Feeling the growing power in his body, Fang Tian grinned and laughed silently.

In fact, Fang Tian's body at the second-level magic weapon level at this time is already equivalent to the foundation-building realm of a cultivator.

Logically speaking, people in this realm are first-time cultivators of immortality. With magic power running within their bodies, they can cast many spells. Even his body has surpassed that of ordinary people, with every movement of his hands and feet weighing thousands of kilograms.

But Fang Tian has trained himself into a magic weapon, and naturally he cannot use the methods of ordinary immortal cultivators. He can only use various magical powers based on the runes condensed in his body, which is not as diverse as the methods of immortal cultivators.

There are gains and losses. What Fang Tian lost was the diversity of methods, but what he gained was extremely powerful physical defense and strength.

On the aspect of defense, the enemy's power attacking him is equivalent to tempering his body. Coupled with the instinct to refine all things, no matter how you think about it, the gains outweigh the losses.

In terms of strength, the difference between thousands of kilograms and tens of tons is more than ten times.

Therefore, he is very satisfied with his body.

In New York City, the sun is shining brightly today and the sky is blue.

Among the tall buildings, there is a red and blue figure advancing rapidly.

This figure was tightly wrapped in tight clothes, even the eyes.

He raised his wrists and shot out two spider threads. The end of the spider silk automatically opened like a small hand and stuck tightly to the outer wall of the high-rise building.

With strong arms, the figure swayed from a high place into the distance.

On the road below me, vehicles were coming and going like beetles.

He overtook the advancing Beetles one after another, showing his impressive speed.

At this point, Spider-Man was filled with anxiety.

If Fang Tian's guess was correct, Dr. Lizard obtained the Canary equipment. For New York, that would be as disastrous as a war breaking out in the city center.

No one knows how many people will die in this disaster.

Below the road, among the Beetles coming and going, a policeman was directing traffic.

Inadvertently, he looked up and saw that the person echoing above his head was none other than Spider-Man, who was wanted by the police.

He immediately took out his walkie-talkie and reported to the police station:"I found Spider-Man, he went south."

After receiving the report, the police station immediately dispatched all personnel.

Hundreds of police officers, fully armed, wearing body armor, bulletproof helmets, and holding firearms, surrounded Spider-Man from all directions.

The police even dispatched a police helicopter to track Spider-Man's movements.

Hundreds of police officers lay in wait in front of Parker's path, some on rooftops, some under the windows of rooms, and some on standby on both sides of the road.

The anxious Spider-Man didn't notice anything unusual and ran headlong into the dragnet specially prepared for him.

Following the order from the operations captain, the police on the side fired first.

Parker was so anxious that he didn't notice the ambush. He was suddenly attacked, but fortunately his spider sense and agile skills saved him once.

I saw Spider-Man flipping over nimbly in mid-air and already attached to the wall of the roadside building, dodging the sudden blow.

Looking back, I saw policemen everywhere, either brightly or darkly, on dark roads, on roofs of buildings in blind spots, and behind windows.

Spider-Man didn't want to get entangled, he jumped up hard, and his body bounced onto the billboard in front of him.

At the same time, there were several more bullet holes in the wall behind him.

As if performing acrobatics, Parker flashed past several billboards and outdoor stairs, making his whole body flicker in light and dark.

Several gunshots rang out, and the billboard that Parker passed by was hit and exploded, crackling with sparks of electricity.

The police loudspeaker sounded all around:"Spider-Man, you have been surrounded by the police."

"You have no way to escape, surrender now!"

Parker can be considered a good citizen. Even if he was ambushed by hundreds of police for no reason, he had no idea of ​​revenge.

He ignored the police's voice and continued to move forward. He was about to break out of the encirclement.

Around the corner, a sudden gust of wind hit his face. Coming.

It turned out that the police helicopter had arrived.

Spider-Man couldn't help but look up, and his eyes were suddenly dazzled by the sunlight.

He stretched out his hand to block the sunlight, and a bullet flew over and hit Parker who couldn't react in time..

If this is a live bullet, Spider-Man is unlikely to become famous.

After all, Parker is not like Fang Tian, ​​who completely ignores bullets. He is still flesh and blood, and he will still be injured if he is hit by a bullet from the front.

Fortunately, the police tried to capture Spider-Man alive. , so this is an electro-optical bomb.

The electro-optical bomb emitted a burst of dazzling electricity, and Parker twitched and fell from the air in a free fall.

Spider-Man lay on the ground, motionless, as if he had been stunned.

The police on the building Sliding down the rope, Parker was surrounded on the ground from all sides.

At this moment, Parker suddenly jumped up from the ground and slashed a policeman with his knife.

The policeman flew out upside down, hit the vehicle behind, and stopped motionless.

The surrounding policemen were frightened and tried to aim their guns.

But at such a close distance, these actions were in vain.

In the blink of an eye, the policemen were lying on the ground.

(Please vote for collection of flowers)

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