Liquid decaying substances continued to rise around her. Those decaying dark liquids formed vine spikes. In the blink of an eye, they formed a dark, demonized forest, breaking through the palace and tearing it into pieces. A huge demonized forest envelopes the palace

"What the hell is this? Disgusting."The dwarf warrior who chopped down a black knight was smacking his lips. He stared at the big copper bell-like eyes and stared dumbly at the demonized forest that suddenly enveloped the entire palace.

"Be careful, this is the evil magic of the evil witch queen Evanna, don't get close to the demonized forest!"Hunter Eric's face changed wildly, and he reminded everyone loudly.

However, his reminder was still a little late.

A knight under Prince William had already entered the scope of the demonized forest, and several pitch-black spikes were like It bounced up like a cobra and directly penetrated the knight's body.

The knight let out a scream, and the wound quickly decomposed, and finally turned into a large pool of dark liquid, dripping on the ground.

This mutation made William even more The prince and his party were extremely frightened.

"The power of decay and evil?"Fang Tian glanced at the decayed forest.

He could feel the god-like witchcraft and magic from this forest. Even his body in this world was not easy to get close to.

Because the corrupted forest is obviously the enemy's home ground, even if He can withstand the power of the forest, and his end will definitely be miserable if he is distracted when facing a god-like enemy.

"My brother's murderer! And Snow White!"

"you! How dare you step into my kingdom!"

"Decaying all things will be your final destination, and you, Snow White, your heart will become my sacrifice and become a part of me!"

A scream that pierced the eardrums came from the demonized forest.

A throne made of dark matter slowly formed on the top of the huge demonized forest. A gorgeously dressed, golden helmet, and stunning beauty sat on it. On the dark throne, hysterical hatred appeared in her eyes.

The Witch Queen has brilliant golden hair, perfect appearance, and luxurious temperament. Unfortunately, although she is beautiful, she is always inferior to Snow White.

That is She is far inferior to Snow White in the agility of life, and in Fang Tian's eyes, he can clearly see the true body of this stunning beauty. She is a collection of matter that seems to be the most decadent and filthy in the world, as if The evil sea is rising and falling.

That is the true identity of the Evil Witch Queen, the most evil and filthy aggregate. She and Snow White are as different as the difference between light and darkness.

"The evil witch queen!"Seeing the evil witch queen appear, from Prince William, to the seven dwarf warriors, and even the resistance knights under Prince William, everyone showed their piercing hatred. Almost everyone's relatives and partners were killed by the evil witch queen Evanna. Killed, the hatred between them will never disappear

"A group of tiny ants actually dared to call me by my name! You should call me Your Majesty!"The Evil Witch Queen sneered

"In this case, let you humble lower beings see my power!"

"All corrupted creatures, I call you in the name of your Master. Awake, my servants, the time has come for you to begin your feast!"

The Evil Witch Queen opened her arms and recited some mysterious incantation in a high voice. Some powerful and extremely evil witchcraft waves emitted from the body of the Evil Witch Queen, forming waves of witchcraft waves.

In Under the evil witch queen's incantation, the dark demonized forest began to squirm as if alive, constantly forming the shapes of various creatures, including knights, monsters, huge trolls, and even giants.

In the blink of an eye, countless evil creatures formed an army and walked out of the demonized forest. They were so numerous that they were like an army ocean, at least over ten thousand at a glance.

This was nothing. What was even more terrifying was that these Each of the evil creatures is almost equivalent to the level of a great knight, and the slightly more powerful ones are equivalent to legendary creatures.

Even though their power is much weaker than the strong ones of the same level, their huge and suffocating numbers are enough to crush them. Any kingdom.

This is the true magical power of the evil witch queen, the power of a god-like witch!

At this moment,Prince Lian and other warriors finally understood the reason why the evil witch queen led the evil army hundreds of years ago to ravage the continent and destroy countless kingdoms, but no one could stop it.

Her true power is enough to make the world tremble. If it were not for the limited coverage of the corrupted land, she could not leave the Fatim Kingdom. I am afraid that the entire world would be in catastrophe at this moment.

The evil legion summoned by the Witch Queen's magic marched in a neat square formation and surrounded Fangtian, who only had a few dozen people. For some reason, they stopped and did not launch a charge.

"Isn't it just a summoned beast... If I couldn't reveal my true identity, I would let you know what the undead army is."Fang Tian looked at the evil army with disdain and felt very unhappy.

As a person with the bloodline of the Lord of the Netherworld, the Candle Dragon, the Netherworld creatures he summoned were much stronger than these evil creatures. He could beat them casually.

"And you, kill my dear brother, I have specially prepared a gift for you, come out, my lovely pet, the Dragon of Corruption!"After summoning an evil army, Witch Queen Evana's hateful eyes focused on Fang Tian. She gritted her teeth and said in a voice full of hatred. As soon as she finished speaking, the huge demonized forest squirmed again, and most of the demons The dark matter in the forest was squirming rapidly, forming a huge dark dragon with a body of more than a hundred meters.

It had sharp dragon horns on its head, its whole body seemed to be covered in dark armor, and its eyes were like blazing flames. Burning, the huge body stepped on the ground, causing the earth to shake and causing an earthquake. A huge shadow directly enveloped Fang Tian's group of people.

"Roar!"As soon as this demon dragon appeared, it immediately let out an earth-shaking roar. Under its violent roar, the entire palace seemed to be shaking crazily.

"magic dragon……"

Despair, complete despair! Despair showed on every warrior's face.

Dragon is the top magical beast in this secret world, and it is simply unimaginable that such a magical dragon with a body over 100 meters can crush a castle and turn it into ruins with one kick. In front of such a monster, who can withstand?

"Yo? A creature that is at the pinnacle of the ancestors?"Fang Tian looked at the huge magic dragon, his eyes lit up.

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