"Superman Fangtian!"

These Japanese bodyguards all knew Fang Tian. After letting out a exclamation, the submachine guns in their hands did not stop firing and fired at Fang Tian more fiercely.

Others did not know it, but they knew clearly that the old owner of Yashida Enterprises, Yashida Ichiro was killed by this superman who claimed to be the god and savior of the world. Even their former colleagues were killed like mowing grass.

Fang Tian sneered and the figures disappeared immediately.

Several of them disappeared. The Japanese bodyguards only felt that the golden light overwhelmed their pupils, and their eyes were burned by the dazzling light. Before they came into contact, they had already lost their vision.

Then there was the roar of the sky breaking, and the next moment, they lost consciousness.

Speed ​​and power complement each other. With Fang Tian's current physical strength and speed close to the speed of light, he can punch through the earth.

Of course, there is no need to be so exaggerated when dealing with these people.

Fang Tian did not do anything unnecessary With just a slight collision, these Japanese bodyguards were burned to ashes and disappeared. The golden rainbow light was like a torrent, instantly shooting into a quaint attic in the Japanese courtyard, and the entire attic suddenly collapsed into There was a pile of ruins.

The golden light penetrated the attic and stopped in the air. Fang Tian grabbed Yukio's throat with one hand.

"Tell me, what do you want to do?! Stir up a war between me and the X-Men, frame me? trouble making?"Fang Tian said coldly to Xue Xu, who was turning blue.

"You are indeed here... You devil, you will submerge Japan. I foresaw it. Tens of millions of Japanese died in your hands. Kill me! I will curse you forever under the underworld."Xue Xu smiled miserably and replied

"Did you really foresee that?"Fang Tian frowned, and a world power containing spiritual power was absorbed into Xuexo's mind, and he began to search Xuexo's memory.

Xuexu was shocked by his mind, and he let out a muffled groan, and his pupils suddenly Turned pale and lost consciousness.

Soon, Fang Tian searched out the memory fragments of Yukio's foresight.

Japan was submerged by the monstrous seawater, and thousands of Japanese civilians were swallowed by the seawater, turning into corpses floating in the sea. In the sea water, countless sea beasts bite these dead bodies, and a figure is suspended in the sky of Japan. That is him

"Huh? It’s weird, it’s true? But I have absolutely no idea of ​​destroying Japan."

Originally, Fang Tian thought that Yukio wanted to take revenge, sparking conflicts between him and the X-Men. Unexpectedly, he searched the memory fragments in Yukio's mind to confirm the authenticity of the vision, which made him frown even deeper.

"Is someone pretending to be me? No, judging from the aura of this person, it is indeed me. However, why is this scene like now? Like it's about to happen?"

Fang Tian noticed that the scene in Xue Xu's vision was very similar to where he was now. Under the land submerged by the sea, there seemed to be this Japanese garden.

"stop! Let go of Yukio!"At this moment, a woman's angry shout rang out.

Immediately afterwards, an entire army of fully armed Japanese bodyguards surrounded Fang Tian. Behind this group of bodyguards, Mariko, who was wearing a samurai uniform, had anger in her eyes. Xiong Xiong seems to be eager to burn Fang Tian directly to ashes.

"Mariko? What a grand occasion."Fang Tian looked at the surrounding encirclement. Countless Japanese bodyguards aimed at him with submachine guns and rocket launchers, and sneered disdainfully.

Mariko is Ishishida Ichiro, the granddaughter of the Silver Samurai.

In the movie of her previous life, she She is Wolverine's woman.

Last time he arrived in Japan and killed the Silver Samurai, he lost all interest and went home directly. He had never seen the heroine in the movie.

Unexpectedly, he would meet him under such circumstances now.

"Fang Tian! I have notified the Ministry of Defense that thousands of missiles are already locked on you. As long as you make any movement, these missiles will attack you! Even if you are really made of steel, you will be reduced to ashes in the sea of ​​missiles! Even if I die together with you, I won’t hesitate."Mariko glared at Fang Tian and threatened.

"missile?"Fang Tian was surprised and a little funny at the same time.

This Mariko is really arrogant and knows too little about him. Not to mention thousands of missiles, even nuclear bombs, what can they do to him? It can't break his defense at all.

It's just this He finds it funny that a woman is so clever

"I'm so scared! There are thousands of missiles aimed at me. If you have the ability, just launch them!"Fang Tian threw Xuexu on the ground and said disdainfully

"emission!"Mariko, who had never realized the true face of the Silver Samurai, hated the enemy in front of her who killed her dearest relatives.

She had already prepared the thought of dying together, gritted her teeth, took out a red button device from the samurai uniform, and directly Pressed it.

Japanese Defense Ministry, government agency building

"Miss Mariko has confirmed the target and the target has been locked! The missile launch authorization signal has been determined and is waiting for launch! Sir, please confirm!"A senior officer of the Japanese Self-Defense Force saw the red signal on the electronic screen and turned his head to ask for instructions.

"Confirm, launch! Even if Kyoto is destroyed, this demon must be killed!"The head of the Japanese Ministry of Defense clenched his fists and nodded heavily.

As the missile launch signal was confirmed, countless missile vehicles launched missiles from hidden bases throughout Japan, and thousands of missiles spitting flames. , suddenly filled the Japanese sky.

The missiles passed like a meteor shower, shocking everyone in Japan.

"What's going on? Has World War III started? Why were so many missiles launched?"

"What happened... is the end of the world coming!"

The Japanese people shouted in despair

"Was it really launched?"Fang Tian raised his head and saw thousands of flaming missiles flying towards him. He was surprised for a second and then recovered.

Think about it, after all, he destroyed the Japanese Self-Defense Force Navy last time, and also Tokyo was almost destroyed.

If the Japanese government learned that he might raise seawater to flood Japan, such a reaction would not be surprising. It seems that the Yashida family has recovered well and has a considerable influence on the Japanese government.

"act recklessly."Fang Tian sneered, flew into the sky, and hit the rain of missiles head-on.

"It must succeed!"In the satellite footage, all officials from the Japanese Ministry of Defense clenched their fists and prayed in their hearts.

"This demon must be killed!"Mariko on the ground was also silently looking forward to Amaterasu.

Fang Tian in the sky looked at the thousands of missiles flying towards him, smiled slightly, and gently released the force of gravity, shrouding the thousands of missiles in an incomparable force. in the field

"Come all over!"Fang Tian gently hooked his fingers, and the trajectories of thousands of missiles were changed by him, and the clusters flew towards him.

"This time I will show you how stupid the idea of ​​trying to kill me is."Fang Tian did not take these missiles into his body for refining. Instead, he smiled slightly, did not take any evasive or defensive measures, and let thousands of missiles fall on him and explode at once. Under

Fang Tian's control, thousands of missiles fell on him and exploded at once. All missiles fell on him and exploded at the same time in an instant.

After an earth-shattering noise, a huge burning fireball appeared in the sky, emitting heat waves like the sun. The shock wave visible to the naked eye spread to the surroundings, destroying half of the The Tokyo sky was covered with a layer of fiery clouds.

It was enough to shock the eardrums, like the loud noise erupting from thousands of volcanoes, spreading at the speed of sound, and could even be heard clearly in the Japanese island nation.

The people below were shaken and staggered, stunned Watching thousands of missiles explode at the same time. It seemed like another sun appeared in the sky. It is indescribable to describe the shock at this moment.

"Success!"Officials from the Japanese Ministry of Defense all cheered

"The devil has been killed!"Mariko shed tears in her eyes. A voice in her heart seemed to be released, and said silently,"Grandpa, I avenged you."

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