.

At this time, her face did not look good.

"What happened?"Fang Tian already had a guess in his mind, but he still asked curiously.

"Milena Black violated the rules of Paradise Island. She actually... secretly contacted Darkseid, the God of Darkness... and became pregnant with Darkseid's child. When my mother found out, she had already escaped.……"Diana took a deep breath and said a little disappointed.

As a divinely chosen warrior, Milena Black was her friend on Paradise Island and also her comrade-in-arms. Now this comrade-in-arms actually violated the prohibition, which made Diana extremely heartbroken.

When Fang Tian heard this, it turned out that it was indeed the case. Milena Black was already pregnant with Darkseid's daughter Greer, and the clues to the secret war had been laid.

"when did it happen?"Although he knew everything, Fang Tian still showed surprise. He wanted to confirm the specific events that broke out in the secret war.

"Just over a year ago, after the Apokolips invasion army was defeated by you and the evil god Steppenwolf was killed by you."Diana's heartbroken reply

"more than a year ago……"Fang Tian pondered.

Milina Black was pregnant with Darkseid's child more than a year ago. Although she didn't know where she hid, only Darkseid's daughter Grell was left. Even with abnormal wrinkles, Grell It takes several years to ten years to grow up.

In other words, the secret war will definitely break out at least several years, or even ten years later.

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