At the same time, the four Murasame-class destroyers guarding the surrounding area also took action.

Their naval guns are smaller in caliber and have a shorter range, but the same cannot be said for their ship-based missiles. The Sea Sparrow anti-aircraft missile in the vertical launcher ignited and flew towards the target locked by the radar.

The guided shell fired by Kirishima's main gun has a shell made of special high-quality steel. The body and side walls of the shell are covered with 3,000 small tungsten blocks, and the inner cavity is filled with high-energy explosives. During the flight of the shell, a radio is used to Command guidance mode, accurately fly to Fangtian's position.

Even a warship made of steel will be directly beaten into a sieve under the continuous shells.

Dark clouds covered the sky, and the entire sea area turned into darkness. In this state, normal humans will never be able to see projectiles flying at supersonic speeds. Of course, this does not include Fang Tian.

As his thoughts moved slightly, a dark hole appeared in front of Fang Tian.

The projectile that was supposed to shake the world hit the hole and made no sound.

While intercepting the supersonic shells, he also struck down a few bolts of lightning to detonate the Sea Sparrow anti-aircraft missile that had not flown far.

The anti-aircraft missile was detonated at close range, and the crews on the four destroyers immediately suffered a great disaster. Shrapnel flew everywhere and embedded on the deck made of special steel. The deafening explosion made everyone dizzy and made them want to vomit.

Some of the unlucky ones were cut in half directly by shrapnel, and their bodies were broken into two sections and howled and struggled, but they could not die.

The bomb loader who came back to his senses was even more frightened and broke into a cold sweat when he looked at the fragments embedded next to the ammunition.

If the ammunition depot was detonated, not a single person on the entire battleship would survive.

With Fang Tian's speed, after a round of attack and defense, he had reached the side of the fleet.

This angle was beyond the capability of the naval gun, and it had already misfired.

As for anti-aircraft missiles, after the shocking scene just now, who would dare to launch them?

Fortunately, with the Kirishima and five battleships, we still have one last resort.

This method is the Phalanx close defense system known as the last line of defense.

The so-called Phalanx is actually a high-speed rotating cannon, but it relies entirely on the built-in radar to automatically search, track, and lock on targets, with extremely fast response and extremely high accuracy. It is designed to intercept missiles.

Each battleship has two Phalanx defense systems. The rate of fire of each Phalanx is 4,500 rounds per minute. The five warships opened fire at the same time, and the 20MM caliber ammunition formed a metal storm, pressing towards the enemy in the sky.

There is nowhere to hide from this metal storm.

Everyone believed that the enemy was absolutely dead.

Of course, they are bound to be disappointed.

The Phalanx, which had high hopes, still failed to produce any results.

In the sky, a crack appeared out of thin air, and the metal storm shot into the crack without any echo.

At this moment, the Kirishima floating on the sea suddenly shook violently.

The captain was unprepared and almost fell. The fear in his heart burst out and he yelled:"Baga! What's going on?"

The soldier in charge of the observation had a trembling voice:"Sir, we are flying!"

Yes, they are flying!.

The Kirishima, which was fully loaded and weighed more than 9,000 tons, gradually broke away from the sea amid violent shaking, and flew up unsteadily. The water stirred up each other, splashing six or seven meters high waves, leaving the battleship on the sea. The dents are filled.

In the swaying battleship, all the soldiers fell into pieces and were unable to make any effective operations.

Of course, even if they can stand firm, what can they do in the face of such an unimaginable thing?

High in the sky, Fang Tian slowly lifted up, and with his movements, the nine-thousand-ton Kirishima broke away from the sea, gradually got into the crack in the sky, and disappeared.

The four Murasame destroyers watched helplessly as the target they were guarding was mercilessly devoured and completely collapsed. Amid screams and shouts, they slowly turned their bows and tried to escape.

In the pitch-black inner space, only the Kirishima had a little light shining through.

Under the light, it was a hellish scene.

The three hundred members on the battleship were rolling around on the ground, grabbing their necks, colliding with each other, and struggling to breathe, but the gas in their lungs dissipated ruthlessly and quickly.

After only a dozen seconds, the capillaries all over these people's bodies had been burst by the internal pressure, dyeing the battleship blood red. The next thing that burst was the fragile eyeball. Three hundred bloody men stared into the dark eyes, squirming for survival, but no sound came out, like a pantomime.

By this time, the person was actually almost dead.

Many people believe that humans will explode due to internal pressure in a vacuum, but this is not the case.

What burst was just the fragile internal organs and capillaries.

All members of the Kirishima were wiped out, and the remaining Murasame-class destroyers were no exception.

They wanted to escape, but how cumbersome are thousands of tons of warships? Up until this point, he had just turned around.

Three minutes later, the sound of gunfire around them finally stopped. The sea surface rose and fell, but there were no traces of several warships.

In the sea, more than a dozen soldiers were struggling to survive. They were the only ones left alive.

Fang Tian ignored the remaining soldiers and focused his attention on the space.

Thousands of tons of warships can be said to be the crystallization of human wisdom. I wonder what the harvest will be if they are refined?

The true fire of Samadhi ignited blazingly, and the steel battleship quickly softened.

The Kirishima gradually disappeared from the bow, as if being swallowed by an invisible mouth.

After refining it completely, Fang Tian smacked his lips and felt his own ability. Probably, it increased by about 1%? Now he has reached the level of a high-grade magic weapon, and if it goes one step further, it will be an immortal weapon.

The Kirishima is made of just ordinary steel, and it can increase his strength by one percent, which is pretty good.

Even small mosquitoes are meat. Anyway, things have reached this point, so we might as well take over all of Japan.

After making up his mind, Fang Tian simply released the sea water in the space again, and the Tianhe reappeared.

He picked a direction at random and flew forward along the coast.

In fact, Japan's navy should be called the Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force. As a defeated country in World War II, Japan's military power is limited. Most of the Maritime Self-Defense Force's warships patrol around the coastline.

As an island country, most of them are coastal cities.

Fang Tian opened the Tianhe River and walked along the coast. This was not only to search for warships, but by the way, most of Japan would be destroyed.

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