Fang Tian did not expect that after surviving the catastrophe, he would receive such a rich gift, dozens of times more than he expected. According to the will of the universe that was deeply malicious to him, such a gift should not happen.

Later, he reflected that although the will of the universe was extremely disgusted with his existence, during the tribulation, it sent down such a powerful tribulation to destroy him.

But in turn, the Universal Will must also obey the rules.

If he had withstood the catastrophe, he should be compensated..

This power of the origin of the universe was so strong that Fang Tian felt it almost instantly. The power broke through the upper limit of 9999 tons and reached 30,000 tons.

At the same time, his body was undergoing transformation, and densely packed mysterious runes appeared in his body.

These runes fused together, and combined the abilities of gravity and electromagnetic force, forming inexplicable energy like the Big Bang, which began to merge with the space in the body, and actually produced the power of the world, and was building a small world.

Fang Tian's eyes lit up. Could this be the greatest ability gained by being promoted to an immortal weapon?

Immortal artifacts breed small worlds within the body, which have evolved to the extreme. Divine artifacts such as Tai Chi Tu, the legendary creation artifact that suppresses endless chaos, and the Donghuang Bell can even breed three thousand worlds in the body. A single thought can cause a world to collapse.

Although Fang Tian's small world has just begun to be built, as he becomes stronger and stronger, the small world in his body will become larger and larger, and eventually it will even grow into a complete universe. As the small world grows, he will also have The power of the world.

It is conceivable that when the world in Fang Tian's body evolves into a universe, what is the concept? If he blasts it out casually, he will have the power of a universe. It can even be said that this has surpassed the concept of power.

Not only that, Fang Tian's body began to evolve into an immortal body.

He originally possessed Wolverine's self-healing ability, Dr. Lizard's regeneration of severed limbs, and Viper Woman's shedding of skin to replace death. These abilities spontaneously merged together, and under the formation of the original power, a more powerful ability.

Immortal body!

Somehow, he instantly grasped the information about his body's new abilities.

This is an immortal body! It means that Fang Tian completely possesses an immortal body. Except for the replacement disaster of the destruction of the entire universe, he will be reborn instantly even if there is only a drop of blood left.

Even for the top powerhouse in the universe like Thanos, the suppression of his rules will gradually weaken.

Even his speed is incredibly close to the speed of light.

In the past, he had acquired the ability of the Electro-Optical Man, which allowed him to turn his body into invisible current and move at the speed of light in the power grid, but this method was too limited and he rarely used it.

And now, this is the speed of light in the universe!

To put it bluntly, he could hit the entire earth through just one hit.

Compared with the speed of light, he is now qualified to touch time. As he evolves, he may one day even be able to travel through time and space and change the rules of time.

As the space within the body evolved into a small world, the spatial perception ability improved by leaps and bounds, evolving to the point where it could search a continent.

As long as Fang Tian has a thought, he can use his spatial perception to search the entire America. Anything that happens in the Americas cannot be hidden from his perception.

As for other abilities, he has not tested them yet. Only after he returns to Earth will he be able to strengthen his abilities such as laser light. very good, very powerful!

Fang Tian licked his lips, feeling the power surging in his body, and was very excited

"Despicable bug!"At this moment, Thanos roared crazily from the darkness of the universe. He crossed the universe and rushed towards Fang Tian.

Thanos' purple face was twisted, showing a furious expression. He could no longer suppress his madness. Anger.

This lowly human being, who is as small as an ant, doesn't know what ability he uses to attract such powerful annihilation energy. If he didn't have the Infinity Gauntlet, he would probably be completely annihilated in this terrifying annihilation energy! What a shame!

What a shame!

He is Thanos, the destroyer of stars, the ultimate terrifying being for billions of lives in the universe. For countless years, he has never suffered such a big loss. He almost lost his life. The Chitauri legion under his command was almost completely wiped out..

Thanos vowed to catch this damn bug, then throw him into the most terrifying dark purgatory planet, and torture him forever and ever.

"Little brother, eldest brother is leaving first and I’ll treat you to dinner another day!"When Fang Tian saw Thanos rushing towards him, he smiled brightly, turned into a golden beam, and flew towards the door of space. This space in the universe seems to be very close to the earth, but in fact it is not. In fact


The distance between the two is infinite. It is relying on the huge power of the Rubik's Cube to open the space-time wormhole that connects the two.

In other words, as long as he crosses the door of space and closes it, Thanos has nothing to do with him. Method

"That madman...what on earth did he do?……"Loki, suspended in the universe, saw with his own eyes that Fang Tian triggered the catastrophe. The terrifying catastrophe wiped out most of the famous dark army in the universe.

Even the overlord of the universe, the Dark Titan Thanos, was ripped apart by the terrifying energy and suffered a big loss. Now he is chasing Fang Tian like crazy.

The hair on Loki's body stood up, and he could not describe the horror of the annihilating energy.

He knew that if he hadn't been too far away from the energy of annihilation and had just a little contact, his fate would have been as miserable as those of the Chitauri army, being wiped out without any resistance.

Just looking at the billions of troops turned into a few kittens, Loki felt numb all over.

That lunatic... he almost went crazy as he muttered Fang Tian's name.

He didn't understand anyway, how could such a terrifying monster as Fang Tian appear in the low-level life planet of Earth? He was simply not a human being, but a demon! Destroyer! The demon god who appears only at Ragnarok in the legend of the Asi Protoss and destroys everything!

Just when Loki was feeling sorry for himself, Fang Tian turned into a golden beam of light and came to him, dragging him and flying towards the door of space.

"It's getting faster! You stupid bug, go to hell!"Thanos was surprised to find that Fang Tian's speed had become faster, reaching the same speed of light as him in an instant.

He roared angrily, and slammed his huge arm towards Fang Tian.

The purple fist kept beating in the darkness The space was twisted and amplified, like an exploding star hitting Fang Tian.

"It’s impossible not to answer!"Fang Tian looked at the fist that was getting closer and closer to him, with a smile on his face. After being promoted to the immortal weapon, he was not as afraid of Thanos' power as before, so he stopped and punched Thanos, Hit it hard from the front.

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