The black bald head roared in his heart.

That's just a threat! threaten! Do you know what threat means? Just like when two gangsters meet and don't flash their guns and show force, how can they negotiate?

Suddenly, he looked at Fang Tian, ​​who was calm and composed.

This man knew that a nuclear bomb was coming, but he was so calm? Could it be that he was confident of escaping from the nuclear bomb, or even capable of intercepting it?

At this time, he didn't care about face anymore. He said politely:"Letting the nuclear missile fall will not do any good to Mr. Fang. Can you intercept it?"

Fang Tian looked to the sky noncommittally.

"How many minutes until the nuclear bomb drops? Director SHIELD didn't even think about it

:"It's about to enter the atmosphere. It will arrive in three minutes at most.""

"Then don't worry, I have a very curious question that I need to ask."

"Excuse me! Please ask quickly!"

"Is your government stupid?"

"no!"This answer is decisive.

"Then why not control the missile and fly directly into the sea?"

"This ballistic missile had locked onto the target storage element before launch to prevent interference midway. Fang

Tian nodded and came to a definite conclusion:"You are still an idiot. My hands are empty. What can I use to interfere with it?""

The black bald man felt aggrieved. The most important thing is that this strategic nuclear missile is usually used to deal with the country.

But at this time, no matter how aggrieved he was, he would not say it out loud. He just nodded quickly:"Sir, you are right, please. Sir, take action immediately!"

He finally knew how Coulson felt when he was dealing with the bastard in front of him.

As he spoke, the nuclear bomb had entered the atmosphere, and there was an obvious flame, which was even visible to the naked eye.

In New York City, occasionally someone raised his head , discovered this suspected missile.

But they remained extremely calm.

Just kidding.

We have seen a lot, how could we be caught by just a missile...

Suddenly, they realized that it was a missile! Looking at the trajectory, it was obviously Coming for New York.

On the brightly lit street, a couple screamed:"Run! Aliens are attacking Earth!"

As soon as the voice came out, the army was in chaos. At this moment, Fang Tian appeared. This appearance came with its own lights, which were extremely shining.

In the high sky of the dark night, no one could see his face clearly, but behind him, the red figure was swaying in the wind. The radiant cape had betrayed him deeply.

Soon someone recognized him and shouted in surprise:"It's Superman!""

"Superman is coming! We are saved!

Even most of the panicked citizens have calmed down:"With Superman here, we will definitely not be in danger, why run?""

Unexpectedly, as soon as these words came out, there were quite a lot of people who agreed with them, and there were voices everywhere.

"That's right!"

"No need to run"……

Looking at the noisy scene below, Fang Tian smiled secretly in his heart.

It seems that tomorrow, the entire United States will be flooded with news about Superman saving the world.

When the time comes, I will want to see how those who doubt him end up.

After refining all the battleships in Japan, his overall strength increased by 50%, which naturally included the internal space, which also expanded by 50%.

As his thoughts turned, his figure flickered.

The ballistic missile's terminal speed of Mach 20 is enough to exceed any human reaction speed. Even a computer-controlled anti-missile system will lose more than it wins when faced with it.

But in front of Fang Tian, ​​it was still too rigid.

In just a few flashes, Fang Tian was already close to him.

In the sky, a large dark red net formed out of thin air, with the nuclear bomb shrouded in it.

Silently, the entire warhead of the nuclear bomb fell apart and shattered into small pieces the size of fingernails, which did not even have time to explode. Conveniently collect the broken pieces all over the sky into the space, and the crisis is solved.

Things that seem extremely dangerous to others are so easy for him.

When destroying the nuclear bomb, Fang Tian had a bad idea and specially left its tail shell.

Holding the tail shell, he gradually descended and threw it away from the crowd with a clang.

Soon some bold people gathered around.

There were several girls jumping up and down on the ground, screaming:"Mr. Superman! Please look here! I'm your fan!""

"I love you and I want to have a baby with you!"

"Get out! Damn it, Superman is mine!"

"be mine! Shouting

, the two girls started fighting regardless of their appearance.

Many people were also interested in the shell he threw down, and they came over to look at it.

"This doesn't look like an alien thing.

A thin man wearing glasses said hesitantly:"What's wrong with this? It seems to be the casing of our country's strategic missile?"

The person next to him who was taking pictures with his mobile phone became excited:"This is big news!" Take the video and put it on YouTube, I'm going to go viral!"

After hearing the words below, Fang Tian felt relieved.

Originally, he was worried that no one would be able to recognize this burnt black thing.

A clear voice resounded:"This thing is probably a nuclear bomb casing. You don't want it. If you get close, call the police immediately!"

The crowd roared and backed away.

Nuclear bomb?

Will there be radiation?

Everyone was shocked and angry. Who is so crazy that he threw a nuclear bomb into the city?

It seems that the US government will have a headache tomorrow.

And S.H.I.E.L.D. After filling the gap with the government, Fang Tian felt happy both physically and mentally. He ignored the calls below and flew towards the villa.

Some crazy fans tried to catch up with him, but the speeds of both sides were not at the same level at all. In an instant, He was dumped without a trace.

In the villa, Director S.H.I.E.L.D. looked much more relaxed, and it seemed that he already knew the news that the nuclear bomb had been intercepted. But the Black Widow, who acted as a bodyguard, was still vigilant.

Walking past the graceful Black Widow, Fang Tian reluctantly I couldn't help itching my hands, so I suddenly attacked them and kneaded them a few times.

"Okay, okay, it feels really good!"

Suddenly attacked, Natasha moved very quickly and subconsciously drew her gun and fired.

In less than three seconds, the entire magazine was empty.

Fang Tian let go lightly, and yellow-orange bullets fell to the ground with a clatter. A clear and sweet collision sound:"I pinch you a few times, you shoot me a few times, it's even."

Black Widow was furious:"Rogue!" Who is even with you? The black bald man stopped him:"Okay, Natasha, we have to thank Mr. Fang for his help in this matter today.""

"There is no need to thank you. You should go back and think carefully about how to explain to the people tomorrow about launching nuclear bombs to them!"

"What! ?"

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