The people he doubted were absorbers.

Toad Man had clearly mentioned before that Magneto had already paid the reward to the mysterious man.

The absorber can transform his body into any substance he comes into contact with. And the man who fought with him just now was so powerful that Fang Tian had reason to suspect that the reward was Adam alloy.

And just now, when the mysterious man was fighting with him, he converted his body into Adamantium alloy.

This can explain why he concentrated the power of the laser beam to the maximum and continued to attack for a long time, but he could only hit a dent in the center of his eyebrows.

As for his final means of escape, it was even simpler. It was nothing more than turning himself into sea water.

Turning into sea water in the sea, who can catch him?

The more he thought about it, the more Fang Tian felt that his reasoning fit perfectly.

In all likelihood, that mysterious person is absorbing people.

The only thing that remains doubtful is that in the previous life, two absorbers with different identities appeared in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

FirstHe is the Hulk's father who appeared in"The Incredible Hulk".

According to the original trajectory, he even tried to absorb the power of the Hulk, but in the end he couldn't bear it and exploded to death.

As for the second one, it appeared in"Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D."

This person can also transform into the substances he comes into contact with.

I just don’t know which absorber I was fighting with just now?

Fang Tian recalled what happened in the battle just now and made another discovery. This discovery was still obtained from the toad.

When Toad was trying to get the absorber to participate in the battle and stop Fang Tian's actions, he once called out his name. At that time, he seemed to have called the absorber"David"?

That's right, the Hulk's father's name is David Banner.

Damn it, according to the original trajectory, when David tried to absorb the power of the Hulk, he couldn't bear it and exploded to death. But now, because of his intrusion, he got the extremely strong Adamantium alloy. No, Any idea how things might change?

The big Hulk wouldn't be sucked into a mummy by his own father.

That would be so sad.

After finding out the identity of the mysterious man, Fang Tian felt much more relaxed. He observed three seconds of silence for the Hulk and flew towards the sea.

This ability to absorb people is indeed abnormal, but in front of him, it can be considered troublesome at best.

Even if he gets Adamantium alloy, so what?

His physical strength is fixed, but Fang Tian can increase it endlessly.

Now my long-term attacks can cause dents on his body. When my level increases, it won't be as simple as dents.

What's more, your physical strength is your own, does not depend on any external objects, and will not be different in any environment. As for this absorber, as long as the Adamantium alloy in his hand is lost, he will immediately return to his original shape.

Could it be that he could still turn into metal all the time?

While Fang Tian and Absorber were having an undersea battle, Magneto hurried over from a distance.

At this time, he was gritting his teeth and feeling anxious. He had already made up his mind. No matter who the fake he caught was, since he missed his big event, he would be cut into pieces.

Flying closer, the first thing he saw was a half-broken torch.

Although he knew that he was probably late, he still held on to the hope of success, kept praying in his heart, and flew into the torch through the big hole that was opened.

Looking around, apart from the swaying steel skeleton, is there any human figure anywhere?

Even the mutant radiator he had worked so hard to create was nowhere to be seen.

Magneto couldn't help but yell angrily:"Little thief! No matter who you are, we will fight until death!"

He carefully observed the surrounding environment.

There were patches of blood on the cracked ground, and in the corner, a half-cut tongue lay quietly there.

It seems that most of his subordinates, Toad, have encountered unexpected events.

The toad man was not strong enough, so it was normal for him to die, but the foreign aid he invited, even with Fang Tian's strength, would not be able to kill him in a moment.

Maybe the two are still fighting there?

Magneto turned his attention to the human-shaped hole in the bronze outer wall of the torch.

Flying out of the big hole, you can easily see the huge crater on the ground not far away.

This big pit is very conspicuous on the flat ground. Just now, his eyes were completely attracted by the broken torch, and he didn't pay attention to his feet at all, so he didn't notice it until now.

On the outside of the pit, footprints extend into the distance one by one. The footprints are filled with magma and have not completely solidified.

Magneto was shocked. It seemed that he had not returned too late. The enemy was indeed still fighting with the foreign aid he had invited. He looked at the two rows of footprints on the ground, his old face twisted, and murmured to himself:"No matter who you are, even if it's Fang Tian, ​​you are dead today!" After painstakingly planning for such a long time, in order to conduct an experiment in the middle , transformed Senator Kelly into a mutant, and even almost lost his life. He is about to succeed. After tonight, he will be the savior and leader of all mutants. At this critical moment, how could Magneto be willing to have his good deeds suddenly ruined?

He followed the footprints and flew to the seaside.

On the sea, heat waves rolled like a boiling cauldron. Thick white mist kept coming out, covering the entire seawater tightly.

It seems that the two sides are now fighting under the sea?

Magneto himself is just an ordinary person. If he stays under the sea, he might be drowned by the sea water accidentally. He doesn't want to die in such a miserable way.

Simply lie in ambush in a hidden place, wait for someone to show up, and give him a hard blow!

Magneto made up his mind to use his strongest move.

This move was extremely powerful, but he had never used it in battle.

Because it takes too long to prepare, he also needs to concentrate on controlling the magnetic field during preparation, and has no protection against external damage.

In an ever-changing battle, wouldn't using such a move be like making someone a living target? Any ordinary person could stab him to death if he had no time to look out.

Today's scene is really a God-given opportunity.

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