The mighty Transformers Legion, led by Megatron and Optimus Prime, was like a steel knife inserted into the Tal'darin Eldar warrior army that had lost its Archon.

Although the Tal'darin Protoss Troops were numerous in number, their defense was vast, their military power was not concentrated, and their command was chaotic. They were no match for the powerful Transformers Army. They were quickly crushed by the protoss and pushed all the way to the Protoss. At the temple.

Then, ordinary Transformers formed a strong defense line under the leadership of Megatron, and Optimus Prime led a team of Transformers to attack the temple, trying to destroy the temple and take out the Xel'Naga artifact parts in the temple.

"it's over!"When Fang Tian saw such a scene, he knew that the situation was over.

Megatron and Optimus Prime joined forces to make sharp knives, which was beyond the ability of ordinary troops to stop.

Sure enough, just as Fang Tian expected, two hours later, Optimus Prime Tianzhu successfully destroyed the Protoss Temple and took out one of the components of the Xel'Naga artifact.

Subsequently, the Transformers Legion destroyed another wave of incoming Protoss troops, captured two 17 Colossi, and took Thrall with them. Naga artifact parts returned to the mechanical planet in great force

"Creator."Three unmanned fighter planes dragged the captured Protoss colossus and flew back to the machinery hall. They quickly transformed into Transformers, crawled on the ground, and saluted Fang Tian.

One of the leading Transformers raised his hands and used the Xel'Naga artifact. Parts dedicated to Fang Tian

"Fire source, giving life!"Fang Tian glanced at the two still struggling Colossi of the Gods, and with a flick of his finger, two fire source sparks fell into the colossi. The

Colossus that absorbed the Fire Source stopped struggling and returned to silence. Soon, the Colossus of the Gods It began to vibrate and quickly transformed into two medium-sized Transformers.

"Creator!"As soon as the two Transformers transformed from the giant statues of the gods appeared on the ground, they knelt down and worshiped the creator who gave them life.

"It worked."Fang Tian is very satisfied.

Regardless of whether the transformed Colossus of the Gods has any special features in combat, the successful transformation at least shows that the technology of the Gods can also be transformed into Transformers.

In other words, the source of fire is not only useful for human technology. There is natural suppression, and it has the same suppression power against the Gods.

At least, when fighting the Hunyuan Body in the future, he will not be afraid of the violent Hunyuan Body's offensive.

Even Fang Tian also covets the Gods' mothership.

I don't know about the Gods. The ultimate war weapon mothership is transformed into Transformers. How powerful can it be?

"Okay, you all go down."Fang Tian waved his hand and ordered the Transformers who were kneeling before him.

"Yes, the Creator."The Transformers transformed one after another, turning into Viking fighter jets and ordinary Protoss colossi, returning to the berth inside the mechanical planet and parking.

Fang Tian grabbed the Xel'Naga artifact and left a message to everyone in the mechanical hall. After he needed to retreat, he disappeared again

"Hey, Jim, have you seen it? It’s really amazing. Master Fang Tian can actually give life to even the giant statue of the gods and turn it into a mechanical life!"

"After the rise of mechanical life in the future, I am afraid that even the gods will not be their opponents. Maybe Lord Fang Tian's army can really conquer the entire universe."After Fang Tian disappeared, Tychus said to Jim Renault with emotion on his face.

"So... is he a savior, a new tyrant... or a destroyer who will destroy the world?"Jim Renault looked gloomy and said to himself in his heart.

…… late at night.

Inside the mechanical planet, Jim Raynor tossed and turned on the bed in his cabin, unable to fall asleep. He got up from the bed and looked at the vast universe through the transparent window of the cabin.

A cigar was lit by Jim Renault. He took a deep puff and blew out a smoke ring, with strong worry in his eyes.

The more powerful Fang Tian showed, the more powerful the Transformers became, and he became more and more uneasy. Jim Raynor saw a lot of horrors in the Transformers, a new species in the universe.

First of all, this species is not like the gods, humans, or even the Zerg, which needs to reproduce in order to grow.

They can directly transform from machines into powerful mechanical beings. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

In other words, as long as there are enough factories to produce spaceships and battleships, mechanical life can be continuously born.

Moreover, the mechanical life force that was just born is extremely powerful.

Transformers transformed from ordinary fighter jets can defeat the same type of fighter jets one by one without any training.

The two Transformers kings transformed from the interstellar cruise battleship are even more invincible. No one can defeat them except Kerrigan, the Queen of Blades, or some powerful individual ancient beings.

After all, they are equivalent to battleships that are alive and can move freely. Their flexibility is not comparable to that of ordinary battleships.

Now Jim Raynor has discovered that the"Twisted Creator" can also transform the war weapons of the gods into Transformers.

So, what would happen if the Protoss aircraft carrier, or even the Protoss 580 protoss mothership, were captured and transformed into Transformers?!

Such a new species simply combines all the advantages of the three major races: humans, gods, and Zerg.

Although the twisted creator said that he was not hostile to the human race and would not target the human race, Jim Raynor, who had dealt with Mengsk before he became a tyrant and suffered a great loss, would not believe anyone easily.

If this new species grows enough to wipe out the three major races, who knows what the"twisted creator" who is definitely not human thinks about what if he wants to wipe out the human race? []

Jim Raynor can even imagine that scene.

The overwhelming Transformers were densely packed towards one planet after another. As soon as the human fleet assembled, they were transformed into enemies.A part of them, and then merged into an even more terrifying tide, rushing towards each star field.

The planets colonized by humans are burning, and tens of billions and hundreds of billions of humans are being slaughtered.

No one can resist such a catastrophe.

When that day comes, it will be a nightmare even more terrifying than the rise of the Zerg.

"I have to stop this!"Jim Raynor said to himself...

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