This holy light from heaven is enough to instantly annihilate Fang Tian’s body in this world

"heresy! Accept the judgment from heaven!"Michael, the King of Heaven, raised the angel blade high and roared.

The light of judgment in the opened door of heaven was condensed and turned into a platinum beam of light that fell from the door of heaven, falling in the direction at a speed that transcended the concepts of time and space. On Tian's body.

In the face of this divine power that purifies and annihilates everything, Fang Tian suddenly found that his body in this world had no resistance at all.

"It seems that the main body has to come in advance, but whatever, anyway, most of the demon gods in this universe have been purged, and the world will that confuses the will of the universe should also be weakened a lot, so there is no need to hide it anymore."

In the platinum light pillar formed by the light of judgment, Fang Tian felt that his body in this world was being annihilated rapidly. He couldn't help but let out a breath, intending to force his body to come in advance.

Although this would probably make him At the same time, he faced the siege of the Heart of Chaos and the 'Lord', but he couldn't care less.

Just when Fang Tian was about to come to his body, suddenly, huge divine power was integrated into his body, and at that moment, he broke through He broke through the bottleneck of the upper demon god and instantly evolved into the demon king.

But it was at this moment that the black lamp servant Kenonos devoured the unlucky upper demon god from an unknown god.

This upper demon god had no intention of participating in the melee from the beginning. , has been hidden in the small space he created, so that Fang Tian didn't even notice, but at this moment, he was found by the overwhelming Black Lantern Corps, and gave Fang Tian a final push with his own life.

Fang Tian's body in this world evolved into the Demon King in an instant, and a qualitative change occurred. The light of heaven's judgment, which he could not resist just now, no longer seemed so deadly.

Suddenly, small worlds were born and destroyed, reducing the light of heaven's judgment layer by layer.

The pillar of judgment light released by heaven slowly dissipated, and the entire ruins of New York completely disappeared. Not only did New York disappear, the entire mortal earth was pierced by the light of judgment from heaven, forming a bottomless abyss.

"The humble heretic dares to resist the judgment of heaven. It is your honor to turn into light and dust in the light of heaven's judgment."The King of Heaven, Michael, put down the raised angel blade, with a sneer on his face, seeming to be mocking Fang Tian, ​​who was overestimating his own abilities.

"Well, this humble heretic demon has been purified. Although heaven has also lost five of my brothers and sisters and five archangels, it doesn’t matter. The apocalypse has arrived, and the will of the Heavenly Father is awakening."

"Soon, we will be able to completely purify this world, let Heavenly Father absorb all the energy of this world, and raise the throne above the stars. At that time, Heavenly Father will re-create a new universe, and my brothers and sisters will Resurrection in the new heaven for eternity"

"Now, let me personally end your pain and ignite this decadent and chaotic world!"Michael, the King of Heaven, flapped his wings, a kind of fanaticism appeared on his face. His body slowly levitated, and he was about to leave the ruins of New York.

"Wait, Michael, you just want to leave like this?! Don’t you take me too seriously? No one has ever been able to attack me and then leave unharmed."Just when Michael, the King of Heaven, was about to leave, a cold voice sounded from below.

Michael, the King of Heaven, who was about to leave, was stunned. He was suspended in mid-air and his eyes fell downwards. He couldn't help but see the scene he saw. He was stunned for a moment, stunned on the spot.

He saw that in the sky above the abyss pierced by the light of heaven's judgment, the young heretic demon god who should have been completely annihilated in the light of heaven's judgment and transformed into vast dust not only did not die, but There seemed to be a kind of power in his body that made Michael even more frightened.

"This is impossible... Why aren't you dead yet?! There should not be anything in this world that cannot be purified by the light of judgment of heaven's wrath, and neither can I! What exactly is going on?!"Michael, the King of Heaven, stared at Fang Tian and asked in an incredible tone.

"Michael, I have to admit that your paradise is indeed a very powerful force in this chaotic universe. To be honest, you almost killed my clone in this world just now. Unfortunately, you are still unlucky. It happens that I If your clone in this world evolves, you can only blame yourself for your misfortune."

Fang Tian was entangled with an inexplicable divine power of reincarnation. He raised his head and laughed at Michael, the King of Heaven suspended in the sky.

Indeed, it can only be said that Michael is really unlucky.

Who knows that the light of judgment in heaven will be different At the moment when the enemy is annihilated, a high-level demon god will sacrifice himself and become the last straw that breaks the camel's back?

Maybe if this high-level demon god hides for one more second, Fang Tian will be dead at this moment, and the Black Lantern Corps will also be destroyed. Even as ashes, it could survive.

But just this second allowed Fang Tian to break the bottleneck and evolve from a high-level demon to a demon king. After successfully evolving into a demon king, Fang Tian's perfect body of the Candle Dragon God surged in power. , reaching the upper limit of this universe in an instant, at least the peak-level existence of the creator of the single universe, only weaker than his own body. Naturally, the light of heaven's judgment cannot completely annihilate him.

Of course, this is also the fault of Michael, the king of heaven. If he were not so arrogant and ignored Fang Tian from the beginning, but directly used his ultimate move to kill Fang Tian instantly, he might really be able to cause him huge trouble.

"Your alter ego in this world?! You are not the life of our world... what on earth are you?!"Michael, the King of Heaven, noticed Fang Tian's words and immediately became acutely aware of some truth. He shouted and asked

"This is not a secret you should know. Michael, the King of Heaven, just now you hit me with the light of judgment and it hurt a lot. Now it’s my turn. I must be fair. As long as you can catch one of my attacks, I will I won't kill you if I disturb you."Fang Tian looked at Michael, the King of Heaven, coldly and said to him

"Lowly heretic, how dare you insult me!"This very fair proposal was actually regarded as an insult by Michael, the King of Heaven, and he roared angrily

"Perfect Candle Dragon God. Eternal Night!"Fang Tian was too lazy to talk nonsense to the angry King of Heaven Michael. He closed his eyes, and a powerful perfect candle dragon divine power emanated from his body and began to summon the perfect candle dragon divine body. In an instant, a huge body with a body over a kilometer was The red dragon appears between heaven and earth, its huge body goes straight into the clouds.

This red dragon is like the most perfect demon in the universe. Every inch of its body exudes perfect divine power, constantly interweaving and transforming life and harmony. Death, as if the entire universe is constantly undergoing the powerful divine power of reincarnation. Reincarnation.

When this perfect candle dragon appeared, the entire world instantly turned into eternal night, and the lamp servants of the Black Lantern Corps who were undergoing a great purge all looked up to the sky feverishly. , just like looking at the real body.

The fluctuations of divine power that shocked Michael, the King of Heaven, emerged from the body of the Candle Dragon God

"This divine power...this divine power...this is the divine power that brings us closer to our Heavenly Father……"murmured Michael, the King of Heaven.

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