In fact, Iron Man's symptoms of palladium poisoning still exist. It's just that the shrapnel in his blood vessels has been removed, and he can safely take out the Ark reactor embedded in his body.

Whether or not to take out the Ark reactor depends on Tony's own opinion.

In his previous life, some people believed that Iron Man was unwilling to remove the Ark reactor from his body because he regarded it as a part of his body.

Now it seems that this view is completely nonsense. After hearing Fang Tian's question, he did not hesitate:"Of course I have to take it out. Who is willing to die if he can live?" There is no need to say more about the next situation. The only thing worth mentioning is, When Fang Tian was treating his injuries, the rapidly growing flesh and blood could not squeeze out the iron knot in front of him. As a last resort, he had to violently pull it out.

According to Jarvis, the scene was extremely bloody.

Iron Man really screamed at the top of his lungs. Even though the sound insulation of the medical room was excellent, Pepper standing outside the door still heard the faint scream.

Fortunately, with ample life force, the minor injury to his throat was repaired in the blink of an eye.

Of course, Tony was not grateful to Fang Tian at all. He even thought that his heart had been pulled out just now, and he still has lingering fears.

He should have known earlier that he shouldn't have trusted this bastard Fang Tian. It was painless and non-invasive. This was simply a level that would leave a psychological shadow.


Fang Tian wanted to attract the attention of Osborne Enterprises, but in fact he was just talking about it. Regarding business operations, it was naturally left to Pepper and Gwen to handle the specific matters.

A large-scale acquisition plan like this cannot be completed in a day or two. If the efficiency is low, it may be delayed for several years.

Time passed gradually, and preparations were carried out in an orderly manner under confidentiality.

Until this day, Jarvis, who was always paying attention to the news, conveyed a message to Fang Tian.

The controller of Osborne Enterprises, Norman Osborn, died of illness, and Harry Osborne will become the controller of Osborne Empire.

Isn't this a sign of the appearance of the Electric Man?

To be honest, Fang Tian had to admit that in addition to being interested in Osborn himself, he was also interested in Electro's abilities. Of course, think about it, would it be nice and beautiful to transform into lightning and move at the speed of light in the power grid?

Thinking of this, he couldn't sit still anymore.

Fang Tian decided to go to Osborne Company to meet the future Electro-Operator, Max.

Fortunately, this is not difficult for him to do.

In the Osborne Building, people were coming and going.

The entire building looks like new, and the damage caused by the battle between Dr. Lizard and Fang Tian has been completely repaired, leaving no trace.

At this time, Fang Tian, ​​a stranger, stood openly and openly in the hall, but no one could see him.

"Jarvis, how do you hack into this building's database?"

"Sir, you are violating the law."He is just an artificial intelligence. After fulfilling his duty to persuade, he still explained:"The database of Osborne Tower is not connected to the Internet. If you want to invade, you can only physically separate me from the people in the building. LANs connected to each other"

"Of course, a lot of confidential data is stored encrypted. Without the key, even if the data is stolen, it will be difficult to decrypt it."

What Fang Tian wants is not the confidential data.

As long as his plan succeeds, the entire Osborne will fall into his hands. By then, all the secrets will be open to him.

During the conversation, a security guard may have heard something He came over suspiciously and looked around.

Naturally, he would not find anything. He scratched his forehead and muttered in a low voice:"It's strange, I clearly heard a sound here!""

Bypassing the security guard and heading towards the computer room in a familiar way, Fang Tian was still a little emotional.

Thinking about the past, he wanted to invade the Osborne Building, and he wanted to take advantage of Dr. Lizard's opportunity to take the blame. But now, it is like entering a deserted land.

The entire computer room is heavily guarded, and there are armed security guards outside the door.

If you want to enter, you must pass fingerprint verification. There are also infrared alarm systems and quality inspection alarms in the room.

This is made by Fang Tianzao There was no obstacle.

As my thoughts turned, a completely transparent figure appeared silently in the computer room.

The small watch automatically deformed and extended an interface.

Plug in the interface, and all that's left is to wait.

Maybe it's Javi Osborne's efficiency was too high, or Osborne's firewall was vulnerable. Soon, Fang Tian got the information he wanted.

Looking at the photos projected in front of him, Fang Tian murmured to himself:"I found you!"

It's better to come early than to come at a good time.

The founder of the company died, and all the staff in the entire building were given leave today and are evacuating one after another.

Max, who is an electrical engineer, is no exception.

He followed People were walking out.

When they were about to reach the elevator, they were suddenly stopped by someone:"Oh! Max, you stay"


"There's a current problem over there in the genetics lab. You go take care of it. Max suppressed his anger:"Today is my birthday. Everyone else has left, why should I stay?""

He didn't get an answer.

The man who stopped him kept walking and had already entered the elevator.

Through the gap, an insincere voice came:"Happy birthday."

The whole building was empty, except for Max's lonely figure.

The whole thing was clearly seen by Fang Tian, ​​who was suspended next to him. It has to be said that Max seemed tall and tall, but he was a submissive person. Faced with this situation, he just took a few deep breaths, suppressed his anger, and climbed towards the biopower generation tower. The biopower generation tower uses genetically modified electric eels to generate electricity. An electric eel thicker than an adult's arm and a mile long, rolled and swam in an independent tempered glass cabin.

In the cabin, there were tiny flashes of electric light from time to time, reflecting the menacing appearance of these electric eels.

This scene would have appeared to ordinary people. People would probably be frightened when they saw it. But Max was obviously used to it.

He looked at the flashing console and quickly found the problem.

"Okay, it's just a small problem. I'll treat it for you right now."

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